Monday, April 3, 2017

lawyer referral service georgia

lawyer referral service georgia

hello everyone and welcome to today’s webinar, today were going jumped into six ways to make more money for your credit repair business. what were really be going to be doing today is we’re going to talking about different income streams that are absolutely perfect for credit repair business these are other things that you can incorporate into your business now and start making more money on customers that you already have realistically

that’s one of the best ways to ever make money, you already have clients coming in the door and one of the best ways to ever increase your revenue for your company is to start selling more products to the customer you already have and in credit repair there is a lot of products that fit perfectly for your industry and that’s what we’re going to dive in today. we’re going to talk about at least six different ways that are product services you can incorporated you’re business. now

start offering to new customers coming into the door existing clients you already have and start maximizing your return on each clients you have, start maximizing your revenue the income that you’re making on every customer that you bring into the door. umm before we get start let me introduce myself my name is ty crandall, i am actually the director of business services here at credit suite. credit suite is subsidiary of dispute suite what we do is we basically handled the business credit financing side of the credit business, whereas dispute suite deals a lot with

the actual credit repair site, ah a little bit about my past is i have built and sold the credit repair company, i’m one of the very few people you’ll ever probably hear from talk to, that successfully built the credit repair business from the ground up, ah made it very successfully and sold for a ton of money, so i have a lot of experience so what i’m going to be talking to you about today, as a matter of fact everything i’m going to be talking to you about today are things that we did in our business to help it grow to be a successful as it was, and also things that i could tell you,

that even peers of minor doing that have been in business 20 years in credit repair business so these are tested and improving concepts that’s were really really work for you, and again it comes definitely a lot of here from my past, and experience actually owning a credit repair business. i don’t know the credit repair business anymore as you probably already picked up a few years ago actually sold that business, and since then i’ve actually overseen the business services here division

at credit suite were actually help, people just like you mostly credit repair companies actually get started with offering business credit funding for their client, so enough about me let’s go and jump in, let’s talk about, i’ve never say at least 6 because i always have a tendency put a, a webinar and out their out saying something like their 6 of these but there’s actually probably going to be 8 or 10 that were actually going to go over today, so let’s go ahead, let’s jump in and get started.

one of the first product that is absolutely perfect for you to offer the clients, as a service called legal shield, now if you’re not familiar with legal shield, legal shield use to be known as pre-paid legal, okay and legal shield pre-paid legal really is phenomenal service, i mean it’s, it’s just a complete no brainer service that i think everybody should have, i personally have been with legal shield for i don’t know 7, 8 years,

and basically what it is, is this, it’s kind of like insurance it’s like legal insurance, you have insurance for health insurance and car insurance in case something happens, but the truth is most people don’t have any kind of legal insurance, meaning if something whatever happen in you or your business whatever get pull then to actually legal claims, then what can happen, is you could be sue ah a person could be sued and that being said that one thing could wipe you out,

it’s just like health insurance, right i mean, hey you might be very healthy and if you going to do a car accident and put in the hospital those bills alone could completely bankrupt you if you’re not insured what’s no different in on legal prospective you know one claim against you could wipe you out, something you have to go get attorney’s to defend yourself you might not have the money to do so, one of those type of events on your lifetime can absolutely wipe you out, could bankrupt you not even worse you might not have the money to pay

for the actual defense that you really need, so legal shield is like insurance for legal, it’s like where you pay a little bit a money a month as low as 35, 39 dollars a month and in doing so you basically have access to an attorney, you have almost an attorney on retainer for numerous humors different things, now i can tell you from a business owners perspective this is ridiculously valuable okay because i run anything to them for example maybe once i got a bdp

not a complaint but somebody complaint stating there were going to complain, for something you know we didn’t do wrong well you can go right to the attorney get advice on that, or they’ll write letters on your behalf, there’s a lot of different things on reasons on why it might makes sense to talk to an attorney, but the reality is most people don’t because they don’t have money. i mean to talk to an attorney sometimes can cost hundreds of dollars just to get in and talk to them for 30 minutes or an hour to answer questions,

so most people never talk to attorney’s circumstances where they should, because quite honestly they just don’t have the money to do so, or pre-paid legal brains legal down to a very affordable level at 32, 35, 39 bucks a month, what actually happens, is you’re in a position where you have an attorney on retainer you can go in, talk to that attorney call them up ask them unlimited question per month run things buy them send them things that you received to get their opinion,

