Thursday, February 16, 2017

ask a lawyer online

ask a lawyer online

it's important to report your car accidentto your insurance company in a fairly reasonable time after the accident. if your contractof insurance with your insurance company requires you to report your accident to them, so youwant to make sure you do that and comply with the policy terms, because as we discussedin some other videos, there's some benefits on your policy that may apply. so you wantto make sure you comply with all of the provisions. many times when your injured in an automobileaccident the other side's insurance company will contact you and sometimes they'll contactyou pretty quickly. what you should do, is only give them the information that indexesthe accident. what i mean by indexing the accident is, i'm talking about your name,your address, the other parties name, your

date of birth, those sort of things are fine.what you want to stay away from is specific facts regarding the accident and specificfacts regarding your injuries. remember, the insurance adjuster can be very savvy and verywell prepared before they talk to you. they're not on your side and what they're trying todo is get information they can use against you. so you just want to give them enoughinformation to index the claim, name, address, contact information, that sort of thing sothat you can find out how serious the accident is, how badly you're hurt and address theother issues at a later time. many people ask whether or not they need alawyer to handle their case? and the answer is, that depends. typically, if you have anysort of serious injury, that means an injury

that keeps you out of work, injury that leavesyou with a disability, any sort of scarring or obviously anything permanent for you ora family member, you should consult an attorney and make sure your rights are properly protected.a good personal injury attorney will advise you as to whether or not you need an attorneyand should walk you through the process and keep an eye on your case so that if it becomesa case where you do need an attorney, their in a position to tell you so and take overthe representation. it's very common for a person involved ina car accident to feel fine immediately after the accident and then develop problems andsymptoms as time goes on. that's the reason why it's very important not to go into thefacts of your injuries or the facts of an

accident right after the accident, becauseyou may well feel fine and if you say that, that will be used against you later. remember,that after you're in an accident, you're in shock, when you're in shock you don't feelpain and you don't feel things that have happened to you. it's kind of like if we go out onthe weekend and play a game of flag football or something like that with our kids, we mayfeel fine right afterwards, but the next day we can be as sore as the dickens. take thatand multiply it by ten and you have a car accident.


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