Thursday, February 16, 2017

ask an attorney

ask an attorney

if you're considering hiring a medical malpracticeattorney, here's the one question you should be asking each and every attorney before youmake that decision. you want to learn what that question is? come join me as i sharewith you this great information. hi. i'm gerry oginski. i'm a new york medical malpracticeand personal injury trial lawyer practicing law here in the state of new york. the questionis how are you different from all of your competitors? now, why would i have you askthat question? because you're going to listen to these amazing answers. typically the answersare going to be "oh, because we're different" or "we've give personal attention" or "weget better results" or "we do the following things..." and now, listen carefully to theanswers. now one of the things you should

know is that no attorney in new york can everguarantee a particular result. so if every attorney who handles medical malpractice casesin new york cannot guarantee a result, how do you know which attorney is right for you?and the answer is by how the attorney makes you feel. do they teach you? do they educateyou about the process? do they take the time to explain to you what's going to happen everysingle step of the way. now what will typically happen is you'll call an attorney's office,they'll invite you to come into the office and now during the time you're in the officethey're going to go ahead and explain certain things to you. but you always have to keepin the back of your mind how do they make you feel? are they knowledgeable? do theyhave experience handling your specific type

of case? and importantly, if nobody can guaranteeany type of result how are they different? instead you've got to ask them do you teachme? do you educate me? how often do you reach out to me to let me know what's going on withmy case? because i don't want to have to call you every few months saying i haven't heardanything from you, what's happening? if every single attorney does the same type of workobviously some are better than others, some are not as good as others. the question foryou is how does each attorney make you feel? that's the critical thing you have to keepin the back of your mind. so why do i share this great information with you? i share itwith you to give you an insight and an understanding into what goes on when you're deciding whichattorney is right for you. you know, i realize

you're watching this because you likely havequestions or concerns about your own particular matter. well if your matter happened herein the state of new york and you do have legal questions, what i encourage you to do is pickup the phone and call me. i can answer your legal questions. you know, this is somethingthat i do every single day and i'd love to talk to you. you can reach me at 516-487-8207or by email at that's it for today's quick video tip. i'm gerryoginski, have a wonderful day!


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