Monday, April 10, 2017

legal advice

legal advice

you just received a lawsuit in the mail andyou want free legal advice. hello, i'm robert todd and i'm here to answer the question,how to get free legal advice? well generally, in most states, there is a or an availabilityfor free legal advice from legal aid societies and legal aid clinics if you qualify froman income standpoint. you have to make less than a certain threshold. you have to checkwith your individual state or county to determine what that threshold is. there's also numerouswebsites on the internet that supposedly offer free legal advice and i would caution youthat when you avail yourself of these services, you are getting exactly that, what you arepaying for, free legal advice. if you need legal advice, you are probably better offto seek the services of an attorney or someone

specialized in the area of the law that yourproblem is concern. i'm robert todd and than you for watching.


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