Tuesday, April 4, 2017

lawyer referral service ns

lawyer referral service ns

sir they kept the beautifully now tied up somewhere the incident you he only wink sinker making it world now like the national broadcasting companyinc because someone bumps in wartime but i'm still a part of the story ofwhat we are not warranted under the children of the world

much dramas based on the important newbook but almost all untitled racial inherit the earth part of the author will be played byrichard stark p stripped athlete old catholic okay don't

just flapping cases i was a girl skills made without it um... contracts asstt him the of those words at war no they're not

they just the words of some of the boys playing a game in a small town in theeastern part of the united states of america it's the summer of nineteen thirty seven at the same time in madrid spain perhaps i'd better tell you who i am my name is on those off and for years i've been gathering material for a bookthat will answer the question

what are we doing to the children of theworld who so i walked through many countries i saw and spoke with children de-militarized children of mussolini'sregime until a the german boys and girls educated to hate under the nazi rule the children of spain

in nineteen thirty nine and i saw thechildren of spain back in nineteen thirty seven well american children were playing copsand robbers cowboys and indians children in spain were being bond today there was a man in the grand a simple quiet man a library and i'm anative but it doesn't matter what he was whatdoes matter is what he said had seemed so many things we schedule

we have to be the fascists troops naming the seven tenements of theworkers squatters peter fifty windows of the house isn'tstarved people out across the way the troops with steve any scheme waiting for the thirst and hunger toproviding the power again at last the woman would appear fearfullyat one of the deliveries planning to go out and get theirfamilies something to be she looks around

it is not speaking jacuzzi child after about one hundredsecond child by the other she's not going to be splitting thechildren alone did with her husband you might get killed in the fight at themoment she looks at our meeting everything is quiet she says two percent just asking cashback

and so she goes after two childrensleeping along between ghettos of tenements and now week stein to throw the grainy orhad it and so the through any but why not those fascists have been cooped up inthat house a long time bani didi practice ab desert known harmony children died inthe civil war

his cities known precisely ten thousandsix hundred ninety nine and wounded fifteen thousand three hundred andtwenty unite behind gay scene hai days one thing donors as well one consummation what's that nursing escape

really seemed reluctant to you compare reviews uh... my friend from england was wrong many times during the next year's i saw things of indescribable brutality things happening to children you know those things

you read about them the newspapers seenthem in the news reels but has it meant when hundreds of thousands of childrenare in danger they become statistics we see this is figures in graphs printedblack and white paper matters little boys and girls burnedbleeding starting tortured abandoned to despair so we sit quietly motionless in ourcomfortable homes knowing with our minds

but not be leaving without hearts that there are thousands of childrenweeping and bleeding all over the world nineteen forty one uh... the two fires began in china and spain have ignited the world belgium has fallen holland norway fraps even america is nowat war what about the children of america but they still playing games

julius different games of course but they're playing games and not beingmartyrdom who are happy circumstance of geography american children are still allowed the privilege of child seat annexing objects but twelve people in awhile yeah

e it ellen axes use life veggie placingfrightening i date online late at night it says that was thinking romantic andtheir exact holocene sexy when your plane let's just wait i want to use them when i grow up i would be a price that you cannot makemeantime black satin exactly negative excel get somone is she says

so if you know however it'd be tracking down here it's okay to obviated yeah data what are you going to be when you go up every child the world over has beenasked that question he makes a game of it german children though they are asked the question but

it's not a game it's another way of instilling in themthe nazi doctrine eyes ought to be a member there's lotsof cost but my father set court right rotate feeling dot cap rockband nationwide ought to be a memberi think examples by you're lucky a study

co candidates what what they're saying patient or competing admit he could stay in the tour and what have we done for the children ofthe world something has a heard its beyond man's ability to grasp the earth is not changed seasons past nopointed cycle

and uh... still keeping secrets and each living creature brood over hisfinal breath but the children whether we don't do them lists in cold blood the whole world has turned to systematicmurder children have been condemned thestarvation torture bombardment they've been orphaned

mutilated killed for a tactical reasons whether they liked and leaves military objectives these youngsters who will all over the globe children not touchedby it fascism and war they staggered down the endless roads ofchina under the bombs of japanese planes

in japan they have talked to die for theemperor in germany they're taught how to hate based on the streets of athens immigrant they huddle in the ruins of warsaw they learned the ways of sabotage andmurder under the very noses of the victoriousgermans in france holland norway greece denmark yugoslavia and in russia

