Friday, April 14, 2017

lrs phone number

lrs phone number

yes? correct. savior's square no. 7,apartment 15. yes. my's her address. my grandsons. david and adrian. where? savlor's square

starrlng muslc photography wrltten and dlrected by - as usual. right here.- thanks. l had no choice. he gave theman overnight notice. who will rent an apartment forthree months? but it's ok.

they'll save upfor a bathroom or a kitchen. something's wrong here. the two don't correspond. put this and that together,match with this. we've done it before. you're right.l'm slow on the uptake. sorry. - my purse is a mess.- what will this spa of mine... like?- boring but relaxing. you may find a boyfriend.

thanks a lot! no need. - why not? to fix each other tea...- herb tea! fix him tea and do his laundry?no, thanks. you're behind schedule.two days! l need this air-conditioning now! - we'll get more men and it's done.- when? l must renegotiate the contract. madam... l'll be right back. what a pest!

- for handling a tough client.- no problem. - what time is the show?- 6:30. we can skip the commercials. l'll do it, or you'll be late. guess whom we saw today. that actress...what's her name? - like mine.- zieliå„ski? - no. beata... she's beauty.- tyszkiewicz? - yes! exactly.- she's old.

boys, did we seebeata tyszkiewicz? - how was she dressed?- nicely. will you eat up? nope. l'll spank you!what was the deal? the leg, please. ''my husband called'', she said. does he knowshe's cheating on him? this hair of yours!ls it a new fad or something? lf we're privatized,l'll be the first to be fired.

we feared pink slips, but young ones wouldn'twork for that money. the doctor says it's good adrianhad those four roots out. he won't take that long to cuthis normal teeth. normal? who hasnormal teeth these days? for commercials they're allwhitened by the computer. come on, let's go to that dance! - please! you'll shake your fanny!- but what about mom? let her have fun with the kids.

- sorry! did l hit you?- no. you know what? we'll have to have father'sgravestone fixed. lt was to last a hundred years,but it's been how many? - nine.- ten in two months' time. what about my lemon balm tea? you never do what l ask of you. you'll get it in the spa. or at the station. you won'tneed it on the train, anyway.

on this box you draw animalsthat go with the toys. - how about a pokemon?- anything you like. l need a purple, it's not a good idea. ok, l'll mark the pots. perhaps with... little cows! hush... we're a submarine. submerged. there's such a mess. and we have no friends here.

- who remembers how it goes?- l don't! nor do l! the first verse, come on! and all together now! - adrian!- what? - don't sleep!- can't take the wrapper off. you try, david. - a crash?- no. the engine died. ls this a bathroom or what?

living room. really? so small? there's more over there. you'll have to learn to drive. - l'm sure they'll create a bus route.- you think so? - would you choose a blind or a curtain?- here? nothing, l think. l told the guy where l wantedthe outlet boxes. l'll kill him! - what's that hole for?- they'll brick it up. - what about floor heating?- no.

lt comes with tilesand we don't want them. shame. and what's there? bedroom and bathroom. connected? wow! what a paradise for the boys! they can ride a bike here. don't yell at me.did l go bankrupt? there's no construction supervisoranymore. l represent the liquidator.

bankrupt?what are you talking about? the developer turned belly upand the bank stopped the project. how come?when? three weeks ago.didn't you get our notice? lf it's in liquidation,we can trash the contract. we must call mom. what for? she'll raise hell. we should. she put a fortune intothis apartment.

you insisted. good area, a supermarket, movie theaters... you found that ad, didn't you? the bank has agreed to releaseour notarial acts. let me put it bluntly, so thatnobody's taken by surprise. we'll have to pay to get them. otherwise we won't be owners. how much will it be?

depends on the apartment's status. whether it comes with a parking space,on which floor it is... what happens if you don't pay? the notarial act stayswith the bank which can choosewhat to do next. lt will probablyput them all up for sale. this way you loseall the money you put into it. by what right? lt's fucking extortion!

yes, it's theft. the developer stole the money, wentbankrupt and we have to deal with it now. - how long will it take?- hard to say. we must choose a contractorand pick up the slack. one year, god willing.possibly three or more. you were to take careof our problems, but you're just wasting timetalking crap! - you want to switch? do you?- l'm comfortable here. calm down or get out of here!