there’s other thing they do too including, writing dispute letters, now that obviously won’t help you, you don’t want to send your clients to prepaid legal haven’t right all of the dispute letters, that’s not what they would do, but they haven’t individuals scenario the client might need help with, prepaid legal can assist, the best place that we use prepaid legal for our clients was judgments, look if you’re in the credit repair space, you know was well as i do it’s inevitable that you’re going to run into customers with legal

issues that raise from them having the credit issues, okay they did pay their bill, now they have a judgment, now they have a creditor calling them, there’s all kind of concerns i can come from a legal standpoint from whatever it was that cause that persons credit issues. okay the biggest thing we saw was people they get judgment notice, right we’re fixing their credit we get a call, they say hey, what am i supposed to do, i just got served

i just got served this notes or most people never respond never show up and it becomes a default judgment, realistically its why so many creditors go ahead and pursue these judgments to gets people because the large percentage of people just don’t respond on the summons and they just get drag on the or they go don’t go to court, the other party wins the case and they get a default judgment, well and your fixing somebody’s credit you know your responsibilities to help guide them in the ways that’s going to best improve their credit, and you know as well as i do that the best waited

is get a judgment of the report is that never it get put on there to begin with to stop the judgment before it even happen, so when these people call you up in a lot of cases they don’t have the money to go talk an attorney and that’s exactly where we would recommend prepaid legal or legal shield we said look you can’t ignore this, if you ignore this mr. customer you know what it’s going to turn into a judgment against you it’s going to hurt your credit and whenever you buy a home or buy a car any those type of things down the road this

is going to be issue so you need to address this before it escalate any further you’ve been served this means honestly the next the next thing you need to do is get an opinion from a legal professional. and this is a great place to introduce legal shield and prepaid legal to them, because when they get set-up a legal shield within like a week or two weeks they can get attorney on the phone they could send the attorney the actual summons that they got and that attorney can help them work through that issue, now you have a client it has a legal issue and for ridiculously affordable rate on

their part you've put them to a solutionbut they can go we get advice on that issue and now they have prepaid legal any other credit issue any other issue they have in the future they have the source that could help them, the best thing is this legal show pays pretty well on their commissions you know you could easily earn 150 bucks to 250 bucks for every sale and i think it’s only like $45 for the client to start

okay so this is how phenomenal of the services they’ll pay you the equivalent of 5, 6, 7, 8 months of what the person will pay in a monthly service because they know that the average persons that gets with prepaid legal or legal shield stays with them, so you can come in you can offer legal shields to your client, you make 120 to 250 bucks just for basically introducing it to the client getting them enrolled the client only has to pay 45 bucks to get started it’s only like 35 or 39

dollars a month after that, and for that they get identity theft protection and they get all of the benefits that come with legal shield. so legal shield is great service something you should definitely check out because like i said it’s inevitable, when you’re looking at services that you can offer your clients you don’t just want things you can offer to your clients, you can offer anything to your clients, you can offer basket weaving classes if you want to, but what you really want to do is you want to offer services that are pertinent to your

customers, i mean services that you already know they’re going to need and in credit repair legal services it’s just the way that it is your customers are going to need legal help and in doing so by having a source like prepaid or legal shield you can easily reaffirm too a very topnotch very high rated source get them the actual help they need on the judgment or whatever the situation is they’re dealing with you get paid couple hundred bucks in return and it's real cheap

it’s 45 bucks for the client to actually get going, so you can go and check out legal shield online too, here’s the actual website you can learn a lot of information from their write about their actual website, learn about their small business protection identity theft personal, i use it used to use them for a lot tickets i use to have fast sports car that ton of speeding tickets and then they help me with all of those tickets but i just can’t, i can’t even explain the debts of what this kind of service could do to help your clients especially business owners and get help them,

so many different legal woes but again when it comes to credit repair it’s mostly going to deal with them getting served, notices for judgments or anything to do where the cases escalated now attorneys are involved, now they get summons, not they’re getting legal notices with a really need to take some kind of action but in a lot of cases can’t afford to get a high priced attorney, those are just absolutely perfect, perfects scenario for legal shield and here’s my contact dr. david hughes i put his number right on the screen