they fight children we're speaking of children what have we done to them error roju the almost washing and admin okay mailed thanks to you soon

proceedings delayed jazz band in throughthe blocking arctic asap vegetable soup although i'm not going to use oursaturday intel it's the summer of nineteen forty three america's been at war for almost twoyears the home life in america has beeneffected of course there are inconveniences scarcity

and in some homes tragedy has come however the boys and girls in america do get enough to eight implants at this very moment a little boy and his sister pierre andmarried to kara are starving today meanwhile ops team

becoming when they're going to be clear menu moreso really get and out of this issue you'd better come home and we're goingto be teach the way we do steering men trying handout if we salute okay asap governments can't buck mardi aseventeen i want you to sit down to keep a smearare taking but my

needs the it was for i believe worries that body so theywould be good justice for are the people in the room which takes place in demanded creationg_a_t_t_ nine oh one k no white k and then like handing out now matting security me see justice eight theirnames basin

now winning nasa coherent jeannie and he'sbreaching tied until one p sinking how abt mediates chairman so you get married and they couldn't behave leading no us get tied it cannot be delivered minded come out eight you know you know sixteen

here you'll find any handouts thank yout michael tigar any policeman he's able to see you eat before it gets cold moon real spring what can i go bright because you canrelate to warning is not great champion initialstating that why has nothing to do with judy now need to see war on mon dieu re

which will be it wasn't working paltry country competing down any playing it fitzgerald being nineteen anything kinky little pink did

the amendment it's document me needed pimpin thenworking payment it is working locally she mentions she thinking berliner hoping praying remission doomed lose your job pretty emotional shooting lol to gration

it can't be good morning what are youmeeting with great king from collecting for him to do with them depicting shoes do you to move on booked into real palin listen boardroom big boobs more didn't he needing

means hearing two different part of themovement comes to nationally your continued to pay attention to me dept japan is decreasing yelling teams icons personnel basically eastern europeancities eighteen blood review board damm street

hand-written used to it dean needs tvm on and it says innineteen eighty two families you'd places like that we have to think lets you know based or painting trips loop p immediate repeat ten twenty three things being letthanks for twenty-five experience

access to a new window of this timearound the corner that's too much we have time since wouldn't be any we have been no fourteen cars daddy king you you see the uti would you say eighty steamship pain more tristan weight chinese

taken numeral or or bestowing no this is in the story it's true but where are these children now we should know there to inherit theearth remember they won't tho

marie won't chico cold one day and died within threehours she was so undernourished receipe p i won't either he's dead too yet of starvation and the others countless others i saw you on the roads leading frenchfriends on the roads leading south from paristhose roads that were one down broken up

walked two pieces by the flight of tenmillion panic driven people those roads that were sown with woundedand dying with blood machine-gun bullets i saw a little french children hungrywhere a lonely unwin driven paris streets where are you now i don't know the natalie here tells only the tinyhandful of them countless millions

met eleven-year-old marry who lived inpoland tell you her story william gary and it hasn't been difficult election time to get to the flute sax and let's try to get behind it sticking leveraged it tied into unit kaivon materialistic

heuristic or anything like that it's not like it wouldn't sell it appropriateness hudson he's receptacle so i have writtensentiments first tech stocks helped current headquarters doing that dot com dot my work lacking me everlasting anytime soon folks who say anything

intensity there was a bit dresser a people in the world artists risk it hit requesting playroom american cuisine child knows about the meaning of theworld insecurity he doesn't know meaning but he shuddersat the fact before pearl harbor

america's children with children of thecontent of peace now however though the children do not see much ofwar they hear evidence essentially war is hell laura's death anddestruction everyone who can't defend himself goes under we must learn to hate and as hate walks through a child's mind with it walk six companion a lot of people in the world

one year again our plan satins and and and package and at thattime caring to come out we can see it in andout caramel parallel or what paramount he's you know i have lashing out missus all

acura running-mate electorate scartissue caa maxine patni plot on any vision that they didn't sounded likechicken factory this weekend the veronica it alexander nowadays

and please contact it's not even speed great killing even note for your money if she can deactivate anythings you andwhat you'd be surprised when he wakes up in the morning and find some contactopengl update smith he in he was there

all by himself how many american children are left bythemselves these days you've heard a number of stories tonightstories telling of the fears of persecution of the sufferings of littleboys and girls in this our war we've spoken of the children sufferingas well as yet we have not told of their bravery of thesublime courage and indomitable will to live of all children it happened in london during the darkestperiod of the war

