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legal referral service ontario

legal referral service ontario

hi viktorija, it's penny. i'm justleaving this video for you. my full name is penny lyne tarrant. today is friday,january the 30th, 2015, and i want to leave the voicemail message that ireceived, as 'first contact' from victim/witness assistance office (vwap) at 200 chatham street, east, windsor ontario n9a 2w3, it's on the 5th floor,it doesn't say on the letterhead but the second copy, of this letter that i have, states that. it's on the 5th floor voicemail: "...saved message" okay. "hi penny, my name's christie, i work at the victim/witness assistance office, in windsor. g' me a call, when you get a chance.

it's regarding the current court matter. again, my name's christie and i'm at 519 253-2897 and i'm at extention #7. you can call collect, here, if you need to, okay? okay, if that's the case, then, i believe you would just press 0 and then they can direct you to me. okay, thanks penny, b'bye." penny: i'll date stamp that. voicemail: to erase...received january 27th (2015) at 11:28 a.m., from an outside caller. to erase this message press 7." penny: we'll listen to it again. to erase this message press 7 voicemail: to erase this message press 7. "hi penny. my name's christie. i work at the victim witness assistance office, in windsor. " i work at the victim witness assistance office, in windsor. g' me a call, when you get a chance. it's regarding the current court matter. again, my name's christie, and i'm at 519 253-2897 and i'm at extention#7. you can call collect here, if you need to. okay?

okay, and, if that's the case, then, i believe you would just press 0, and they can direct you to me. okay, thanks penny, b'bye. "to erase this message, press 7, to save it press 9. received january 27, (2015). voicemail: received january 27th at 11: 28 a. m. from an outside collar. to erase this message press seven. message saved. end of messages. main menu. (call ended). so viktorija, you have that voicemail recording, it deletes from my voicemail box after three days so i wanted to havethat on video. i'm sending this to your email. okay, i'll read you this letter as well. and i'll read you the letter from victim services, as well, in toronto. this letter isdated january 26th, 2015.

ministry of the attorney generalvictim and vulnerable persons division west region. i gave you the address earlier, ok? it says, ms penny tarrant, 221 spadina road, toronto, ontario, m5r 2t9. january 26th, 2015. dear ms. tarrant, we are writing to you from the ministry of the attorney general's victim/witness assistance program. as a victim of orwitness of crime you have a right to be treated with respect. our role is toprovide support information and services throughout the criminal court process. wewant you to know that the crown attorney's office is prosecuting thecriminal matter involving robert armstrong, the accused in this case no one is prepared to become a victim of crime and

the criminal justice system can beconfusing our services are free of charge and mayinclude 1. information about the criminal justice system and your role incourt. referrals to community agencies for counseling and other services. 3. information about a private waiting area that may be available to you if youattend court. 4. help to give information to the crown attorney, in brackets, "the lawyer who works for the province of ontario and is in charge ofprosecuting this case", closed brackets. 5. assistance to prepare for court. 6. updates about when you are required to be at court.

7. the latest information about othercourt gates at your request. 8. assessing your accessibility needsand assisting with coordinating services to meet those needs. january 27th, 2015, is the nextcourt date for the accused. this is dated january 26th, 2015. i receivedthis letter on january 29th 2015. this is not a trial date and you do nothave to go to court on that day. it continues; if you have any questions orwould like further information please call us at 519 253 2897 direct, or collectin brackets 519 258-4502 tty our office hours are 8:30 a. m. - 5:00 p.m. monday to friday. if we cannot answer

or you call when our office is closed you can leave us a voicemail. please do not leave a message about the evidence, in brackets,facts in this case. also, if you move, or change your telephone number please tellus your new contact information so we can stay in touch. we look forward to hearing from you today is the 30th, of january.yours truly, christie mcauley, christie mccawley victim, slash, witnessservices worker. notice of collection of personal information, is enclosed (of thevictim), release conditions of robert armstrong and the undertakingthat robert armstrong made.

so the information, the importantinformation, about collection of information of the victim. it says important information pleaseread carefully, notice of collection of personal information. the victims andvulnerable persons division collects and uses personal information, such as, yourname and contact information to administer the services provided by theministry of the attorney general... general's victim/witness assistanceprogram (vwap), personal information is collected under the authority of section 2of the victims bill of rights and section 5 of the minsitry of the attorneygeneral act. this information will be

used to provide you with victim servicesand for the administration of justice. so they'll provide me (victim/witness) with victim services and (collect the victim's information) for the administration of justice. if you have any questions about thecollection and use of your personal information, please contact your localvwap office at 200 chatham street, east, 5th floor, windsor, ontario. n9a 2w3. direct or collect at 519 253-2897 and tty at 519 258-4502. the undertaking given to a peace officer or an officer in charge. it says, at the top--gives me, the case filenumber 1959... i'm sorry, i don't have it. it doesn't give me a casefile number.

