Friday, February 17, 2017

attorney and lawyer

attorney and lawyer

why do you think that some attorneys arebegging for clients at a $125dollars an hour when others are charging thousands or whateverthey want, because they know that regardless of what they cost, their schedulesare gonna be booked. well its the same reason that there's alarge variance in price in any product in the free market...because there's a huge variance in quality! as an attorney your duties are to research and present the case to the jury and thecourtroom.

in this video i wanna talk to you aboutsome best practices on how to optimize your presentation to give youthe best chance for success. i'm barron cruz and this is the charismamatrix. swoooosh (sound) the courtroom is a stage, and a principle that i what you have inthe back in your mind the entirity of your time spent there is the "tlh triangle," and what that is its three adjectives that describe howyou always want to be being perceived by

the jury and everyone else the courtroom. and that's as trustworthy as a likable and as high status. and in thattrustworthiness component comes an element of intelligence, because oftentimes thosethings are seen kinda hand in hand. so how do we do that well some otherbasics our body language we want to be be a recombinant cooldeliberately in our body language we were already intation typically to be the jury some time the judge

but also early in a court case we wannashow that were competent or any ever when the courtroom work of aperson we're not afraid of anything so we're going to take a shortamount of time already all around the courtroom just for making you know quick phrasesjust begun to show that note so consciously your veterinary better before you're notafraid not intimidated now when it comes to orienting to thejury you do you want to spend a lot of yourtime or unit 2 a.m.

but this leads me to the next point inthat i contact what you wanna be making consistent eyecontact with the jury you don't wanna make anyone feeldiscomfort i'm comparable with your presence and byfocusing on one person for too long staring at them in the jury that's going to create that so be surethat when you or addressing the jury in your body language is very orientedto them don't be too intense don't be too intimidated by staring at one personfor too long now you're torn out he wants to be

if or components the majority the time and the balkan those components is acompetent commanding tone hourly you got everything figured out you knowexactly what happened in your gonna explain it to them but some other little plotters oftonality that you want to work in is interested surprise did and empathetic and i'm gonna get more gmperfect peace and the surprise peace as we continuethe way you express your emotions the courtroom is hugely impact the inswaying to the jury everyone else

in it we want to use our emotions to ourfavor to magnify the attention which is goodfor ourselves and for our case and to dissipate in quickly removeattention when it's not so let's use an example the seattle i'mquestioning he say in your opinion did your passenger knowthe narcotics run the truck aces no i don't think he did yourresponses in your opinion did your passenger okay right on to the next one knoll reactionalmost as if he didn't answer the question

always it never happened because we wantto dissipate that right to answer was not to our best shot let's say you say in your opinion did your passion youknow there are cars in the truck he says yeah i think he did really so he knowingly got into your car knowing that our culture in the truckokay so what you're doing by expressing allthis emotion when you get a response that you want assuming you the prosecution you are

do two things number one people just tome and with emotion levels are high just natural breast zone and we're creaturesa deletion so we see something out of place a highemotion we zone it we want the jury want to judge what ever want to hone in onthat but number two were taking advantage up mirror neurons sought nearly runs do inthe jury and everyone else's human beings is theyhelp us relate to other people by creating the same emotion in ass iswhat we see other people experiencing so when i hear that his passenger newtheir cocks restaurant where he got

in i'm should huge surprise actually whywould he get it he the passenger new by doing thatyou're going to create the same emotions in the jury as you're experiencing bydoing at a very powerful piece thanks to all the different ways that you can usethat the courtroom by transfer in your state by transferyour emotional feelings to the jury this is what you wantbecause we all know the people make the ball the decision swayed on emotionsok a little tip here and this is actually very powerful in aweek or a brother situations but specifically the courtroom

it's that the case begins the minute youwalk into that courtroom he may say to be what just the bailiff acourt reporter the judge jury and even in their at does it matter because the minutepeople start performing the many people start formingimpressions at you in their head say it is just the bailout the court reporter they see you walk in you look like aclown versus someone who looks really sharp was use the latter you really sharp get things togetheryour you're creating a very strong

