Friday, February 24, 2017

bar certified lawyer

bar certified lawyer

you just went through a divorce, and you'renot happy with the way you were represented by your divorce attorney. hi, i'm robert todd,and i'm here to answer the question, how do i sue my divorce attorney? well, first ofall, if you believe that your attorney has committed malpractice, there are statutesavailable in all fifty states to allow you to sue for malpractice, but you're going tohave to find an attorney who will testify against your attorney and sometimes that'svery difficult to do. perhaps the better course of action is to consider reporting your divorceattorney to the state bar grievance committee. every state has a state bar grievance committee,and those grievance, those grievance committees are charged with the responsibility of overseeingand regulating all attorneys that practice

in your state. so, if your attorney has, infact, done something wrong, the grievance committee is going to determine whether thatis, in fact, the case and deal with it appropriately. i'm robert todd, and thank you for watching.


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