Friday, April 21, 2017

personal injury attorney

personal injury attorney

selecting the right attorney for your injury case is critical for obtaining fair value for your claim. you want to hire a specialist, one who is board certified by the florida bar as a civil trial lawyer. one who is also certified by the national board of trial advocacy. why do you want to hire a board certified lawyer? because insurance companies

keep track of which attorneys actually go to trial. by hiring a lawyer who goes to court often, you increase the insurance companies valuation of your case. they don’t want to fight a skilled attorney, they want to pay less to an attorney who is afraid to try a case. and because most injury attorneys work on a contingency fee basis of ⅓ or 40%, the cost of a board certified trial lawyer

is the exact same. so, why not hire one with a proven track record of success. before you hire a lawyer, ask them one question. “how many personal injury jury trials they have won in the past year?” for more detailed information about how to choose a personal injury lawyer, click on the link in this post.


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