Wednesday, April 5, 2017

lawyer referral service san diego

lawyer referral service san diego

hello and welcome, this is attorney mark blanepracticing law here in san diego, california. you are in an accident, you are almost done with all of yourmedical care, and your medical doctor suggests another modality of medical care for your injury case, he or she suggests acupuncture you wonder what is it, how can it affect you,and doesn't really work? well, in this video, i actually go in to interview an acupuncturist on this veryquestion. i go down to his offices and we do a one-on-one exclusive on all the thingsthat you need to know about on your accident case in relation to gettingacupuncture care or not.

so sit back, relax and see what you think about our interview,thank you hi, it is mark blane and i'm here withdoctor mario mancini. mario, thanks for joining me today. i am glad to be here. i appreciate it. you know i do a lot of personal injury cases, as you know, here in town, and i got clients that get in car accidents and sometimes they go "mark, what other modalities of care can i try? you know i tried physical therapy, i have tried chiropractic, what else, what else is out there?" and i will present to them the

uh... possibility of using acupuncture sometimes i have client's coming back to me go saying "you know what, i know exactly what acupuncture is" and sometimes they come back to me and say "you know what, i do not know what it is." so why don't we start with that question today, what exactly is acupuncture? well acupuncture is a modality ofchinese medicine and there's many modalities of chinesemedicine, acupuncture being one of many and what acupuncture is a primaryfocus of reducing pain/inflammatory conditions of thebody. now, it comes from chinese medicine right?, uh,

maybe three thousand years ago is that right? yep, over thousand years, ah, it is a three thousand-year-old medicine but it is relatively new in the medical system.. and it is relatively new because in the medical system now, we'rerequired to have scientific evidence based medicine an acupuncture is now considered at anational level evidence-based and scientific. okay great, great, and how long have youbeen practicing acupuncture care? i have been practicing

about seventeen years now. okay great! so, ah, how does it work exactly? you know a lotof people come to me and they will say acupuncture care, they will say you know, what, how is it gonna work? you know there are needles going into me right? but it doesn'tare going to be right but it doesn't hurt right? yeah, really what we think about needles we think about these hyperdermic needles, and really acupuncture uh... uses

hair thin needles and really that the premisei always tell my patients is number one the body is doing whathe's doing to protect you uh... if a patient is in pain the body is saying stop doing that, and if the body is inflamed the body is saying don't move it what we are trying to do isinterrupt that pattern especially when it becomes chronic so acupuncture does two effects, it has a brain stem effectthat has effect on the local problem so at the brain level acupuncture helps stimulate what arecalled opioids, the body's natural

morphine and when you have the body'snatural morphine activated in a location pain levels start to reduce. then that impacts nerve flow, corrrect? absolutely. and the opiates come from the uh... the brain stem, the brain stem, okay, great..yeah, continue so when we release opiates from the brain stem, we are actually able to reduce pain and inflammation in the area of the problem now, at the local area, the primary focus isto increase oxygen rich blood flow, right... and, if you increase oxygen rich bloodflow to a location it will heal much better...right,

any pain condition and it is not healing it is primarily due to ainflammatory is a "guarding effect." what acupuncture does it helps interrupt thesignal... when you interrupt the signal the muscle starts to themuscle starts to release the nerves that are running through the muscle fibersrelease but most importantly when we open up the musclewe start to increase circulation to the area which is the primary focus of healing... okay, would you say that most of y our patients, when they come to see you have had some previous

experience with acupuncture care or are they usually "first timers?" you know it's interesting...uh,no eighty five to ninety percent of our referrals are by medical doctors and the patients that we see first-time thatthey trust the medical doctor has are recommended it and they're gonna try they always thank their medical doctor okay, great...are there different styles ofacupuncture and if so which style do you use?

yeah, there are quite few styles ofacupuncture and chinese medicine is over three thousand years old so the rule....thestyle that we practice is biomedical based...and biomedically based primarily becausewe need to understand the physiology behind the problem so that we can bettercommunicate it to not only the patient but also to the medical community so that we can stay consistent as aspecialty in the medical system when we speak the same language it's better communicated, and the patient hasthe best care.