951-303-5995 there’s his email address to that not might be as official work email address buts one he email me on, and this is the guy that got me set-up wit prepaid legal he’s one always help to answer any questions that i have he’s really a great resource, so i highly recommend getting with him, you know keep in mind this doesn't always have to be the equivalent of like it up sale, okay so legal shield doesn’t have to be something at point of sale that you

say to the customer, hey mr. customer now that you bought credit repair why don’t you buy this, it’s not a bad idea you can always upsell, but in my opinion the best time to upsell a customer is about a month then when they get the first results, that’s usually when they see a lot of good improvement they’re very happy, a really a deep sense of loyalty that they established with you because they saw some results and that’s usually where a customers more inclined to go hey this credit repair

is going awesome, i mean yeah i saw some really good results what else can you help me with, so it’s a great way to introduce it you know on all the things that were going to talk about today keep in mind, this isn’t just about offering the point of sale you should have an email follow what sequence to your client an auto-responder that delivers emails to them every 3 or 5 days that teaches them about credit scores whatever else you want to know, well this kinda above sells are great things to mention in that email sequence

so you tell them about how the credit score work you tell them 35% of the scores on payment history and email them, you explain why they’re different credit bureaus, a different credit score and another email then another email you say hey do you have legal troubles here’s legal shields there’s phenomenal click here get more information so it’s good in that email sequence that you’re sending to your clients every month which you should be, you should have emails getting delivered to them regularly

because that helps get a lot of messages going to the customer information and things like this, you also should consider a client website, you know a client website just one resource website just for your clients that they can go to, to get any and all information that you think is pertinent to them, when i had a client website for a client we put a lot of this services and going to introduce to you today on their we also had things like videos and teach them how the credit score works things that videos that

teach them how can they raise their credit score just all the kind of information he would want to have for our existing credit repair clients we would put on this client website it’s a very good idea to do, because nowadays you can go and get a web person very cheap it’s you know less than a hundred bucks to get a website put up everything you want on that website, and look let’s be realistic i mean your customers and credit repair call you constantly asking you the same questions, so when you have client email sequences client website

you could put this kind of information there, and you don’t have to just always upsell and you could mention it your emails you could mention your website and in doing so you’ll see a lot of people self-enroll and that’s the best way to do it, i mean now sudden you got people self-enrolling your earning an extra 200, 250 bucks per customer and you didn’t do anything in those circumstances, so consider creating an email sequence i know it’s not the topic of today’s webinar

but if you have a good email sequence going to your client you have a good client website, these are the type of things you can put on the website and introduced to them on top of maybe doing an appointment sale, on top on doing it wherever they call it and have this of problem, or maybe even scheduled a follow up call 30 days after they been you’re clients 45 days they get your first result to this kind about upsell. so that’s my contact for legal show it’s a service that i highly recommend this company save me tens of thousands of dollars, just by being able

to get it attorney on the phone whenever i need one and handling all different kinds of weird scenario that i’ve had to handle, and i can’t tell you how many clients they help the judgments, because listen when you r client gets that notice in the mail that they’re being served they’re freaked out they’re scared, and when you have an answer right away said look don’t worry about it, i got an answer here’s the answer then they’re going to feel relieved you’re going to help them

with this legal issue the one of the features and you have whole other revenues streams, there’s something i highly recommend this legal shield you know on the topic of legal we also talk about fcra and fdcpa attorneys, okay look you going to have issues where they the creditor in the bureaus even are completely wrong okay and you know what day refused to fix the air, it happens all the time it’s frustrating and you know sometimes the only thing it’s left just to get attorney involved,

now if you pay attention on news then you seen, there’s been some pretty hefty settlements out there, one that just came down the pipe with equifax was an $18,000,000 settlement because of wrong doings on equifax as par. so there’s a lot of money to be made in settlements against fcra and fdcpa violations, now of course fcra is a fair credit reporting act the fdcpa is the fair debt collection practices act there’s a lot of violation in this walls you see them all the time when you’re dealing with

fixing people’s credit and you might think you can get to a point with disputing and then not getting any further and your probably right, there comes a point where the next step is to bring attorneys and the picture and you know what there’s a lot of money you can actually make in working with attorney’s and referring this customers to this actual attorneys, okay everybody is little bit different on if you can get paid if you can’t get paid how much money you can earn those type of things but the first

thing you really should consider doing is looking on mine, i don’t today i’m not going to recommend good attorneys in this area i don’t really have one that’s solid enough in my life that i’ve recommend okay but there’s a lot of these different kinds of fcra and fdcpa attorneys that are out there that you can easily get into you can easily get contact with, tell them you’re in credit repair telling you have clients with a lot of different kinda violations and formulate plans with them on

what they can do to help, okay at one point in our credit repair business we tried to make this an entire business itself, we took everybody to had uncorrected issues we got with an attorney and we sought out to sue them all, i mean at one point we had 200 active client in cases going, because i wanted to tests this out to see what it could be done and i’ll tell you when testing it but i learned two important things, first of all they will pay settlements on these, absolutely we collected a lot of money

