Monday, February 20, 2017

attorney lawyer

attorney lawyer

things sure are going well. a shiny new suit,a swanky uptown office, a beautiful human secretary, but there’s one thing missing.clients. mr. piccolo, sir, there’s someone here tosee you. someone? send them in!uh, what do you want vegeta? i’m busy. oh, nothing. just thought i’d swing by andcheck out your new office and, ummm, maybe, maybe hire, hire me? yah, maybe a little bit.who did you kill? oh, no one, no one. you see i’ve been feelinga little bored lately, so i got a job as an apprentice proctologist.yes, that follows. that is exactly what i

would have done in your situation.are you making fun of me? yes! yes i am! (static sound)break it up, chumps! oh, hey bulma, how‘re you doing?geez vegeta, we’re in enough trouble already. don’t attack anyone else today, dear. now piccolo, as you know, my family has afleet of lawyers, but unfortunately, vegeta has systematically and methodically assaultedall of them. we know you can handle yourself on the battlefield, but can you handle yourselfin a court of law? ye-yes!and what if your foe in the courtroom was son goku?you didn’t?!

what of it? (dragon ball grunting)mr. vegeta, is it true that you fisted my client unnecessary and with great force?it’s true! shhhhh. so what if i did?no!!! your honor, my client makes no comment. mr. piccolo, i think we all heard your client’scomment. please, continue. mr. vegeta, would you say you are a contentedand well-adjusted person? who said i wasn’t?! who!?uh, objection! mr. piccolo, are you objecting to your ownclient’s testimony? your honor, i uhhh…well? i uhhh… uhhh… no further questions yourhonor.

mr. vegeta, you may step down.what’re we gonna do, man? i can’t go back to, i’m not very good at this. what? (whispering)this is it man. are you thinking what i’m thinking? solarflare! god damn it.will the long arm of the law catch up to piccolo and vegeta? will goku finally learn how touse the fax machine? find out next time on dragon ball z!


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