and it seemed only a matter of weeksbefore going to be invaded the warning sirens sounded in youngstersfrom a nearby school had gathered in an air raid shelter before the first enemyplanes arrived overhead huh k any it doc any record but i have a nice guy i'd talk toyou tomorrow

vandyck eyes i think it's something so i'll tell you a good time at yourmessage content to dispatch and campgrounds any gift wrapping sorry been hangin story a copy for one hundred treatment landon arab groups that deputy remindersdescribed neutrons salad

we can't castings we get cases aretreating this matter will attend communism and it's banquet plan and jamie's painted bag known in miamiflorida one crime deterrent karen karenbystanders advancement and out of this program for logical and i think billing so halliburton

it blacksburg during million crusty didn't you wrote in your u randomly jestbemine one in d_n_a_ going on i wouldn't back at me anything not continues deny having like that in mind

bug the sounding demand backyard denying nandarmyatoo really not human subjects condition game there will be here

camel day it selling heroin here what have we decided go ahead with the state of the childrenof china russia poland england that children of the world loneliness we will will help you

there are only a few who know the army but more and more will learn and those of you who are starving wielding and those who are lost will find screwy problems greenhouse weight the day of victory will come

and on that day will begin mankind's neil effort to havetrust in itself we always failed up to now have apicture of him for one day you are going to inherit our ownstruggle to trust one another and when you go tell them remember this so long as man can be leaving inmanhattan there's still a tense for all of us

maddie man as the thirtieth program of words of war we have brought you a program based onthe book they shall inherit the earth by allthose off the book was adapted for radio by eithersummer richard stark narrated for are both off the original music was by william either the production was under the directionof product

the hannah next week words that war will present anadaptation of another artist andy warhol where that war is brought to you incooperation with the council on books in wartime by the national broadcasting company andits affiliated independence day mad this is the national broadcastingcompany all or

all his friends were in some branch ofthe armed forces mandated by the bombing a year and ahalf younger one of the army that was when the renovo mother decidedthat somehow he was going to get into the fightthrough charter auction by a part of our car for the victory in the market value rambling on five hundred marine with acapital equipment he went on to the narrow time for thetraining beijing achieved today

four-and-a-half months later he went tosleep a profound jerked upwards of work all yourinformation three months relevant on the atlantic coast my second trip between the north africawhere missing my brother by three days we'd only nineteen years old and thestaff sergeant with the forty-fifth division of the pentagon they just left north africa for theinvasion of france we came back to the states after twoweeks a short shipped out again this time with the plumber about them

this time we met the war motion for the libertarian react and shoemaker kind of car the author of the novel we're going todramatize on words of all this evening is here with us season in tiny author of wartime we're honored to have you with ustonight michelin and happy to be would you tell us a little about wartime

is it your first book know that it is myfriends now and details of your own experienceswhile being bombed by the japanese and now my mother is an outline left aryanenacting but you were in chongqing in nineteen forty carrying the heaviestbombings of that city yes i was then would you tell us a little about it but i do and i thought mistergreenspan's and i'm not ac adam that wat tam justwhat is the wartime misled

am audrey and what i expected to crest and uh... reflect on china and their commenteveryone davis an indictment and i think now and they think a single unit one cult and i went out straight what isthis spirit misled expanded canister packed past and i andheritage and it is a an exact now that we can winthis war our dramatization of your book doesn't follow exactly the incidents asyou wrote them but i think it will preserve that spiritthat if annette maddening

began in andy's and watch and one more question entirely would you mind how old are you andseventeen years now leads at war tonight the national broadcastingcompany in cooperation with the council on books in wartime presented adaptationof a powerful new novel written by a seventeen-year-old their the book while in tight room uh... hangers

we can do you think it's only she was very proud of it she said that all through my life shebeen dressed like him support for newsday special between when spencer really just a normal chinese foodmedium-term my family structure like most farmers i dot e isn't practical

my mother was i'm not kidding i had to practice and the plan mismo and of course there is the old lady notgone unusual him really were unknown for u meetings

until a working one out police happy moment for you patient and understanding beyond wasted not the intended only i haven't said what daddy does so delighted with the but login name and that means can you

kidding hutch it is too young dcdc excommunicated space garcetti v you had a lovely find two helicopters

tell us kitchen kinematics ladies and gentlemen my house is honored by your presence this is a happy occasion for the houseand tell you i ask you to join me in welcoming nine udot s my son's wife broiled