impression their head the minute they see that those 'em thepressures being formed by these adjectives they begin assigning to youto think i'll discard probably knows his stuff is forcopies walking in you tolls non-durables are in place but i'm thinking that but subconsciouslythey are so now the judge in a jury comes in and you already have two people who arenon-verbal expressing that you got your stuff together

that the respect you whenever you talkto looking right at you and that rubs off on other people maybenot hugely but enough for them to begin pouring their impression based on what they see other peopledoing in your presence so don't think that the first time youopen your mouth or or address the jury is the first time aque start no no no is the first time did anyone in thecourtroom sees you so be sure you're on your game theminute you walk in because that impression is beginning

to be created by people there and it'sgonna rub off on other people courtroom obviously in a minute the jury comes inis the military really starts to snowball becausethey're seeing your nonverbal mercy you communicator see everything and there immediately for me yourprecious love you yup what you begin speaking sure you havesixty percent of what they big you figured out and it's going to bevery hard to shake dat once you begin speaking is much moreeasy to confirm the confirmation bias there goes okay sky

walked in you look like a clown he wasjoking around and now he's speaking intelligently butmaybe i don't know maybe he just got this this is the front you put on howtrustworthy guy as opposed to you before you startspeaking sharpy's focus use carpet his totality was strong now we startspeaking any sounds intelligible and he says well but make sexy look thatway algis reaffirms that so be sure thatyour where the committee when release eyes on you especially the jury your be judged that case is alreadystarting to be fought

now another chip if you're evercorrected by the judge you want to never nevernever never give up any indication emotion never sat never mad never angry never combativealways it different as it didn't happen is it you expected back to be what the judgesaid because anytime there's any confrontationbetween you and the judge it shows low status and that's gonnahurt you in a triangle that's where the components that we want you

always to have in the courtroom and thejury's perspective is high status beary importantly that whole i want you to take with thejury is 10 empathy i want them to feel likeyou're a good friend of theirs that's trying to help them make a gooddecision because the minute we step into thatcourtroom the buyer seller dynamic is in place unfortunately as attorneys we're theseller and the buyer therefore they're gonna filtereverything we say tour a lens i love

he want something for me is trying topersuade me he's trying to trick me he's not on my team we want to crush allthat so we want to show signs of honest empathy to get them thinking both consciouslyand subconsciously all this guy just trying to help me make a good decision he's on my team he's a friend of mineknoll combativeness much trustworthiness much likability so how do we do that almost that's gonnabe done through non verbals so when you speak and it's very hard toexplain

and but the in nonverbal you're gonnause for soft friendly body language to rally eye contact much like you would if you were talkingto your mom is on the jury and your best interests for her to makea great decision speech were way on an example language that youcould use to kinda arm give an example a bit on how do youwant to use is you know i i know this is gonna betough to watch but you really need to watch it okay your friend you're helping in yourwarning them it's going to be tough

you're kinda i know i know but you'retrying to help you need to take him there so you want to be very friendly likable unapproachable and whenyou're attorney you're not actually coming innot as likable and not as trustworthy because the buyercylinder namic it tells us not trustworthy his day want something fromus that we don't necessarily want from thema hand if we find out we don't want from them then it's gonna be completely bad that'snot the case you wanna come across as

someone days only looking into hope i a passionate about his thats only looking to help to make theirown right decision if you go into the courtroomfor 40-plus years you've probably figured a lot of these things out establishment your own best practicesbut if you happen to know if you're looking to still improve i would suggest you implement somebody'swhat it's going to do

is gonna greatly shorten the learningcurve because instead of blind trial in a row by you just spending time in thecourtroom in seeing different reactions you're gonna put these best practices ina place and cd immediate pas reaction to completely wipe out the curve and beworking from a top i would suggest you take a look at somemy other videos because commonalities between charisma influence persuasion social dynamics or universal whether you be the street atthe grocery store on a date or in a sous la commonalities that i was justyou look for and also

when someone's considering coming to youand you consider taking someone's case a lot of these mannerismstrustworthiness likability high-status intelligence are actuallyuse that they want to see before they even decide if you're going to take their case don'tbe one of those attorneys scraping to get by for four years be a guy that can charge we watch whosebook is all assert have some impact in the courtroom


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