Friday, April 28, 2017

sc lawyer referral

sc lawyer referral

hi. i'm matt dolman at dolman law group, yourclearwater personal injury attorney. today i'm here with a former client jason who hasa few questions. jason. matt, i recently heard a radio advertisement that says if i'm involvedin an accident that i may be entitled to up to ten thousand dollars in medical paymentsand lost wages. what exactly does that mean? well, what kind of advertisement did you hear?who ran that advertisement? this one happened to be a lawyer referral service called 411pain. i'm very familiar with those guys. they run a lot of advertisements on local's my thoughts, and i'm going to be very brief. rather then disparage the law firmsinvolved or the lawyer referral service if you will, these advertisements are meant toget the individuals who would probably not

be treating otherwise, to treat with a medicalprovider and seek out a personal injury attorney that is often assigned by the network knownas 411 pain, or ask gary, or whatever lawyer referral service there is, and the try induceyou by telling you have ten thousand dollars that you are entitled to. they explain itvery breifly, in very short words, hushed tones, that there is ten thousand dollarsthat you might be entitled to and then there's a bunch little words they use very quickly.they don't really explain to you what that means. well, the ten thousand dollars is basedon personal injury protection really how the new statute that was actually citified onjanuary first of 2013, you're entitled to $2500 so long as you treat in the first 14days and that's what they limit the chiropractors

to, and then if you have an emergency medicalcondition you can seek further treatment beyond the $2500 amount up to $10,000. but basicallythis is a way for the chiropractors and other physicians that are associated with the lawyerreferral service to make money. they are going to bill for their services. if you are notactually injured, if you don't have a significant injury, i don't recommend treating. okay,i don't take bs claims. we take real injury claims. those are who people who are reallyinjured. but if you are really injured i wouldn't pick an attorney based on a lawyer referralservice. let alone, would i treat with someone promising me $10,000 because you're nevergoing to get $10,000. you're never going to get it. you're not going to get a single dollar.what you're going to get is medical bills

that are sent to the insurance company bythis medical provider and they're going to make that money. not you. not you at if you think you're sitting at home right now and you listen to a radio advertisementor tv commercial promising to give you $10,000, i'm looking you in the eye and telling youthat you are not going to get that. you're going to get a lawyer that's referred to youthat's paid to be apart of this network. he might be good, he might be bad. i don't know.but i can tell you that i don't advertise with a lawyer referral service, and the bestattorneys i know surely don't. so it's up to you, i'm not being incumbent about lawyerreferral services but know that you are not entitled to anything unless you are actuallyand truly injured. then and only then will

the insurance company actually pay you a settlement,but it depends on numbers criteria. if someone is telling you to get off your couch and gotreat so that you make $10,000, you're not making that. the doctor is. potentially thelawyer is. the question is what will you make? what will you net after all the medical billsare paid? that's the fine print. it's not what you're being told. i'm matt dolman, yourclearwater personal injury attorney.


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