a it may be sent monday bless theirhearts kuwait arctic what the it isn't and other tourist to my mother my mother who is my homes most using her mind she's there elegant and we are looking at

i think that you architect hahaha park solution we can't it so you right come into the next ten million the had something to tell you soon the complex and secure sick on t_v_ saying it needs to both lookssooooo seem theater

chameleon numerous coming lucy movement don and i was prepared to stop thechance who's team the tables have thousands of planes william houses we must keep them from crawling througha sky which report to the airfield in hongkong

machinery and when i'm gonna be only you can take careof our family only you take care of my life who moved brokers before him eleven very much please million as no one asked you little being the only mother father

royal grim one of them depend on you you must stay and take care of promise me that one war comes you keephis family safe and strong promise she must promising on me undo many beast thank you your computer

goodbye sister take care unloading keep royal princy yes unsympathetic to hoche and stupid we're going to be keeping ten thousands of planes

how many of you hold on who you we'llstop them we have five nineteen nineties dude this don't beat against my windows in and couldn't send istanbul down upon them in this can indeed continue soon my brother's fine gone off to the bathroom scam

pete from not only having known even my own group melinda lou brown treatment plan panel acting in the viana demanding technical not top business time-life weakening and foundweek and that was when i came to my heart

son or when and where warm nonsense the wall will come here the japanese don't come here theywouldn't dare group of the worst nodes doughnut nineteen blasting not going to be able to run entered intobron educate nuns

mankind to only the wind haven't these comes by ninety caps everybody canadian excitement at night like collection victoria mitigated admit instrument

why in that bag known palatine dont really a m no not not patents and ind early in thewind who really reimold and working and time broken-hearted made him too all right mechanics then comics young man withneend

going to be removed correct pounds doessky not denying allentown you know i've beentelling him on remember it doesn't happen mammals and he's touching com w bookings we've just talked to his son in thewinter wonderland homeland women remained one that with my mom month directly brooms

redman and downloaded got mad mad menworking this election p does not mean mehmood admissions litmus and even with more of a normalroutine remembered and don't know mean-spiritedness marriages caring policemen and the spirit was the right time that's correct

and i would like to know what happenedthere because if they would use the word from karen dot not only in poland and picking team it's not on my grandmother would not go influence heating commitment contempt and show pueda destruction two one five idvd

did commentator in mind and talk a place it jackson to or not my senate and prettysoon darkened only in a condom amounting american power of the field readingplans will win and when you can read them and found an upstanding buchanan as anenlightening ect but statement might lead to work

going on william kennedy includes probablybecause it can be viewed burning everything to killing at the coastendeavors they're the ones who did this they're the ones who says she would then whom down the hall olathe ks they're ready

pretty much imprint god in heaven wit radeon x mother that's great is one nineteen meant in which you do it no

that we should she be ended and we'vebeen period see how they can get your vote untrained t it's nice sikhs were pretty what cherian hurt it sort code yet

plan dash new symptoms not did that come from some from spurted up around he wouldn't cannot i tried to make him come to be wouldn't to conforming to the biggest removal and so on

tank kool-aid external relish well lou where are u nolan ryan like you someone

composed school early nobody guitar one woman darling both uh... well no no no all alone snippets

idea lou hurting silicone leaking roofs please oh canceled behind process anyone yes college thanks center okay he said so

narcotics alkaline it's not over and administering liberty i a m not going to be now we should go to ransom than planned we must take into account not only one of the most amazing thingsto come nine bullpen

you know well i was asked at uno plaid everything needed only oneincluded it does not belong to explore but is pacing punished dot org and show you what happened that before lowering the mood would be all agreeingpicking out referral reward la and and and and i think that the me

manhattan hanrely in release and one resounding japanese brands reformer warning removal older clearest possible just desserts one beautiful walks the around him going on here

who didn't know that there has been the family was blown downtown because the war brings some allows no time per week and so we were on the walkway to thelisting management powered missing that character timid you picketers theydo you want the last eight conceivably are wonderful and i'm amazed we don't people have already leonardremoval and small and there's nothing i

can do about it and sign cadillacbillionaire that but at that point view ice-covered shift intrinsic why do you remember the noble and the hinson if they didn't worry about it ornot but demanded not six karen

different and raise it to be of further missed died don't u why is it won't work unless you reallydidn't i can't keep him on when and where is this morning and canhave some expanding me prime news i'm only kidding retardant on missus schott was on the widening theirexpansion going on because god or not you can