- he says that business is slow.- sure. lf his wife found outabout securing your loan, she'd tell him where to get off. had you built a housein the country, we'd be barbecuingtogether now. give me a break. when the wife wears the pants... an insurance agentl met made a simulation. at first it looked disappointing,but after some creative effort:

bingo! he beamed. ln 30 years' time you get 6,000! - a month?- lndian rupiahs or what? lt's best to invest.ln real estate, land... - a cemetery plot.- stock exchange, anything. - stock exchange can be tricky.- anything can be tricky. lt's best to die youngand problem solved. a quiz to loosen up! put 14,000 into a dowry much will it pay in 3 years?

- we have more red wine?- on the balcony. thanks. so... how many offersdid you send? - two hundred.- and? pass me that melon scoop. l've been to three interviews. l bet you never made it throughthe reception. - you should lose 20 pounds.- l know, l know. l'm looking for an ashtray. ola, meet beata. we were at theuniversity together. ola is my boss.

- hi.- nice to meet you. - did you get that surfboard?- yeah. l'm almost broke. lt's worth the money.the fastest l've ever tried. beata's job-hunting.don't we have any opening? send me your c.v.we'll see what can be done. there you are! ok, l'll lend you 50,000 for a year. but then you'll saythat you're hard up and you'll be paying me backfor the next three years.

let's be realistic! lt's not that you'relaunching a business, it's for some fucking apartment! how about a fur coatto go with it? think how old you are.and you can't support your family! this country has become a nuthousepacked with beggars! offended? fine! you need a shocktherapy to get on the right track! or else in twenty years you'llask me to pay for your medicines. - thanks for the lecture. lt's clear.- like hell!

alright, here you go. stick it on. - no! l goofed up.- let me see. excuse me! l think you committedat least three offences. did l? l don't remember. you need to hit a child to notice?didn't you see the sign? relax, lady and go home. move the car!

did you hear? jerk! she poured a gallonof water into his trunk. he hollered,but did move his car. here you go,adrian likes to bathe with it. she has dark hair. lives in the next staircase. l sold the car. you should have told me.

- we'd have slept on it.- l'm telling you now. - mariusz wouldn't help?- he looks after his own business. do you look after yours? lt's always the same story.bartek, you must talk to him! l do look after my business!l sold the car. - many would like my job.- l'm talking about something else. mariusz won't pay your social securitynor give you a refund for gas. just wait and he'll tell youto pay him! you were to have a crew of your ownand get an interest in the business.

that's what l hearevery christmas. you take ajoband get an interest. l'll fix you calciumfor your allergy. lt has spread on the legs. l keep you in mind, trust me. when could l call again? try next week. thank you. come along, honey.

l sold the car to start with. l did check on that developer! the books and all. a friend from the lrs helped. - you didn't keep an eye on it.- am l to kill myself now? you should have bought a finishedapartment. but you knew better. smoke, if you can still afford it. - we'll find a way out.- lf l don't find it, you sure won't! married six years and unableto take charge of your lives!

family is responsibilityand hard work. but who cares? mom will get things done! turn off that stove, it stinks! damn, we paid the whole amount! - we must go to court!- nonsense. remember those peoplewho wasted six years while the developer hada good time on canary lslands? what do you stand to gain?he declared bankruptcy on purpose.

hania says that her friends hadthe same problem, but somehow... lf you want to console me,have your sister pay off her debt! l wonder how. with potatoes? excuse me, this is businessbetween me and my sister. no, my it's our business. you live here, l support youand now you demand that l get a loan to pay foryour apartment! mom, we don't demand anything. what else did you buy, grandma?

either let it go, or try to pullyour chestnuts out of the fire. let it go? bartek took outa 20-year loan. l've been thinking of taking outa mortgage on my apartment, hopefully 100,000. what? you must be joking. what about yourself? - what happens if you fall ill?- calamity howler! l think we're ripe forearly retirement, not loans. - how's your arm?- fine.

- did you get an anti-thrombotic?- l'm top fit, just look! beata must get ajobto make ends meet. the vacation is over. - she's looking.- she will for another five years... ...with her scissors and glue stick. - she can't do much.- exactly. what can she do? you want herto clean apartments? anything. lt's no disgrace. she wouldn't study-let her clean!

are you hoping foran executive post for her? son, we must pay off the loan,it's no joke! l just want to make sureyou got my c. v. beata zieliå„ski. l see. good, after 3 o'clock then. - have you seen my tylenol?- bartek must have taken it. lt's again that toothache of his. lemons? l said l'd get some. - new curtains?- they let in more light.

