Monday, April 10, 2017

lawyers in california

lawyers in california

google and other search engines like yahooand bing are great source to generate traffic for your business. but getting to the topof first pages extremely difficuilt, especiallyif you're still using those outdated methods that the majority of businesses are stillusing today. we're talking about websites. what's wrongwith the website? first, websites cost a lot. they are time consuming to make and becausethere is so much competition getting them optimizedwith proper keywords and content, and then getting them ranked high on google is evenmore expansive. what if i told you there is a better way toreach the top of the major search engines

without a website? how many more customersyou think you can reach by being at the top of the fisrt page on this pine chart provided by google, it shows that over 68% of all of the trafficfrom any keyword search goes to the top four positions in googlesearch results. that means if you are not on the top, then you miss out on most of thepotential business that search engine can provide. so,what if there was a way to not only reach those top spots fast but also have a toolto convert more of the customers that saw your listing and gettingeven more leads and more calls than website ever could. there is! that tool os's no secret

video converts better than any other media.and because google loves video so much, there are just looking for any opportunity to putthat video in the organic search result. this is when weare come in. but don't take our word for it, we can show you video after video of satisfiedcustomers already on the first page of google, and becauseof this new video method, are getting more calls and more sales. video works in all citiesbig or small. no matter what size or type of business you have, video is one of thebest ways to reach a customer. just look at some of these amazingresults we've provided to other clients. so how does it work? we'll give you a list ofthe best keywords for your business type or

niche. and then youpick the once you like to target alone with the areas or cities that you want to reach.we do the rest. the best part, is that this is much more affordablethan any other advertising. and we can usually get you on the first page within a coupleof weeks. advertising for your business can't be any easier than us today, and we can get your business infront of the right audience, targeting yourcustomers without all the calls and hussle ofdesigning a website. call us today, we look forward working together.


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