that is good, and generally how many treatments are recommendedwhen a patient comes to see you, and starts medical care with you... we normally go through a course of abouttwelve treatments and within about twelve treatments we will see up to fifty to eighty percentimprovement, and improvements can be anywhere fromreduction of pain improve function reduced need for medication basicallyimprovements in their ability to perform the activities of daily livingand we'd like to see that within about

twelve treatments ok you'll see a good response probably halfway through? halfway through gives us "the green light" to sayyou're on the right track let's keep moving forward. okay great, uh, how can acupuncture care help personinjured in a car accident or or some sort of trauma induced injury you know we have trauma induced injuries and we have uh... muscle imbalance injuries which are really the two that we have outthere but, you know i do a lot of car accident casesuh, sometimes uh... uh... you know i see it in the medical recordsthat the adrenal glands get affected

you know, the medical doctors don'treally focus on that as much, you know... which i applaud the acupuncturistbecause you guys really focus on the kidneys & adrenal glands are allrelated to what we call lymph [lymphatic] flow to help get that scar tissue out of thebody and in using the manipulation with... with acupuncture how can uh... a good acupuncturist helpwith that to move that lymph

to to get the to get the scar tissue to really uh...exit the body good question..whenever you have a trauma and there's a impact on the tissue, the tissue or the muscle fibers never really heal back to will heal in a cross fiber or what we call and "adhesion," also know as "scar tissue" what acupuncture does is it helps to interruptand break up the scar tissue, and once we can break up the scar tissue that's gonna allow more circulation going into the area... andthat is the point when the body over-compensates

to rebuild an area even moreisn't?... absolutely, always remember the body nevers does anything to harm itselfit is doing it to self-protect what we're trying to do is interrupt, and reset thesystem...once we interrupt and reset the system the body's own self-healingcapacity kicks in but we have to trust it, we just happen to not trust it these days.. right, sothat's how it helps with lymph flow... uh, you kind of touched upon blood flow and how we want to get that blood moving because it has the oxygen, it carries the oxygen, it helps to carry the nutrients to the joints especially when there is an injury to the spine

and i have seen, i have cases with you, and you do marvelous work by the way uh... one thing i like about your work is not only do you keep the patientshappy and educated but your reports are timelyand always that's always a good thing... i appreciate it. but, uh, yeah... but uh... you touched on lymph flow,blood flow, but what about nerve flow? can the acupuncturist system help with nerve flow? yeah, nerve flow is the premise of pain, whenever you have pain there is a nerve signal

fired up to the brain embracing outs aunty with acupuncture does helped interruptthat signal to help maximise that circuit what we can maximize at circuit the bodydoesn't overcompensate when you have endorsing a constant fires it's overcompensating, it is kind of like a smokealarm that keeps beeping... right... and what we're doing is we're going you're resettingthe system with the needle with the acupuncture two days with the chineseunderstood

to reactivate the body's own self repair system bysimply resetting, reassessing, reorganizing the body back to its previous state..very good... here's a question for you, how is nutrition play a role with acupuncture care in general? great question..i kind of surprised you with that one... it's a great question, and i'll tell you uh... a lot of patients

who come in with what we call adrenalfatigue because they are constantly stimulating their cortisol levels to reduce the pain or inflammatory complex the adrenals will get tired & get fatigued now the adrenals handle all forms of stress:mental, emotional, physical, chemical environmental stressors you put a major trauma into that, it is a hugestress for the adrenals...and by the way, let me jump in just for the viewers uh... the adrenal glands sit on top of the kidneys?... right?

and they're basically the chinese have viewed those glands as a superior gland in the body throughout their research so i just want the viewers to know those glands sit there and they help get the scar tissue out-of-body throughhuh...cellular waste.. through the urine, correct? through the renal side of it... is the filtration unit the adrenals on top handle the stressors

there's two components to it that thechinese looked at as one system we now know that there's two parts to the adrenals and the renals those are both critical in clearance of waste the adrenals are important to handle the pain and inflammatory complex as wellas the stress response these patients are so stressed out... right...and once they get more and more fatigued and the amount of pain they are dealing with it is like a downhill spiral and what acupuncture does,specifically nutrition

