Wednesday, April 26, 2017

referral referral

referral referral

well tesla has done it again they endedone referral program last week friday and again monday they started it up allover again actually can start up over again theyjust they're continuing where they left up the capital was five referrals now itis 10 as of right now i have five slots leftfor people to save a grand on a purchase object model s or model excellent you toget a new sticky pad we have any kind of destroyed mug stickycamera holder huh so what does that mean for all ofyou well if someone needs a referral to geta thousand bucks off a model that looks

can't do auto pilot here car won't see the lines until about noonwith sons overhead i have five slides left that means fivelucky people can use my referral card and here is the fun part there is another set of tickets at theend of this referral for the next tesla and valence and just like i did with thegigafactory if you use my referral code and then let me know you used it everytime i really don't have any way tub you know you really don't have any wayto show proof that you use my code but you know trying to honor systemparameter will see you aren't all that

bag i put your name in my hat and then ijust have the genome draw a name out of the hat and whoever is lucky name i drawgets to accompany me to the next tesla i'm unveiling event now we have no idea what this one is going to be the currentone was for the end of friday was for a couple of tickets to the gigafactory andobviously since your factories next week i mean that's all . but this is whatprogram goes until i think was october 30 years and also october thirtieth so imean it could be a model why would be

pickup truck could be could be the actual release allof the model 3 or meaning the production version frankly at this point we don't know butif you want a good chance of go if you want to go to one of those events basically you'll have a one in ten iguess since the referral program ended last friday so i this is technically it's like awhole separate set of people that use the first one i didn't have enough forthe two more tickets to the gator

factory event for the last 1i was onereferral short but i have now like i said it's a continuation actually anybody who use my referralstarting monday through the 30th for this next set so then you can have asmuch as a one in six chance of going to the gigafactory with me all you got todo is use my referral code if you found that i ate my videos have been helpfulto you or i've helped you in some way i could be awesome if you can use my code i think there's already got enough foryou know the prizes and everything so the only thing really left would be howto get tickets tickets are cool

we like tickets that's what we don'tneed no stinking its regulation of style so i have now arrived home the humidity level is nasty so i am going to go hide in my officewith the shades closed and do even either thing not really i'm just going to edit somevideo and create the air conditioner pretty much as high as it will go yeah soaked so once again if i helped you in someway shape or form with your decision to

buy a test low or i've taught yousomething anything please consider using my referral code and then let me knowonce you have confirmed your order that way i can see in my account thatyes another order has been confirmed and i know whose name you know who use thecode put your name in the hat and at once ieither run out of referrals or the end of the program i will draw names out ofa hat and if i had if i have enough referralsi mean shouldn't be too hard to get five more in the next august september threemonths i will pull the name of the head andthat person gets to me my plus one for

the next tesla event some smile cheese


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