Monday, February 27, 2017

business lawyer

business lawyer

my name is les nessman reporting for wolfpackreality network. we are outside of small claims court where there is quite a commotion. studentsfrom all over campus are here because of the wave of missing laptops. dozens of computershave been stolen from students while they were studying in the library. the plaintiffin this civil action is claiming her two hundred dollar reward, the plaintiff returned thecomputer to the student listed on the reward poster in the library.all rise, oh yay, oh yay, oh yay, small claims court for the district of [inaudible] is readyfor the dispatch of business, his honor dale miller is present and residing [inaudible].please be seated. the next case mitt versus johnson, ms. johnson are you present?present your honor.

mr. johnson are you present?present your honor. my review of the complaint of court papersindicate that this dispute is for 20 dollars. the deputy sheriff served a summons, signedthe document and returned one copy. the defendant is here, the amount is less than five thousanddollars and this court has jurisdiction. plaintiff are you ready? defendant are you ready? mr.bailiff you may swear in the parties and their you promise to tell the truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth so help yougod? i swear.plaintiff you may begin. i took a break from studying in the librarywhen i saw a poster on the hall bulletin board,

i would like to introduce this poster intoevidence. this poster is one i put up all over campusso i have no problem with it being placed into evidence.okay this poster will be marked as the plaintiff's evidence number 1.your honor i called and called the number on the poster all day long and no one answered.that evening i went to the address listed on the poster, the roommate of the owner ofthe computer answered the door and said that the owner was not home. i gave the roommatethe laptop in exchange for a written receipt for the computer. i waited weeks and weeksand never heard anything and still your honor some two months later i still have never beenpaid, that is my case.

your honor it is true that ms. smith had droppedoff my laptop when my roommate was at home. it is also true that she was given a notesaying she had returned it. however when ms. smith came to the door my roommate recognizedher, she works at the library. ms. smith has always been seen lurking around the librarywhen computers seem to go missing; it is his belief that she is the one that's been stealingall these computers. order in the court or i will have the bailiffclear out the room. my roommate said he could look into her eyes...objection the roommate is not here to testify, it is not fair.your honor my roommate had to work, he had no other option.did you subpoena your roommate as your witness?

no, sir i had no idea the subpoena was required.the subpoena forms are in the deputy clerk's office, plaintiff your objection is sustained,defendant you may not quote your roommate. well, i saw on tv that it's all right if aletter is used in court. objection the roommate is still not here totestify, i cannot ask him questions. objection is sustained.your honor i prepared my entire case based on the fact that my roommate had this notarized,it was done in front of a public notary. objection the roommate is still not here totestify, i cannot ask him questions. the notarized letter is inadmissible in court because it'snot giving me my rights. the letter and a notarized document are both[inaudible] and inadmissible.

your honor i was interviewed by the campusdetective as well on this matter. well brian you were very smart to call thecampus police so we could put a stop to this, so many people's computers have been stolenall over campus, the owners are all very upset. i'll take some fingerprints and run some testson your computer in the mean time i suggest avoiding contact with ms. smith.should i pay her the 200 dollar reward or no?that's up to you we don't give advice in civil matters, if she does turn out to be thiefand you paid her the 200 dollar reward it might be very difficult to get your moneyback. thanks for your help officer.based on the campus detective's opinion it

is my case and i'm not going to pay ms. smith,that is my case. anything further from the plaintiff?anything further from the defendant? very well my decision will be based upon thetestimony and evidence heard in court today, my decision will be sent to you in the mailwithin no less than ten days. the judge has the right to reserve and delayhis decision. if you would like to know the judges decision, please your opinion as tohow the court should rule to ron underscore campbell at ncsu dot edu for wolfpack realitytelevision we hope you have enjoyed the preceding case.


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