Wednesday, April 26, 2017

referral information

referral information

being a nurse when i hear thatsomebody has a certain diagnosis i can better visualize what that might mean for that patient so that will help me when i'm asking the questionsespecially if you have somebody that that starting to forget or somebody that that's prone to falls and living alone, or arethey might be in their nineties with the caregiver spouse. you can haveall the services in place

and all the medical appointments in theworld but if you can't get the patient out to the services that a real problem. patients sometimes had to cancel themedical appointments. you find out when you're on thephone with them that they had to cancel because they just cant get at house, or they are they just feel to sick maybe they've caught pneumonia or something after they've had theirsurgery. you're trying to facilitate thembeing able to get to their appointments

as well to help them. we have aninformation and referral database that we can use as well as well get email updates and it might justbe it could be a french service that might be available to some people. so as you're working with your wholeteam somebody will say have you thought of this service and andthat's how you then might be able tohelp that patient in my goal to help other patients.


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