me raymond legitimately scrap and wewanted to get a transmission spoke out line nine nineteen am worse than thatmissus absolutely ridiculous both men and women what are making a living andand and and and and no groundwater didn't come down and want to see justwhat is needed on that if you haven't gotten in touchand out of time and i never really did big reaches mcnamara's marines mistergergen newman we'll get on right now well

as saying that i had the anything on the last night when we comepassword on these list corporate right now very fear dole fifteen outside and analyzed unpalatable pilot spotlight homecoming related such

mother okay renewable and on brag brag kate quite favorable opinion quite alternate right and hero welcomed and comfortable com com display

loriann thank you for taking care of broiledgrilled somewhere soon million easy depot but he's been working mason him going for you idbicapital isn't accordingly cubicle

walls peace-loving continue you you can heat-seeking human on the inside zero and if they don't pass i've been getting mt

he's downtown protested because i don't mind which is free you must do it is normal dismissal just mentioned to me do mine i love you

william william he needs to be missin missing and you've done so much not tocare if you premiering true but i have my legs and ihave everything else i can't i mean rupert i can teach it and controlling you it with you soon leaked information but now

now i know that in eastern jimmy'skidnapping were informed safety meeting logic andno one it's all the hype it makes sense because the high heels and all thebrightest terrible federalization how many bradley unlucky so lucky in houston pollution

bombs adhered to district mariamasignage dried since the attack we're proud ofthe black one and i think that the heat and you have any no deadline and designed carpet main madigan organism reminder tumhi w bombs they are not controlling them essentially

op-ed there's nothing recently was an unpleasant black massive attackand died in sacrifices even but monday who wear off you have a job to do it again we'll do it crystal sarang grouping

bombs will fall in blood will be shamed and we will stop in time but what i just got his body and soul taunton anger and courage angered curtain mcm don't remember rei

i remain domain believed the word merrill as the for the second program of wantedwar we have brought you and radio version ofwartime novel violent i_e_ the book was adapted by edith summer ofthe n_b_c_ staff that has happened was headed as million

and others in the past was the lead usto now harrison came in lake edwin bruce stewart brody patricia we'll alan debit now than elliott samper decade and rod hendrickson the original music was by william needed and mister wyatt believers head playingthe chinese m who or violent a production was under the direction ofanthony around next week words that more will presentan adaptation of condition rather like captain frederick down

a story i think it's going wanted war is brought to you incooperation with the council on books in by the national broadcasting company andits affiliated independent station men's is the national broadcastingcompany e six weeks crossing the pacific ito but we have met no opposition and forceuntil today then we received a report of thejapanese carrier was within three hundred miles of this a stone's throw isdistances are measured in the pacific later taken off from the carrier of ourown testicles of which are destroyer

which i should call the jeep was apart they would you back now on followingthem when you go to the judge zero spent on resign that expression used to indicate thatthere are not to engage him whenever it bled out on the ship radiowe rented general quarters and prepared to greet the tokyo express hailed as heroes ormitsubishi's as soon as they can make a deal words of war presented by n_b_c_ incooperation with the council on books in

wartime is bringing you another radioadaptation of an important wobble condition when the story of a strongeraction in the south pacific written by captain frederick j down of the unitedstates name we moved in closer to like area readyfor action within the steel walls of our destroyerthe gene three hundred dollars unmanned put thelast minute inventory of their tools of war analog room the surgeon opened outhis equipment on the opposite dining table on the bulkhead he hung up a squarecampus fitted with pockets in pouches

verdicts of medical hardware is bottles along the leather seats topush in them against the shattering concussion of gunfire across from the radio shack in thecramped quarters of the coding room the communications officer stuff to see backwith our secret books waited a bag with via brings dull thatcould be thrown overboard of this ship had to be abandoned far below deck the engineers back theirbows wide open and the turbines hangin hierarchy

in all lower deck compartments doublewooden shores in which is ready to talk show the men of the repair parties waited to fight fire an explosion in the inrussia water everyone walrus steal home amend topside were bungled unlike jane below decks in b_s_t_ the others get thejackets within easy reach unnecessary electric power and water supply wouldcut off wherever member station to the specialreading on it

won that election brings intolerablethurs always in a hundred other details wereattending almost subho within two-and-a-half minutes from thewest along every station was man manned by them and light i bought are destroyed journal mining engineer manager of atextile mill gathering clothing lawyer a teacher a publicspeaking three hundred and waited for thoseheroes to attack suddenly they were upon is the firstchaplain carroll rock water less than

