Friday, February 17, 2017

ask lawyer

ask lawyer

margaret: we're talking about how the law gives you the right to bear arms, but that does not mean that everyone may carry a gun. attorney carl parrish is here to explain. what do people need to know about purchasing firearms in

north carolina? in north carolina, when you purchase, the central issue is what you're going to purchase. if you are purchasing a pistol, it is much were difficult than it is to get a rifle or shotgun if you otherwise qualify. with a pistol, it is much more

difficult. margaret: what can prevent an individual from being eligible to purchase a pistol? the list is very long. you have to be 21 or older. some people are trying to get them at less than that. you cannot have a felony

conviction on your record, regardless of it is outside of the 50 states. if you are a fugitive from justice, if you use narcotics, whether they're prescribed or not, they can keep you from having it. if you are an illegal aliens

will mentally incompetent, and now they have added to that if you have a domestic violence order against you. in some cases, although it ends, some places are saying that it is a fan for life to ever have one. -- ban for life to ever have

margaret: it is amazing how they can still get does the sheriff's department have any additional requirements? they have complete control over and individual and the pistol first. you to appear in person, the

application is incredibly difficult, it is many pages. a lot of people cannot even complete the application, you to have it and a licensed review citizen, you have to live in this county for a minimum of 30 days before they will accept it. you have to have proof of

residency. they also ask you in some cases where have you lived in the last 20 years? good moral character , and such. once they complete all of that it is still their decision to make even if you pass it.


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