- what about the old ones?- l put them in the machine. they're dry-clean only! we had the same kind in the dorm.they're fool-proof. lf we have to live under one roof, we should obey certain rules. lt's my home, you're a guest hereand l ask you to respect it! you were to wait forthe gas meter man, but you just went out! you haven't picked upthe laundry for a week now!

what do you do all day long?why don't you clean up this mess? where's your pep? lt's not some hick town, you know!lt's a normal, civilized home! this is the old collection - theycan take anything to the fitting room. l don't care that much about it. here they pay, cash or charge. you know how to goabout the terminal? not really, right? lt's no problem, l'll show you.

this rack is our priority. top labels, designer stuff,expensive. light colors, so we followa hands-off policy. - do we have baking yeast?- no, why? no yeast, no balloon.what do we have? growing up to be a nag. l hate those technical translations!lt's all double dutch to me. thanks again forthat boutique job. no problem. she's a sport,if somewhat brusque.

lt's been just soups, pampersand pokemons for the last six years. am l still fit to deal with people?won't l scare off the customers? - the clothes are so fancy. ltalian.- how's the pie? nice. some tops are really stunning! one is worth a salaryand it's just straps... they carry any normal stuff? l'll work from 9 to 8, thenl'll have to close accounts and... wait a minute, did l get it right? what about the children?

we're lucky. first the kindergarten said no, but they finally acceptedthem both into the same grade. david is happy, but adrian... wait! bartek comes back at 8, you will at 9. ls this kindergarten open until 8? we thought that since you finish at 4,you could pick them up...

so? say something. my english classeswere too expensive, but what's the use ofyour driver's license now? did l object to your classes? l was to resumemy studies in a year. lt's been five or six now. you never pinched penniesfor your studies! sure. and if not for me,you'd be a ballerina today!

how can you be so mean? get off my back. l'm sick of being at her mercy. - mercy?- l hear her blabbing on the phone. tell her that l can hearevery word of her badmouthing me! here's something to wake you up. we're out of coffee? enough is enough,l'm getting the dial block. the phone is for emergencies,not for long chats with silly hania.

- she's been looking for ajob.- and to good effect! these days you do itover the phone. ls it my fault thatshe can't find a normal job? - l'll pay.- you will, will you? just let me have it. you have a short memory. l'll refresh it. she chucked bartek out,he came to sleep in the dorm. she first came to see davidwhen he was 18 months old. anyway, you have a husband,these are your mutual problems.

he's always at workand l can't blame him for that. and he hasn't beenvery outgoing lately. any sex? sure. with the boys beside usand mother theresa next door. wild sex. please be good!give us a chance to talk. lt's a shredder. - where's 500 from our account?- here. just look around.

- some basics for the kindergarten.- are you nuts? another installment is due tomorrow! here. you'll have toadd interest for default! fine, return the backpacksand shoes and get the money back. come on, boys. l'll fix you a snack. adrian! listen to grandma! don't you understandwhat l'm saying? they're going to the kindergartenand l'm going to work.

give me the visa. - think about it.- the visa, please. - here you go.- lt'll be better this way. happy? - happy?- get lost. six hundred for a living. should be enough. just tell her not spend it on trifles.she's such a squanderer. - ok.- the bills will be paid from my account.

we must put asideas much as we can. here you go, thirty-two hundred. you must save eleven hundred, ok? so, am l to go to that kindergartenand apologize? they should give the money back. l must finish this report.why don't you go for a walk? they're so noisy.l can't concentrate. take them to mcdonald's. - what time can we come back?- give me an hour and half.

- come on!- l need to go to the bathroom! - you will at mcdonald's.- me too! let's go! for three days now l've been hanging around with the boysbecause she has work to do. relax, it won't go on forever. just let her take out that loan! when this hell is over, we'll takea vacation on some exotic beach to bask in the sun.

just take it easy. alright, l'll take to her about itif l get a chance. david snores almost like l do. - what's the matter?- nothing. what's wrong? baby? tell me. how about a little actionon the washing machine? are you crazy?

they'll hear us! - bartek!- be quiet! stop it, please! - why?- shh... won't it run over? l'm soaking stuff! don't worry! - let go of me!- please... am l fit to be seen?

give me a bite! l don't want you having to changemy pampers when l'm old. this waltz... watch me, david!you ought to learn to dance. come here, bartek,let's show him. no, it's too late. l may check if they have a cassettewith margaret thatcher. how funny. l have mariusz's van need a ride to work? thanks. just give me a moment.what time do we have to leave?

the big news is that julka'sgoing to have a sister! - no kidding!- you have ice? l said he should tell her himself. he's always using meto wash his dirty linen. l don't blame that girl. she's 23, from a humble home.she lost her head. this way or another - a sister. sister of charity! little girls are so cute.

when we move, we might have one too. congratulations. when you were a child, what did you dream of? nothing. - what did you want to be?- nothing. come on, everybody has a dream! l wanted to have straight hair.

l'll tell you what l wanted to be. just promise you won't laugh. a soccer player. don't laugh!can you do this? or this? - good afternoon.- how are you? they're finally repainting ourstaircase. yours is done, right? - yes. lt took them a month.- oh my god! l got a bribe!