it gives me his address. it gives me thecharges. it's an alleg... allegation, "assault", spousal cc 266, uttering threats, causedeath or bodily harm, spousal cc 264.1 bracket 1, bracket a. it gives me the o.p.p. lakeshore, ontario, detachment at 775 notre dame street, lakeshore, ontario see, it says, abstain from communicatingdirectly or indirectly with penny tarrant. not to attend within 250 meters of 221spadina road, city of toronto, ontario, or or any known residence or workplace ofpenny tarrant, my name's, my last name's in capital letters. his, both, his first and last name are in capital letters. they didn't included his middle name. his full name is robert john armstrong.

they didn't include that. they included the name of (o.p.p.) p.c. reid. her name is in capitals. no first initial, no badge number. lakeshore, o.p.p., 775 notre dame street lakeshore, ontario. that's all, there's no, there's no case file number, so, just as data birth, december 4th, 1959. i'mgoing to read you the letter it was dated january 7th (2015), but i didn't pickup this letter until january 26, 2015. it says, to whom it may concern; re: (all my, both, names are in capital letters)tarrant comma penny (tarrant, penny). i am writing on behalf of penny tarrant, to support her application for funds from the ywca

december 6 fund. on december 27, 2014, p.c. vigna, badge 82008, from 14 division (city of toronto police) referred ms. tarrant, to victim services forsupport and assistance after she was assaulted by her husband. she is in needof financial assistance for basic living necessities. we are asking for yourconsideration in this matter so she can continue to live her life free ofviolence. victim services program is a charitable non-profit organization, fundedby the attorney general of ontario, and the city of toronto to assist victims ofcrime and tragic circumstances. the program is housed at police headquarters, 40 college street, in the city of toronto. if you need additional informationregarding this matter, please contact the

office at the number below. we are available seven days a week 24hours a day sincere... sincerely, lilyana kingsley. liyana kingsley. kingsley, victim services toronto 416 808-7066 and the letterhead (logo) is in the middle, victim services toronto. i pickedthis letter up, on the, on monday, january 26th. the court date was tuesday, january 27th. the voicemail message i got...i received was was tuesday, january 27th, (2015) at 11:28 in the morning. so, when i picked this letter up. i wrote on it, and had bobbie (bobbie) . mcmurrick (mcmurrick), sign and date it, january 26, 2015. (i'm sorry, i don't know if you can see that.)

i wrote: i came to the police detachment,in toronto, ontario, attended the office of victim services to read and, possibly,accept the letter of referral for the ywca december 6 fund. i declined,with bobby mcmurrick, dated, january 26, 2015. 2015. but in order...i took two photos. a photo of this letter, and i took a photo (i'm sorry) a photocopy of this, consent torelease and verify information form. i checked off, that i release myinformation, or, that they release information to me, only. the torontopolice services, the children's aid society the toronto housing connections,the family services association the multi-cultural interpreter service, the victim / witness assistance program (vwap)

the adt security services canadaand mount sinai hospital crisis intervention service is all crossed off. if not listed above, please list the agency organization and contact personbelow and it says, december 6 fund. it doesn't say ywca but that's what iwanted the letter for, and it didn't even say that so... it says, i understand that my records are protected under the freedom of information and protection of privacy act,fippa and the municipal freedom of information and protection of privacy act, mfippa regulations and cannot be disclosed without any writtenconsent unless otherwise provided for

the law.. provided for the laws andregulations i also understand that i may, revoke, (or cancel), 'in brackets', this consent at any time. so i declined theseletters because i did not want my information go to any of theseorganizations. so i don't get access to that fund (ywca december 6' fund). unless i, make a special request for that. but ihave to have, ah, employment to get this loan. and um, prove that, which, i wouldhave to go on assistance because that's the only funds that i could get, from,anywhere. so they want me to go on the system, so that, ah, but, you're not treated any differently when you're 'on the

system', for financial help, you're not treated any differently. you're not treated with respect. respect as a victim of crime. youjust go on the list of slaves. so i'll leave that with you, viktorija. i want to let you know that also, victim services, as i read, was in theheadquarters at toronto. victim services is different. it's a non-profitorganization, it's different than victim witnesses protection office, it'sdifferent, not the same, not the same. and the envelope that i got the letter in was toronto police at 40 college, and there's your stamp there, thedate, the ah, if you want to visit the toronto policemuseum. i've got the letter, the envelope that

the, the undertaking and the letter fromthe ministry of the attorney general victim/witness assistance office, whichis, victims and vulnerable persons division, west region, sent to me. it's, you'll see, ontario. vwap 200 chatham street, east, level 5, windsor, ontario. it's post marked, january 26th. you probably can't see that. i'm sorry ja 28, oh, it's the 28th, hmmm, it's not the 26th, so i thought it was sent on the same day , but it was...they sent it the day after the court hearing. so, yeah, that's how they can assess my needs,as a disabled person, special needs

person and victim/witness of crime. you don't get to go to the first courtdate and the letter that they give you doesn't give you opportunity becauseit's mailed the day after court. so yeah, they block you. okay, viktorija, i'm leaving you with this video. wishing you well. take care.


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