two hundred feet above our heads italy me after not particularly valentine doesnot him and but the biggest intelligentlytwenty-millimeter and lot and yet at the water can youtell us he handed out dot online and i canresult into hollywood lights candid and abrasive playing came portion so i'm not going

subsidiary threatening to walk in here kathleen demands likud love the guywho's still rising water from their faces shaken by the competencyachievement has made competition robertson an inordinate earthquakes god monitors pinter and and and nine becomein carrying out my hand solid waste on it was only

we checked out hurriedly honorablemention you everyone was account carrier at without its fire in stoodready to read alva chapman plane they didn't come back got all stations and is a are it ng candidly defined our editors decay his ship well-read man a generalquarters until our duty is completed pad and

colon alright dot was a as a means justto let him come and guide holidaylettings land and cattle thati've done a politically is the engine room within them and bubble the venerable admonition blood-like nation that was one of our jobs engineers never saw shot fire they tended a wrenching davis d minutes of the calls for speed

but never witnessed in action so there's a knife that obama lord frames based on that but with limited break that since he's nottaking water better odds and i will you know nothing year old covered with blood why i gotthat may have been some the gun crew delusion yes sir

did you happen to see the japanese foundhe's nosers yes i did ross west uh... thought you'd like to know we gotinjured they work for us the gentleman supposedly autoradsubcontinent pat manuel settle on the gloves needed was not they remain an hour of daylight inadvance for the retiring real the enemy

that have been almost filing status here i'm writing about just one destroyedwhich of course she can't tell you what's real name and i'mglad i can because the native permits us to useactual names only objects that have been some and that she hasn't been sound but this is not just the story of the g the story of all the story is thehottest

coldest festers rupp writing it ships inthe world they're uncomfortable and wet they have a whole salt then you canbreak through it with a hammer they have the horsepower of a battleshipunless some other non u_s_ bombing planes they carry three hundred officesunmanned packed in a slender streamlined form that's designed to strike hard andfast done for gunmen are fighting if thingsafloat to destroy the triple threat weapondesigned to carry the offensive against

submarines aircraft or surface vessels its guns a double purpose high angle for planes and hard-hitting flat trajectory forservice work it's trupti does make it the mostdangerous ship in the fleet for its side now on a large ship them and can bereasonably certain of thing certain days bring certain drill certainknowledge that taken up with previously prescribed cutie things go according to plan

not sought a destroyer they can be no such adherence to plan destroyer duties heart beauty and yet men swear by these rugged roughriders of the sea and i find the going a little tough butfirst but if they've got the stuff thatdestroy him and i made of they'll fit in room and room we were on and recordings reliable and

well another boy thank you figure on the catch up with this manstudent sir pinching arms on the way somebody greater and playing and back toyou well i think that you would out someone surely around thank you all raw yet roses and some others just joined us youjohn around we have sent red meat you were in glad to be

and yes we come along with it the good-looking ship mistreated you see some action let alone ever said no destroyer before but i ihaven't said anything just another ninety they wonder colwell don't letthat bother you soul mind and in many regular navyofficers i mean the size of the captain three others all the rest of his ears uh...ninety-day wonders like you need it good

to well gee gee i hope i make them who or all more padega chances are that brand new landsomeone will make i'm constantly amazed at the way thesereserves were in the job than i did a wonder so-called becausehis commission after a three-month cost has brought a new breath of life to theservice it requires more supervision than yournaval academy graduate it makes mistakes and part-time he doesweird things to the language of the sea

because the power of the ship the thatpart of the boat up front man described anything that he doesn'tknow exactly as a gadget body pulled in the naval routines arereadily that after he's been on bought a month i never know or care weather is a regular or a rooster with what i met a train them but it's easy to train them and wants tolearn on the so-called ninety-day wonder wasburied civilian accomplishment brings oppression inspiring atmospherethere to quote routine bluemoon

weary known israeli amount would alley vienna but you know and i have noright thanks a lot anything else you wanna know right now although i guess not thanks not rightnow you'll be all right would thursday maybe a little to no moreexpected at first i expected and it'll be a little tough

ring now will be a bit make beyond in finland got a big ship it's possible that a fewman out of the powers of the bog inside by an unmanned among other things they can stand their watches mannedtheir battle stations but contribute a little bit of a generalwelfare on a destroyer there can be no dead i'm and pays is freight does his job and more besides of prettysoon he finds himself of the gang way

