Thursday, February 23, 2017

bar association number

bar association number

>> back with you, joined by the president of the oklahoma bar ssociation yard we have been talking about the nomination of scott pruitt to the head of the epa and they were very happy about his endorsement and said he would do good things for

oklahoma and the countries. i want to start with a viewer question about his selection. why is bringing in someone who respects the epa but will write the regulations that have not shown any real protection a bad thing? he will reign in nepa that has

overstepped the bounds. here the other day, this said under president obama, have been hundreds of regulations on oil and gas in the bush administration, there were just 12. >> i do not want to in any way offend the viewer, but we have

an oklahoma more both -- earthquakes and then any place on the planet. 2007, we had two earthquakes over three and what caused that? it is the water used in fracking. why hasn't the oklahoma attorney general done something about

that? why hasn't the commission done that -- something about that? what is wrong about a government that does not protect people? it is big money and right back to citizens united and allowing unlimited campaign contributions on the political action

committees making the contribution, and they never have to be revealed. ours is no longer a government of the people by the people and for the people. it is a government of the corporations for the bureaucrats for the money.

we would endanger right here in this state of seven on the richter scale. bad of the -- said we will have a seven, the predictions of seismologists, that if we do not stop the injection wells come we will have an earthquake that is a seven on the richter's tail.

is that happens, it will be the worst of our mental disaster in the history of the united date. why hasn't our attorney general up to the plate and done thing about that? because his major campaign contributors -- where else in the whole country does oil and

gas come to me send guest letters to the attorney general and say put them on the letterhead and sign them doesn't? it is ridiculous here at >> oklahoma corporation commission has been reducing -- >> up and down and we have still

had earthquakes. >> even if we stopped all, -- >> it will continue because the damage has been done to mother earth. i am sorry. >> we appreciate having you want. is it a conflict of interest to

appoint someone currently suing the you to have agents the, and i wanted to get your take here on this, currently one of the number of attorney general, presumably -- >> the epa is there to protect the public from water pollution, lakes, and all of that.

that is what the agency is all about. it is ridiculous to think that the attorney general who takes an oath to uphold the law, is suing the epa, instead of trying to enforce. the u.s. attorney has a duty to do that.

the lawyers at the epa have a duty to do that. all of us have a duty to promote public confidence in the judicial system, the judicial branch of government. we are officers of the court and we have a duty to stand up to people.

steve: overreach, they are's doing about it -- >> i wonder who is expert witnesses will be. it will he come out of continental, who knows. >> you have made your case forcefully and we appreciate having you want.


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