- will you have tea, mom?- yes, thank you. l thought your trainingwould take longer, mom. we have crepes,l'll get you some. l like edyta, she's fun to talk to. she has her problems,but who doesn't these days? l don't want her here again! problems! her problemsare the talk of the town. she shared her apartment withanother lady for a year. and bear in mind: we don't wantany alcoholics here!

how can you set son on mother? can't l ask you to move yourfat ass and go for a walk? you say l chucked you out? didn't you? how mean of you! you should be ashamedof yourself. l heard that seven years ago, when you offered moneyfor an abortion. and l was right! for the only thingyou knew how to do

was to get laid!foolish boy, serves him right. - let him work his ass off now.- one more word! come on! hit me! you silly cow! go on, try again!missed? one more time! go and apologize to mother. you heard me? out of the question.

you said she usedto humiliate you too. ordered you about like a dog. left you for seven yearsat the grandparents'. now! apologize! remind her who asked meto help with an abortion. you want to tell me something? before you consult your mommyabout the answer, mark my words:l'll never come back here.

good, nobody keeps you. and leave my children alone,you and your dear mommy! l've known her mind for a long l know yours! mom! when wojtek was alive,l was to blame. for his drinking, his beating me. for working, for laughing. all the blame fell always on me.

what's there to save? the boss hates you,beata hates you. are you sure you mean it? l want to lead a normal life. like a human. l know what it's like in the city. - what about that pump?- don't ask. the cesspool is keep washing and bathing... dad, third gear is jammed! look!

get off that tractor! - check on his homework, lza.- l must go to marlena's for a curler. no need to doll up, we'll besorting potatoes after dinner! go get me some cigarettes, ok? doesn't staå› have rickets? his joints are like his father's. l have a map.who has a compass? go. uncle will show you how it works.

come here. pick a town on the map. here's the north, right? you want the map?have another go? - no.- no more? no compass and no crown. boozers. bravo! dudek superstar!

- don't drop your cigarette!- not so hard, it's a child! right into the kennel? goå›ka is in germany. her husband landed ajob there. you bought land, l hear. 10.000 square feet, where our high school wasright behind the playing field. romek took care of the design. you'd better marry.

alright, alright. l'll marry yet. and how are you doing? fine. that little shit sent you here? - tell him to come and face me.- stop it. he's her husband. some husband! for six weeks foundno time to come and see them. keep him out of it. you want your partof the patrimony?

didn't we support youthroughout the studies? some blue stocking! nobody's ever seen your diploma. - so many years wasted!- stop it, viktor. lt wasn't supposed to be like this. sis, don't be silly. your money? - you know where things stand.- we don't have to make excuses. frankly, l've been thinkingyou could have lza for awhile. until she graduatesfrom high school.

- commuting is a problem.- wishful thinking. by the way, who paid foryour wedding party? we did! l think we're even. what's wrong with your eye? - leukoma.- aw, shut up. lt's a silly joke. there's half the building to finish. lt's a gig for several upkeep and repair later on. mariusz was dumb-struck,

but didn't even mentiona commission. thank hania. buy her perfume or something. l should have launcheda business of my own long ago. castles in spain!you have ajob, hold on to it. - will you have soup?- no. lt's not so easy to runa business. taxes, paperwork...not for you. she hasn't called hania either.

she's at her sister's,where else? let her have some rest. the boys need some fresh air too. they can't have it here. l know what you're driving at. no girl is good enough for me. maria's ''good-bye'' was ironic, magda was generally inadequate,and eva was wearing braces. here you go.

a gift. l've gotten that loan. but l must be the owner. lt's my condition. adrian! come upstairs! wait, l must get him. try again, grandma should be there. david!

don't clean it yet. - dad, do you still like us?- yes. why? just asking. careful with the teeth! l like you! - a lot.- you're scratchy. l'll have a nice shave tomorrowto be presentable. - where's adrian?- somewhere around.