and fees a lot of money in settlements fees from people that admitted that they done wrong didn’t correct the errors and corrected the errors, now the funny thing was at that time our goal wasn’t to make a bunch money our goal was just to come in and push it as far as it could be pushed to get these issues correct it and it worked we had a lot of these creditors fix heirs that after multiple rounds of disputes they refused to fix and they paid out thousands of dollars per account,

the other thing i learned is it’s not easy it’s not scalable it’s not just a matter of you know going after them there’s a lot of thing you really need to do it the right way, every customer you have isn’t going to be an fcra or fdcpa case but some of them won't be in some of the things you can do is for example you can have every of one of your client get on do not call registry right away, okay you can have make sure they understand that they need to record

every single voice now and every phone call that they actually get, okay in order to get really fdcpa violations they have to pick up the phone you know they can be sued for incessantly calling the person but not that person doesn’t pick-up the phone, so you’re going to have to do a little education the clients going to have to do their part they’re going to have start documenting what’s going on they’re going to have to get on the do not call registry because right then and there if they’re called that’s a violation of that,

okay they’re going to have to record the phone calls keep their voicemails all those type of things are going to be what attorneys are going to won in those cases, okay and in doing so there’s a lot of cases that absolutely 150% can be won here and it goes just beyond that fcra and fdcpa the real estate settlement procedures act respa there’s a lot of violations on respa, one of my good friends that owns a credit repair business

in kansas city she comes in and constantly and basically takes on these cases of people have respa violations basically show charts two, three thousands dollar to resolve it and the client in return gets the mortgage or the real estate accounts deleted from their credit reports she’s made a whole business just of charging people after the fact she only charges when she gets success, so she’s completely within croa, okay but in doing so she’s able to charge a lot of money just to get one single account the lead of the bureau, two, three thousands dollar just to get one mortgage

account deleted of the bureau but she’s got so good at doing so with the attorneys that she’s able in a lot of cases to get the account deleted and get the clients thousands of dollars settlement, so the customers are freaking out there so excited, because in a lot of cases they’ll come in and get their mortgage account deleted which is a huge deal and then in a lot of cases they’ll get more money and settlement they even paid her to do the work.

okay so if there’s a lot to be done here in this kind of cases if it really is legitimate case keep in mind in the courts things for one with paper works it all comes down what you could prove, so if you’re going to get with an fcra if you’re going to get with an fdcpa attorney, first of all there’s some auditing work you could probably do for them you can even talk to them about being a you know an expert of being an actual auditor audit files and give them feedback on certain things

and they’re going to want you to get some documentation for these clients if you bring over this kind of cases but again i’ve personally seen firsthand that thousands and thousands of dollars can arise for settlement on this type of individual account, so there’s a lot of money to be made by connecting with an fcra or an fdcpa attorney and actually having them move forward and pursue settlements on these actual violation at this client have, and again don’t forget some of the other thing i mention have your clients get

on the do not call registry look at the violations for that, there’s a hefty expensive violations every time somebody’s called when they’re on that list have on record the phone calls have them record the voicemails, men i’ve listened to somebody recordings where it’s like they looked at the fdcpa and they violated every part of it that’s they had to to i mean there’s no way you could have so many violations in one voice mail unless they were intentionally trying,

just no brainer deals that never would have even amount and the anything if the person would have recorded the call so they need to learn to record the calls, record the voice mails get that stopover it’s important in those kind of cases. debt settlement look debt settlement has a very big purpose when it comes to credit repair, i mean its fit hand and glove really does, because let’s be honest, i mean credit repairs phenomenal for fixing credit but it doesn’t remove the legal liability you know just because you get

the item deleted of the persons credit report doesn’t mean that they’re not legally liable for that debt now listen i’ll be the first to attest, i’m not the biggest fan of somebody going into debt settling all their accounts when you know sometimes they don’t need this settlement they can get the item deleted from credit report and the creditor may never pursue them legally so there’s never anything they need to do anyways, but then again there’s other cases,

there’s other cases were they’ve got creditors they keep selling it to new collection companies where every 3 to 6 months it pops buck up on the credit report or something else, well and so all of those cases just makes more sense to settle some of those accounts then you actually you get asset acceptance deleted now all the sudden 6 month later mid bond financing reporting and then you get deleted and then 6 months later another collection

