Friday, April 7, 2017



if you have been watching the news latelyand it appears to you that being a corporate lawyer might lead to an exciting life. helloi'm robert todd and i'm here to answer the question how do i become a corporate lawyer.well the first thing you have to do is obtain an undergraduate degree from an accreditedinstitution. the next step is to take a law school admission test, sometimes abbreviatedas the lsat and of course make a satisfactory enough grade to be admitted into the bestlaw school that you can attend. once you attend law school it's three years and while youare in law school you should try to concentrate on the corporate law courses that are offeredyou by the law school that you are attending. also while you are in law school if you can,during the summers, or part time during the

regular school year, see if you can get involvedin a clerkship with a law firm that is engaging in the practice of corporate law. this willgive you some experience that is above and beyond that which is taught you by the lawschool. and then upon graduation from law school you have to pass the bar exam thatis administered in the state in which you tend to practice and of course pass. and inaddition to passing the bar exam you have to pass a background check and then of courselook for a law firm that practices in corporate law. i'm robert todd and thank you for watching.


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