wait, l'll find him. - do you like your new clothes?- yes. they're ok. adrian! come to our hiding place! hi. they've written thatthe board has resigned. l wonder how it bearson our situation. when l go to the meeting, l'll know. bartek...

l know it's my fault. let's talk about it, please!l'll make it up to you. mom, did bartek leaveany money for me? we have decided thatl'll be doing our shopping. l just want to haveadrian's shoes repaired. no problem.l'll drop them off. - did you get my message?- yes. l had no time to call back. david, aunt hania is busy. - let's get together this evening.- l'd love to, but l have work to do.

l have some mushrooms for you.from lrena. thanks. give her my love. keep your fingers crossed, hania.l may pull off that budget thing. nice sword. could l have it? are you angry with meor something? sorry, l'm at work. come on, boys! let's go! - see you.- bye. boys!

you know whenbartek's to be back? ln two days or so.they're on a construction site. have you tried that eel yet? no. too heavy for my liver. may l come in for a moment? l'm sorry. for what? that incident, you know...

everything's a test of yourinner resources, my child. the situation is more than dramatic. by the terms of our agreement17 names must be struck off the list. we'll have to take overtheir liabilities. l'm not a debt collectorand l have no intention to be one. l recall a couple of loudmouthsfrom our first meeting. like mr. jastrzä™bski. so perhapshe will get things done. l propose that mr. jastrzä™bskireplace me. l resign. we must meet that deadline,so let's get a grip on ourselves.

thanks. you swore it wouldn't happen again. l can't go through it once more. you understand? you hear what l'm saying? talk to me, will you? l'll die if you do it again! what do you think you're doing? look at me!

you know what? get the fuck outof my life, you son of a bitch! get out. remember? l told you. l tried to persuade you. knowing him,l knew it wouldn't work out. but you always treated meas your enemy. lt's no use crying now. let's think how to cushionthe blow for the boys.

let's play. like what? l don't know. let's build with blocks! would be too much noise. - what?- to much noise. how long have you known? long. l've tried to tell you againand again, all in vain.

please go away, ok? did you sleep with him? yes. last nightand the night before. - the rehearsal's at 6, remember?- yes. - what are you printing out?- a report. l'm making a copy. beata... lt comes out this way... come along. what am l to do now?

but l think you should talkto him before talking to me. l'm afraid l won't beof much help to you. you must tell me what to do. you have to act like a lady.l'm sorry. lt's not my department. l'm more of an expert in economics. will my ''sorry'' makeyou feel any better? l don't know what to say. only you can dosomething about it.

go back to canada?what am l supposed to do? bartek, please! take care of your stuff, ok? - bartek, please!- l don't want to be with you! - lt can't be.- l won't live like this anymore. you don't mean it.let's talk, please! lf l fucking hear againthat you bother her! with the kids around! please!

please don't! stop it! show some dignity!this is ridiculous! please, bartek, don't! look at yourself! l know what you want me to say. that it's going to be all right,that things will work out in the end. ok, things will work out. perhaps not exactlythe way you want them to,

but they sure will. of course you can continueto feel sorry for yourself or try to do something about it. and the children... they'll be better off withouta father than with one who's a son of a bitch. the hell with that kind of advice! open the door, mom! open up!

come on, you old hag! open the door! can adrian wear these pants? but they're dirty. then he can't. l'll look for another pair. any pants here? l was close. careful, no mess.

how come a boy of your agecan't find pants? and what's this mess? clean up, right now! why are you staring? move! - lt's not the way to raise children!- clean up! understand? just to get your way! no, l'm not cleaning! wake up!

l'm hungry! get up, silly woman! lt's stuck again. give it a try. hocus-pocus!let me see. here you go! watch out! the guy persuaded me to getthese very special bindings. whatever for? to be able to march uphill.

he told me ajoke. two penguins are walkingacross a desert. one says, ''look, l'm sure it usedto be very slippery here.'' - l said it was silly.- yeah. lt's ok, no shell. this goes to the garbage can. wow! lt looks like a big party! that's right. - what are you cooking?- scrambled eggs.

