Friday, April 7, 2017

lawyer working

lawyer working

luber: hey everyone - marc luber here. todayon jd careers out there we're exploring the growing trend of being a freelance attorneyso stick around. [theme song] alright, today's guest is patent lawyer leila kanani, who hasher own practice in chicago and she's also the founder of the intermix legal group, whichprovides freelance attorneys to law firms and corporations in need of having more handson deck. as you might already know, at jdcot, we help you find and succeed in fulfillingcareers using a law degree by exploring career paths both in and out of law. today we'relooking at the path of being a freelance attorney so let's meet leila and get started. leila,welcome to jdcot! leila: thank you for having me.

luber: thanks for being here. so leila, i'mgoing to ask you to tell us all about this growing trend of freelance lawyering and i'mgoing to ask about who makes the right fit for this and how to break in and take advantageof the trend . but first i'd love if we could start with this - if you could tell us, whatis a freelance attorney? leila: well, a freelance attorney is prettymuch a contract attorney that is very experienced. and the term has been used more often in thepast couple of years because so many experienced attorneys work freelancing and the term 'contractattorney' is usually associated with attorneys that do document review or work that's notas substantive, so that's how the term "freelance attorney" came about.

so basically, it's a contract attorney, atemporary attorney that does legal services for law firms and legal departments. luber: ok, excellent. so let's dig in deeperto who makes the right fit for this. who should even consider doing freelance lawyering? leila: the best fit for a freelance attorneyis someone that's very experienced - i would say at least four years of experience, andthey may either be a solo practitioner or they could have been at a big law firm orin-house somewhere and they decided that they don't want to work the hours that they wereworking previously. so those are the best candidates for freelance lawyering.

it's so great because you can choose yourown hours, choose your own projects, so it's a perfect fit for them. luber: ok, so i want to dig in deeper intothat. now you have a company called intermix where you are matching freelance lawyers towork opportunities? leila: yes, exactly. so we have freelanceattorneys that work with us. we handle all the administrative backend and all the marketingfor them, and then law firms and corporate legal departments contact us to match themup with one or more of these attorneys. luber: alright! so that should give you alittle taste of what freelance lawyering is all about. to see the full video interviewwith leila, come on over to you'll

hear lots more about freelance attorneys andhow you can take advantage of this growing trend. if you're already at the site you couldjust scroll down to the full video. make sure you join our membership so you get accessto all the helpful video content -- the career path exploration videos, the professionaldevelopment advice videos, and lots more. thanks again for watching everybody. i'm marcluber -- and i look forward to seeing you again soon. take care.


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