waiting with bag and how to make thetransfer to another ship part of a young officer takes theresponsibility in proves that he can work hard that they can do a little more than isexpected of him you'll get along and if in addition to that he has apersonality that makes offices work with him and his men work for him that theycan be reasonably cheerful after six months of day-in day-out cruising that they can keep his eyes open afterseventy two hours without sleep

then he'll be welcome aboard anydestroyer in the fleet but this is just a little better thanrun of a minute buffet gives at the end of the day means the end of worry and it is not the type of a man willcome with a troubles in their personal triumph well and it won't be long before hisface is messing around the world room lack of training in a new officersexpected we'll train intellectual shortcomings are capable ofadjustment

we'll find a place for him but lack of effort well that's something we just can'taccept aboard a destroyer there's no room for lori lol lowering following out that over the coming tothe peace between us on interviews with a lot about but just wanted to know morehours launching an argument productive report of the wounded in goodcondition even call it means just

woodward wo the deck had been struck down cleaned ofthe body reminders of the battle we've gotten a little sleep by the nextmorning which dawned bright as a chamber of commerce that was a refreshing that the media andthe sea was a pale blue cohen the walking wounded came top side tobask in the sun and in the admiration of the comet they wala johnny apple but they had ascare alright dekat collectible and or a fragment of hot steaming withoutthinking

they gain here opposing it had been just haven't hadthe right proposing i've been picking up a shelljust then supposing relieve him of the week things are very calm and beautifulmorning when suddenly it started and entire extended runtime in a band that ship it

but i'd like to start i guess it was acarrier all right we could see the flat outline of the flight deck on the islandsuperstructure funny we have a picture of what she wasstill all down but no one size much good this morningafter all he had to sleep sometimes a step to the first to get a bearing andcheckout clerks that would probably have the carrierinside my head for anong eyes responded to the veins and move thebearing circle to the right paralleling the horizon nothing appear

we couldn't be that flying i grabbedfrom other not innocent look again carrier warship nothing so it seems to be synagogue on wicked adorable the difference of the current data thatthat wasn't she really wasn't raised submarines submarine see so much yes realizationcame to us all at once it was a submarine jet submarine

kansas which blacks and this was our specialbusiness getting a salary the congress on the muscles of the mainbattery dot on the scene but that's charges were made reading andthe sound man came into his own let me tell you about the sound of extrahe sits at the listening devices hour after hour day after day he listens overand over again to the pain of our again all signed up by a project under all thepays impulse to strike dot all of the ship or a submarine thehouses back to the sound and the from the intense this returning being thesound and drawing offices are able to

talk the position of the shift so withreasonable accuracy and that's what we set out to do now defined this jab sabwhich was somewhere below the surface not far from this they were going tofind it and then try to destroy it without depth charges our cash in hand three hall all path old precedent better idea but noticewhat junior leaning over the roof of the twenty storey building with a fistfulagreement in your hand you're trying to get in automobilescruising around a large parking lot

below about twenty five miles an hour you keep a careful watch on the condo ismoving at a steady rate and in a straight line and little there crowd old do you look at the movingcompany won't estimate the distance that will advance while your grade is fallingpanel but the dr watching your tool and his aides they create a list that wehave shot explode sees a hundred yards awaywaiting to dodge the next that's the way it is one of the strike was there for ussomething except that side takes the

place is hiring told you can hearthemselves in the sunday and here you para law parent gold all this now the sound and the kettle drum are ofour orchestra has a chance to be a range although that is a solo higher behind achart house or the other members of the attracting all the executive officeemployees over chon pencil and dividers in hand the sound of a so it was in the role ofconductor of the guys walk i stood in the doorway i mean the pilot house andour house we like to be with enormous

reach of the helms and and the enginetelegrams and equally close to the sound of a paul all bearing told the destroying the prada at all times senator rather can't got one stop loss yahoo

we haven't heard him ejup sub was making radical maneuvers atthe expense of his batteries but he couldn't continue limp along we pick him up on this on the air againthen came in for the second round that run was benefited jap dive deep inthis whole denied charges exploded above he's gonna run down his batteries you tokeep said that speed adlai stevenson's aaj ginsburg's vendetta portables rightsreloaded said very good starting around became of the senate andpressed and back there are all and either don was no good whatprofit helping make up his mind in our

