Tuesday, April 4, 2017

lawyer referral service nc

lawyer referral service nc

a prenuptial agreement, antenuptial agreement,or premarital agreement, commonly abbreviated to prenup, is a contract betweenprospective spouses made because they're planning to marry.if you are thinking about marrying or remarrying, you better be also thinking aboutpreparing a prenuptial agreement. the sad truth is that 50% of the first marriages and65% of the second marriages end in divorce. youwill be better off to protect your children's inheritance rights as well as your own financialindependence. prenuptial agreements are not required incalifornia, but they are recognized. they may notalways be enforceable, however. the couple

should have lawyers represent them to ensurethat the agreement is enforceable. in some cases, the couple hire a private judge tobe present during the signing, to be sure thatneither party has been coerced into the agreement. some attorneys recommend videotapingthe signing, although this is not required by the law. california law requiresthat the couple be represented by counsel ifspousal support (or so called alimony) is waived or limited.there are several ways that a prenuptial agreement can be attacked in court. these includelack of voluntariness, unconscionability, and a failure to fully disclose assets. however,if it

is correctly drafted and executed, it maybe impossible to set aside the prenup. prenuptial agreements are a partial solutionto some of the risks of marital property disputes in a divorce. prenups can be a powerful tooland limit couples' property rights and alimony. a prenup can regulate not only what happensif the parties divorce, but also what happens when they die.a prenup is only valid if it is completed and signed by both future spouses prior tomarriage. after a couple is married, they can create a post-nuptial agreement.in the united states, prenuptial agreements are recognized in all fifty states and the district


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