Monday, April 17, 2017

massachusetts lawyers

massachusetts lawyers

it was definitely difficult %uh and i had to realize that it was self imposedmy barriers to achieving my dreams i had every opportunity to go to college %umi had opportunities to go financially i also had opportunities to go athletically and i didn't take advantage of all my opportunitiesin college i went to college and it wasn't as challenging as it could have been as a resultof that i wasn't as successful in my goals of attending law school but inever gave up %uh i decided to go back to college %umi went and got a masters degree and i worked as hard

as i could and the adversity and the perserverence made me strongerso i realize that if i ever got the chance to persue my dream and my goal of beinga law student that i wouldn't let anything stop me what drives you today to try and achievethat goal the determination to be successful i want to be able to take care of my family and be able to supportmy family and be able to be a member of my community who everybody else could look up to and when i say that thereare'nt too many young african-american members of the community where i'm from

who have graduated gone to college %uh graduatedfrom college and are pursuing a professional degree in fact of all the friends i grew up with particularlymales i think i may be one of only two or three who've actually finished college and re working i wanna make sure that i let everybody elsefrom where i'm from know that you can do it and that didn't really become a reality for me untilafter i finished college and went home for a little while and saw what everyone else was doing i want everybody to know that you can go toschool and if there's a road block if there's a barrier to your success

push through it and you can still achieve your goals


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