Monday, February 27, 2017

bar set

bar set

hi i'm alex macrae a social dynamics instructoron behalf of i'm here today to talk about picking up women at a bar ora club. the date. where do you go? what do you do? and how do you set it up? think ofdate as a comfortable meeting place where you two can find out how will you get general dinner dates and movie dates are a higher pressure than what you might think.a movie date assumes you to can sit still and quiet in a dark theater for two or threehours. a dinner date assumes you can hold a conversation while making sure you don'tget ketchup on your face at the same time. the best dates are ones where is if not gettinga long with the other person you can say see you later after a hour or two. one exampleof this is walking around at the mall. say

hey i'm going to go to the mall on wednesdayand pick up some stuff and you can come along and we can walk around. absolutely. that waywhile you are there you know you can talk about what is going around you, you can talkabout the shops, you can play the wishing game. you can say i wish i had that item,i wish i had that item. other examples of dates are things that are built around thingsthat you both enjoy. you want to make a date opportunity for you to find out if the womanthat you are talking to is a type of woman that you want to continue a relationship other words if you like football and if you want to meet a woman who appreciates footballtoo, you can say "hey on thursday me and my buddies are watching the game at the sportsbar you should swing by and hang out". i like

football. it sounds good. or you can go dancingyou can say "oh on wednesday me and my friends are going to the salsa palace you should comeby" again always have a plan the worst thing you can say is well let's go on a date whatdo you want to do. that serves that you do not have a plain and you want to make thingsa date. you don't have to call it a date just a meeting and where it goes from there isup to the two of you.


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