- can l taste some?- sure. - you haven't eaten since my call?- nope. - you're hungry, right?- we had a yogurt. where's mom? she shitted on herself. all right, just a moment... good, here we go. hold me, ok? hang on me. alright.

let's go to bed now. just a second... you won't evencome to see the boys. l'm launching a business.there's a lot to take care of. and l'm filing for divorce. son... cool it. you're talking nonsense. how long will it take?a year? two? five?

lf you ever get it. actually, what brings you here? there is you, beata, bartekand the children. still very young. ln the eyes of the law... ...she, the mother, has the sameobligations as the father. that is to say she hasto take up some job, because so far l've beenpaying for everything: their shoes, clothes.

take it easy. things will smooth out. l'm not leaving until we decidehow to resolve the situation. what do you suggest? come on, l've heard you'reresourceful and resolute! think something up. rent them an apartment... ...or take them in here. l'd feel awkward offeringanything to beata.

and bartek won'tabandon the boys. he's already abandoned them. my cardiologist wanted meto stay on the ward. hold on... now. l'm leaving for ten days. l'd likethe whole thing taken care of. and let me tell you something. maybe it'll hurt, maybe it'lltake you by surprise. she's human and l can seewhat she's going through. - and you're responsible for it!- aren't you?

you kept saying how stupid l wasto have married a country girl. my studies didn'tmake sense either. come on, go crying to ala. complain over tea that l'ma dick-head, just like my father. - don't take that tone with me!- you don't! all you can do is intimidate me! - let me out!- no! have her move out!lt's easy! - ls this all you have to say?- put her suitcases out.

let me out! get off! l won't run away from home,like you did. silly squirt! and what do you want, adrian? a seventh skateboard? l want a computer game. four pairs of skates. four? for an elephant?

you know why a maharaja boughtfour little fiats in saudi arabia? no, why? ln order that his elephantscould do some roller-skating. l've talked to lrena. l'll be sending 5 hundred a month. enough to make a livingin the country. later on we'll see. here's the first payment. we'll manage. when the apartment is readywe'll divide it, or l'll buy you off.

lt's up to you. we'll see. mom will be back on monday. l'll drop by on the weekendto clean up. what about that stuffin the basement? lt can wait. we'll have to go through it. ok, l'll drop it off sometime. you want a ride to the station?

no need. what about the keys? leave them with the caretaker. - l don't know.- me neither. l want my shoes back right now,or l'll spank you both! - come on! where are they?- l don't know. come, david!where are my shoes? - quick, l'm in a hurry!- l don't know. don't do it!

leave me alone! who was it? she probably wanted to saywhat time they were coming. we must pick them up. viktor, how can you?we discussed it, didn't we? let's eat and drink up and beon our way to the station. do this. no. this was a bad idea. mom, why are we still here?

because we missed our train.we must wait for another. so why did we play so long? because we went to the movies. what if we hadn't?we'd have made it? we'll catch the next one. we'll take some pillsto keep us warm. l'm cold too! first you. all of them. - no.- come on!

take them. you won't be cold. have all. quite sweet. l know! let's call dad to pick us up. he will pick us up, you know. l called him from a public phone. he'll come for christmas. we'll have a huge tree...

what if he lets us down? - he won't.- he might. l'll drop by with the invoices. l have them back home,not in the car. we'll take careof it tomorrow. bye. sorry. she had a stroke. and needs rehabilitation. they have a doctor in prison.

ls this the urgent thingyou wanted to see me about? redhead! you have cold feet, eh? what difference does it make? l just want to know. bartek is right. things are under control. her right hand is still a bit stiff,but it's only a matter of time. hopefully.

but you had some news for us. l met the prosecutor yesterday and asked her a question or two. she will demandthe maximum sentence. - fifteen years?- yes. tough luck.but if that's the law... - your shoe is unfastened.- l had no leaves for class. - l put some on the table.- wrong kind. you must pay the hsa fee.

- l've heard that three times.- yeah. - you must pay.- ok. just keep the teacher out of it. - you want sneakers like theirs?- no need, thanks. will these shoes do? that one has sandalsand is happy. go join him. l'll wait for adrian. - l'll be on the field.- ok.

what's up, chief? beep! beep! - why aren't you asleep?- on purpose. cause l don't want to. - why not?- l don't want to. - what's the matter?- l don't want to. any questions to the witness? no further questions. - the defending attorney?- no.

the defendant? any motions? your honor. l would like to retractmy earlier testimony. because l lied. please come up to the bar. what can l do? he took it all on himself. she's coming out,effective immediately.

what about bartek? he stands trial. - l don't understand what you're saying.- he stands trial. l don't know understandwhat you're saying. two years' suspended sentence,if he's lucky. bartek! translated by graå¼yna bialik subtitles: studio prlntel


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