Tuesday, February 21, 2017

attorney referral service san diego

attorney referral service san diego

- hi. this is david shapiro. at this point you've likelyreached out to my office and you may very well haveyour first consultation set up with my firm. at that consultationor case evaluation, you'll either bemeeting with myself or a trusted member of my team. the meeting will beentirely confidential.

what you say to us willnot leave our office. if you're referred tous by another attorney or a friend of the firm, we will not shareyour information withthat other attorney or that referral sourcein any way, shape, or form without your permission. the purpose of the consultationand case evaluation is for you to cometo the office, for you to feel if you'recomfortable with us,

and for us to feel if we're comfortablewith you moving forward. in all likelihood, we're gonna want to discusswhat you believe happened, what you believe thepolice reports will say, what you believethe alleged victim, if there is a victim in thiscase being alleged would say if we were thereinterviewing them, and we want you tobring a couple ofthings to that meeting.

one is, first and foremost, we want you tobring an open mind because we know that peoplehave certain preconceptions or misconceptions aboutattorneys and attorneys' offices when charged with a crime. so once you come in there understanding thatour job is to evaluate and get as muchinformation as possible. so we ask that youdon't be reluctant

to give us that information, because we need that information in order to evaluate the case, to quote a fair and accuratefee for our services. when you come into the office, we ask that you bring anybail paperwork you have. if you've been arrested,you should have a bail slip, which will showyour bail amount, the charges you werebooked into jail at,

as well as anyfuture court dates. if you have a citationfrom a traffic ticket or something like that whereyou were cited and released, we'd ask that you bring that. if you happen to have yourdiscovery, police reports, all that information. if you case iscurrently ongoing, then we'd ask thatyou bring that or send a copy to our officein advance of your meeting

so we can be mostprepared when you come in and meet with us. and what you'll find is whenyou meet with either myself or a staff member, is thatwe may not be the cheapest. i guarantee you, we're not going to bethe cheapest attorney you're probablygoing to meet with. we might not bethe most expensive. we might be, i don't know.

but what i can guarantee you is you're going to behandled with class, you're going to be handledwith professionalism, and that's nothingpretty much less than what you should expect when interviewing with acriminal defense attorney or their firm. we look forward to havingyou come into our office for a free consultation.

there is no obligationto that consultation. if you hire us, fantastic. i look forward torepresenting you and working withyou in the future. if you don't hire me,like i've said previously, we'll wish you all thebest moving forward. we hope you made a right choice, and we're always here for you if you need somethingin the future.


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