Thursday, February 16, 2017

arizona lawyers

arizona lawyers

my name is morgan mccain, and i work for myaz lawyers, pllc. probably the best advice i can give anyone that is maybe consideringbankruptcy is to look at bankruptcy as an early option. too many times, we have clientsthat come in that have exhausted their retirement accounts or 401ks or savings account. allthese things to try to stay afloat and to stay out of bankruptcy. however, they, for the most part, still endup in bankruptcy and now have exhausted items that we could normally protect through thebankruptcy process, and now, going forward they don't have anything left, their retirementaccount or 401k. so, probably one of the best things i can tell clients is, if things arenot going well, a loss of job or loss of income,

reduction of income, bankruptcy may be a betteroption to look at earlier on in the process rather than saving it as a last resort. probably, another thing that we get a lotis, clients will wait until they've been sued by a creditor or wait until they're on vergeof being garnished or levied. again, this would fall back into the situation where ifthey reacted early on, come in and get a consultation from a bankruptcy attorney early on, a lotof these process could be resolved, no paychecks garnished, no back accounts garnished or levied.that type of situation could be avoided all around if people were a little more proactivein seeking guidance or consultation from a bankruptcy attorney early on.


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