Wednesday, April 12, 2017

levels of lawyers

levels of lawyers

the lawyers representing the copwho shot philando castillo are claiming an interestingdefense. an autopsy report indicatedthat castile had thc in the system and of course thc is oneof the components of marijuana. it's a component of marijuanathat can stay in your system for a very long time after you'veused marijuana thought the attorneys for saint anthonypolice officer jeronimo yanez are making the thc foundin castile's blood during an autopsy a key part oftheir defense.

the attorneys are arguing thatcastile was high on pot when he was pullover this pastjuly, which resulted in him supposedly ignoring inez'scommands and staring straight ahead during thetraffic stop thus making him culpable negligence in theincident. the officers attorneys alsoargued that castile had no right to carry a firearm despitehaving a permit to carry one because narcotic users arenot eligible to own, let alone carry a firearm on theirperson.

key components of the story thati want to remind you guys about. this shooting did take place inminnesota and essentially, castile was stopped during aroutine traffic stop and he was very clear with the policeofficer about the fact that he had a gun in the car. a gun that he was licensed toown. and so the officer had askedhim for his id and as he reached for his id, the cop shotand killed him. i'm glad this is going to trialbecause we don't have all

of the facts. i'm curious to see how this goesbut this defense is crazy when you consider the fact thatminnesota is an open carry state. in fact, they allow open carryand bars as long as the owners of those bars are okaywith it. so they are okay withindividuals drinking alcohol carrying guns but if youhave thc in your system, well, that makes you culpablenegligence.

i want to pick that defenseapart a second but in case you haven't seen the video, iwant you to just take a quick look at it. itgives you a sense of how heartbreaking the situation isand how it went down. let's take a look. stay with me. we got pulled over for a bustedtaillight in the back and the police just, he is covered.

he killed my boyfriend. he's licensed, he's licensed tocarry. he was trying to get out his id in his wallet fromhis pocket and he let the officer know that he was, thathe had a firearm and he was searching for his wallet andofficer just shot him in his arm. we are waiting for. i will sir, no worries.

he just shot his arm off. we got pulled over on thearbiter. i told him not to reach what itold him to get his hand off it. you told him to get his i seesir, his drivers license. all my god, please don't tell mehe's dead. please don't tell me myboyfriend just went like that. keep your hands in the same place. place. yes i will, sir i'll keep myhands where they are.

please don't tell me this lord. please jesus don't come in thathe's gone thought please officer don't, you just did thisto him. you shop for bullets into himsir. he was just getting his licenseand registration sir. and of course he did that ithought they did not of course as usual do cpr on him or in anyway try to help him until ambulances came much laterbecause no he's still a threat even though we just putall these bullets in him he

is still a threat. this defense is predictable butcrazy. it's predictable because thefirst thing cops look for when they shoot someone oreven if it is not them like simmerman when he shot trey vonmartin. let's try to blame the victim. what's the easiest thing? marijuana because so manyamerican smoke marijuana thought it's the same as havinga beer as anna pointed out.

it's not the same as having abeer. having a beer i would argue, nothaving a beer but drinking i would argue would make you muchmore likely to react violently in certain situations dependingon how alcohol impacts you. marijuana does not make you aviolent person. i am a user of marijuana and itdoesn't make me violent or erratic or crazy in fact, itmakes me very calm and relaxed. and all of the other smokemarijuana whether you're right or left wing, if a copever executes youth able to

say oh he smokes pot so that'sokay. that's my defense. he was negligent because at onepoint he smoked pot dice at one point because thc stays inyour system for 40 days. he might've had a joint 38 days ago and then they say no,he's culpable. it's him. he smoked pot once. i want to be absolutelyclear.

it really depends on how oftenyou smoke, how much you smoke, but yes. a stays in your system for along time. it doesn't mean thataffection for a long time, just as your system so after theykill you they can say see that? he smoked at some point in thelast 40 days. to me, the quote there of thelando castile the person he was killed being accused of quotestaring straight ahead during the traffic stop.

they are saying that is whatmade him culpable in negligent. they said he must've been high,he was stirring straightahead. if he was staring a radicallydifferent places you would've said see that, he ishigh. staring at different places. or if he was starring at thecopy would say he was staring at me menacingly. where can you look? this islooking while black.

where could he have put his eyeswere you wouldn't have shot and killed him? staring straight ahead, he didactually literally put that in their defense. i want to be clear aboutsomething. these types of shootings as youcan tell based on all the stories that a been covered andall the stories that came out disproportionately impactminorities especially black people however this is not aproblem that only affects

the african-american communityor the black community. this is a problem that affectsevery single one of us because if we are living inthis state of paranoia where there are guns everywhere,right? the accessibility of guns ispretty ridiculous and as a result, cops are very paranoid. every single one of us can be avictim of what happened here. a call can shoot and kill me,right? and i smoke marijuana.

i have thc in my system. they could easily demonize me asa violent criminal, someone who is not a law-abiding citizenand that scares the hell out of me and it should scare the hellout of everyone in this country. is one of the most popularrecreational, icy drugs but i mean, alcohol is a drug. caffeine is a drug. prescription drugs but if yousmoke pot they get to kill you and later say you werenegligent for your own debt

because you were lookingafter having smoked pot 40 days ago or sometime in the last40 days. finally, this whole pot excuseis so ridiculous. he says he can't carry a firearmif he had narcotics on them but you didn't know he had poton him when you shot them, you had no idea they had pot. later you find partisan excusein his system from sometime in the last 40days and you go you see that? i'm allowed to shoot him.

that had nothing to do theshooting. this happened in july and weare not hearing about this pot thing until today thoughtlet me tell you if pot had been a factor, the definingfactor in the case on the shooting happened, we would behearing about in july. but we are hearing about ittoday because they are looking for anything and everyexcuse to demonize this guy to warrant his murder.


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