Tuesday, April 25, 2017

public lrs

public lrs

you don't expect religion to be taught at public schools. one local group is offering the bible to school children. this has doubled in popularity in the last few years. they visit the class to see why. when they come out of the

school to get on the school bus, that he are ready to be here. nine children from manheim school bringing their lunches and skills during an elective school. the goal of the lessons is clear. to teach them more values of

the bible. it's like a mentorship program. that started three decades ago in nine schools in three districts. doesn't cost the school or the taxpayers anything. it's all volunteer. it's an elective.

they can choose to come and learn. we want to make that available. we think it's important in the development of the children. for some, religious education during the week is easier than sundays. busy all weekend long.

and so a lot of them don't get to go to church. volunteers want to expand the program to every school district in lancaster county. josh wood is a volunteer and a parent. he says his 7-year-old son drey gives him good feedback.

little things that you might not think they pick up on that he tells you about. it helps me know that we are doing something that's really important. in lancaster county, meredith jorgensen, news 8. and bible school is holding


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