Tuesday, April 4, 2017

lawyer referral service ontario

lawyer referral service ontario

hi. this is michael niren, immigration lawyerand founder of visaplace.com. a released document has been circulated indicating that the ministerof immigration, chris alexander, is thinking about canceling the birth citizenship lawsthat exist in this country. essentially, if you are born in canada, you are conferredcanadian citizenship and that includes children from parents who are foreign nationals orwho are visitors to canada. so the concern is that if you are a foreignnational and you come to canada and the mother gives birth to that child in canada, thatchild will automatically be given citizenship. this has been a longstanding law in canada,it exists today, and the proposal is to cancel that. i think this is a real concern. we livein an open and democratic society and it is

my belief that birth citizenship is a partof that. we live in an aging demographic. we have an aging demographic where canadawill be in desperate need for people, for immigrants, for individuals to come to canadato ultimately contribute to the labor market force. the percentage of these birth citizenshipcases compared to the annual birth rate is miniscule, so it really a non-issue in termsof statistics. however, i believe that the government is ideologically driven and theyhave a very isolationist approach and it's the wrong way because we are moving into aglobal economy. instead of closing the doors to citizenship we should be opening them.i would imagine that babies born whether or

not they are born from canadians or born fromforeign nationals, ultimately grow up here, they go to school here, and they contributeto the social and economic life of canada. so we want young people, we want childrento grow up here as opposed to trying to close the doors. so i think that the government's approachis completely the wrong approach and it's in keeping with their, what i would consider,a closed-door immigration policy. so let's hope this secret document, this proposal,does not come to fruition and there is enough of an outcry to prevent the government fromfollowing through on this latest threat to our citizenship laws. thank you and have a. . .


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