is what we do use we help reboot the adrenal glands to reduce the pain/inflammatorycomplex with the acupuncture we start to support the adrenals with certain co-factorsdiet, herbs, nutrition to build the adrenals so that patient starts to feel like themselves again...great... so nutrition does play a vital role and you know, we've always suspected that, but uh,some of the medical doctors don't focus on that aspect when it comes to a

recovery process... and they're they're nottrained in it and medical doctors are so inundated with patients and reports andthe pharmaceuticals, and surgery that the nutritional side is not something that you are trained with, and that is where we come in to fill in that gap, because if we can startfocusing on the upstream problems of a condition that is really downstream affectour goal is to help the create a proactive mind set with thepatient..oncewe can start being proactive we're no longer reactive because of mostpatients in today's world right are so

reactive there waiting for a problem to happen on youraccidentally injuries you didn't know it was going to happen but it is time to start taking steps to be proactive so that you don't keep falling so acupuncture philosophy is proactive which is greatbecause that is the best way to do it so does medical insurance coveracupuncture treatments? yes actually uh... now more and more, we are seeing more insurance companies covering acupuncture and in fact in two thousand fourteen there is a law that's been passed that

uh...that all insurance companies that are in the state of california arerequired to uh... take acupuncture care great...and then you know i do a lot of personalinjury and uh... you'll accept medical pay payments if the patient has these benefits under their auto policy if they don't and they have a injurycases against a third party you will go on a lean with your bill which means thatyou'll suspend payments until the case that right? if we can help thepatient in any way possible we will do it... awesome...that's that's really vitalbecause there are a lot of folks out there that don't have health insurance and they don't have medical pay insurance, and they get into these car accidents, or these traumas and they don't

they don't know where to go so that is greatjust to put this information out there uh... in one final question about pain i know that uh... acupuncture care can help with pain levels and uh... i know one of the goals you know i know a lot of medical doctors are so programmed togo into cortisone shots and get that pain level down what are some things that acupuncture can do to maybe prevent that fromhappening as a proactive measure to avoid that because we know cortisone

going into the body in a "shot form"is going to impact the adrenals negatively yes still you know there there is a timeplace and then there's times at the cortisone is needed to really break a strong pattern of pain and inflammation i often see it being used a little too much when you used any kind of external form of medication it is going to have downstream negative effect we all know that, especially with cortisol if you're including something likeinsulin into the body

the pancreas will reduce its need tostimulate any insulin, so we have to be really mindful not to overuse uh...any external source that the body can actually do by itself but what acupuncture does and chinese medicine is it helps reboot, restore and and reallysupport the body's natural function that's why we really look at this is aintegrated approach trying the best the of both medicines, not cutting off one medicinefrom the other really provide the best patient centered care and it

is really looking at what thepatient needs most and of course diane tristen plays a hugedrawn as their only have a lot of people forget about that and a lot of enough onmy mind you reminded back and get on the lawyerso i can tell about nutrition navya so okay great um... and also that say you're not ableto licensure an acupuncture in california but you're also a you all thedoctrine or an old man said spots please share with our viewers howthat is makes you different than another actor poachers out there yet so

when i graduated from with my masters inchinese medicine i realize right away that i wasn't able to understand emedicine at the level science that i'dneed to to to help most patients that were being offered by medicaldoctors who are at work died when i did was i went back to bribeto school in with my doctorate dean understand the scientific field behindthe medicine so that i understand the science behindthat is a about only able to to really get to the patient but most importantlyable to trinity to the medical community

we've got better communication with thatthat better languageid the patient receives the best medicalcare because a doctor who understands the medicine from the scienceperspective right as opposed to something that's chinese to them yes beloved ummel great albert mokhiber configs findover here in mission valley uh... rep three five four seventy of the real selfthe our website is nancy acupuncture dot com

and our phone number itself within thecontext of shock that's a really great interview thankyou for joining but i really appreciate that alright typeface for joining us sum upwit doctor martin issues contact information in that link below uh... i was a horrible day and thanksagain for various by well hope you enjoy that your documentseven practical verse seventeen years answered any more information on off thecontact information in the link below remember you can call me and faceliftwhere in san fran

about videos all-time ongoing law dotcom if you have any questions what if it ifthe phone give me a call not a problem what that is a question for people arewhenever i can to that end thank you very much forvictorious on this interview segment uh... blame on dot com thank you of life cast b


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