world picture naked exactly must've been one whale ofa submarine we knew that when they mistook him for a carrier unexpected eastern some are he wasgroggy but still in there fighting and then we had just one more chance ahandful of ash can slip either to destroy is from the task force nowinside coming up after he had to be in on the killing way one of the sub brasells week we'll have started in kerala has drawn add arrow aya allpadding-bottom anytime acres one could

make this month need there fell over and i made a pattern of thosedeadly accident on a stamp they started going down all sound instrumentsfollowed down down and then slowly returning of the water subside line and the afternoon brings to abrotherly line of whitecaps over the spot where i live in the rest of thethousand felons below process to destroy as product of thespot but there was nothing for them to do

we were out of depth charges almost outof all around but we had finished at jackson northbound entire crayons via fax and relaxed overcoffee and cigarette contact that are paid a high end of the bridge to receivea pat on the ground the sa man who have been bored to death a few hoursbefore was barely burst there was the kind of drama ramarao extra and thecattle drama seldom gets a chance to solar but what it does you can hear himall the time

and there's an assignment therein marquardt they weren't cutbacks man of drexel let's go for amultilateral structure yet met once it is and get highlighted so parents great when it was some actual recorded it likea great again does anyone know lots of people washing you want for accidents rightthen stay on the stand at gmail history thatand forty-eight feet booties thirty six

feet across the road as part of a beam to get the speed incidentally soon intospace you go to hit yet to matter actor did budget look hahaha p there's exactly eighty villages and hithim in your book do you remember that you can keep ongoing to needed yahoo ed and buford own raised to be a bill that i hadn'tthought of it but uh... maybe i don't do against regulation maybe regulations say it's alright formen to raise would be a ticket isn't rotex as basket but considers any formof facial fathers all four age most

grotesque albeit is that they will be expecting destroy his aunt dead where they aredress-up ships as you may have noticed sometimes we where we have so long thati'd rather start growing a friend uh... as she was get to look like they belongto a cotton picker whistle being last time out we're going to only one man had as muchas two pair of intense and it we call him to do they do it here here is a good evening shift an inspiredthis morning at this morning you had

group serial hannah nixon conferenceright tomorrow morning you have uh... creamed chipped beef on talking to servethem calling name tiny each a big deal do delivery vegetable pope jobs or roastbeef chicken bazaar called act how much more carbon nano dhlakama giveme a cup is good for you rhododendron this is not any helping choi who mayhave some line allen battleships including all they have a gala time havedifficulty but we haven't had a very very dictatorsthere sure we're going to do it be like ice cream truro like mail

the latest adore ice cream on the ship and we haven't got any once in awhile when we left onto a bigship repu unlocked pierson has overcome perkins ice cream it'll be the best ice cream you have atasty but uh... try to get out he minded andmeantime outfit you were you will learn to have a newrespect for a fresh water mist would but we got enough but you don't go waita minute when you take a shower turn off the wallideas open right

and that missed would yes please arrangenot to be caught in the shallow in general quarters is sounding you would find it most embarrassingdominion penn station wearing nothing but lampard outside of what so that'sgood i have a good idea sometimes although with we do notguarantee beers we will come into hoped on such occasionmister would you like spectator conduct yourself as an officer and again you and i exited to seven public placesexcept

under the most favorable circumstances privately u_n_ may enjoy accreditedglaspie comments i couldn't even escort proper young mase tu cinema and uh... you aren't even permitted to raise yourvoice in song with a bank or its nature no i think i have that straight mister summing up mister wooden may i say that you have made yourself apart of a don t she had given him being that you don't think that uh... othersmost uncomfortable ship ever that come out of a designer's nightmare

they are simply impossible and newminister one final word do it you enjoy sleeping sleeping fits verymuch no please try to break yourself this mostunfortunate had i'll do my best on destroyers sweet is something we prefernot to discuss until you can forget it by seventy to one ninety six hours at astretch you will be a very unhappy and sitting in the u_s_ me nicely now there's one thing more and inaustralia you have heard another program in thisyear is words that war

tonight a dramatization of conditionread by captain frederick j bell of the united states navy the adaptation was by gerald holland the production was under the directionof anthony did with music by william edith alan bronze was her this captainfrederick j bell and others in the casper jerry may save jack lloyd andjeffrey bryant next week you will hear quite brigade by robert kaufman

a true story of the belgian underground remix rewrite the game by robert dotgrew story of the belgian underground wanted war is presented its tuesdayevening at this time by the national broadcasting company and its affiliatedindependent station in cooperation with the consoleenveloped in wartime manner


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