Tuesday, April 18, 2017

metro lawyer referral service

metro lawyer referral service

when you think of counseling --- you think of a professional setting --- not quite a park like this. but that exactly where prosecutors say vincent dike conducted his sessions. only it appears --- it was more babysitting than anything else.

thomasa goff doesn't deny her situation when a certain man came into her life. c912:14-18 when he met me i was homeless and staying with somebody else and me and my kids were sleeping on the floor.

vincent dike is a licensed professional counselor. goff says he promised to help dozens of young children in the metro --- their parents all medicair recipients. goff remembers his sales pitch. c09 07:16-07:26 he was like i'm a mentor. i can help you mentor

your children and keep them off the street and help them out and even help you out and help you get your life together. and according to court documents he did --- sort of. for nearly a year he took the

children to 7-eleven's, parks, and even trip to mcdonald's. he claimed to be helping the community. c26 18:52-19:01 parents say they believed dike. they say a simple meal like a cheeseburger meant the world

to their kids. it wasn't until they found out he was milking the system that their view changed. c09 10:55-10:57 he's a single mother's manipulated mentor the attorney general's office

says dikes committed medicaid fraud. falsifying documents --- saying he was seeing clients well into the evening. but parents say that never happened. c9 10:08-10:14 i'm talking about 9

o'clock at night 10:11 what parent is going to allow their child out with someone they don't know at nine o'clock at night. the state says dike pocketed nearly 20 grand in claims. parent's say he

robbed them of benefits and something more. c09 13:08-12 he took me for another chance that i could open up and trust somebody. dike was arrested today and jailed on 114-thousand dollars bond. as

a condition he had to surrender his passport --- no word on the status on his counsiling license. dave detling, koco 5 news.


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