company if the same creditors going to keep selling it often, often, often, a new companies and is going to keep getting re-reported us new collection then you know what sometimes just make sense for the client to settle it, sometimes they got judgment, sometimes it’s already amounted to a judgment versus actually just to collection there’s all kinds of circumstances where debt settlement makes a ton of sense for the actual clients, so it’s something you definitely don’t want to not think about you’re going to have clients you’re going to

need this it’s going to be a service such you going to need to offer your clients, and there are options out there, two of which one is debt settlement, another one is called dan program, d a n now i put a friend of mine number on here her name is donna her number is right there 816-421-8001 is here number, you could call her on that dan program she could even give you some guidelines on debt settlement too, okay she is a 20 year credit repair veteran you won’t talked to many people that a business a credit repair business for 20

years actually more than that now about 25 years she’s in the business, so she is an expert on a lot of different things and don’t call her up and say hey i here you’ve been in business 25 years i got 6 thousands questions to ask you, okay respect her time but she does everything i’m telling you about, okay everything will talk about today is our service that she offers why she’s been around 20 something years, she’s already figured out everything i’m telling you know she’s already figured out that all of these things are

needed by customers and she offers almost all these services, but one the services particularly she offers that she could help you with this called the dan program, now i’m not going to jump in to dan too much because i don’t know enough about specific details to really tell you, but i’ll tell you it’s pretty ridiculously cool the way dan basically works in a nutshell is the person signs up for dan okay dan basically pays their payments forum but when they pay payments to these companies that

they owe money too, they basically rewrite the terms on the back of the check well the way that it works is legally is that you know if you come in and you basically rewrite the terms on the check and then that person cashes the check well then all of the sudden these new terms take effect okay i know i’m not a legal expert here so i’m not trying to come across as an attorney buy any means and give you the attorneys version i’m just trying to give you the done dan version but that’s basically how

it works okay so they’ll pay the bill to capital one they rewrite the terms on the check capital one automatically check cashes the check and the next thing you know when capital one try to come back to collect the debt well they’ve actually violated the law the people from the dan program get involved and they basically get the debt completely wiped out it’s sound crazy its sounds too good to be true, but i’ll tell you works it’s phenomenal it’s the system got nothing to high rating so i

talk to a lot of people including myself that a views of different clients and had nothing but great success and dan is one of those people that’s used dan for a couple of years now had a lot of clients has benefits and she’ll be the first to tell you it’s not the best solution for everybody and only fits with some people other people it might not be the best for, but it’s the great way to settle the debt without going to debt settlement and without going to a bankruptcy. so there are some options for debt settlement and something like a dan

program could pay you a thousand bucks or more and debt settlement could pay you a thousand bucks more, so if you think about how much you’re earning per credit repair customer you’re probably not even earning a thousand bucks or more per credit repair customer now, some of you are some of you are, so you could come in, in these kind of additional services help client with things they really, really need help with and at the exact same time or a tremendous amount of money

because programs like debt settlement are referring people for dan can earn you, you know hundreds if not even thousands of dollars it actually return so these are great programs you can reach out the donna and give her a call she can talked to you more about both, she talk to you more about debt settlement or you could find your own debt settlement company, there’s a ton of them out there she could definitely talk you more about dan because she does a lot with dan and even though i did some stuff back in the day with dan i always go through her with my stuff because she just knew more about it than

i did, but don’t forget about debt settlement it’s an important part a credit repair because again even though you fix the credit you’re not necessarily dealing with the legal ramification client faces whereas debt settlement a dan those kind of things can really work for clients if not in all circumstances at least in many and also tax relief, i went ahead and listed my contact here for tax relief, guys you’ll see some of the stuff i’m going to offer here, recommend i’m going to give you a contact info

some of them i won’t because i don’t have somebody that i recommend, somebody like clear choice tax solutions for tax relief cause i don’t have an affiliate program set-up with them i’m not earning any money here kickbacks because i’m turning you on to them, this is just a company that i’ve use for my clients in the past and i’m recommending them for that reason now i was doing a smart thing i would have a relationship like that set-up because that’s exactly what i’m telling you to do look you’re client needs tax help and again it’s a lay of a land if you’re dealing with people have credit

issues you’re going to run across people to have tax lien and you know nowadays there are you know regulations out there from irs that don’t voluntarily remove the tax lien from the credit report if it's paid if it’s taking care of, so there’s a lot of great options out there right not to help people get things removed from the credit report when it relates to the irs, like i just said one specially will remove federal tax liens voluntarily the irs well with one document

one form that you send to them and they’ll do so just because other clients paid the bill so there’s a lot of options out there for tax relief for people that have tax liens, people that have judgments people that are going to have this issues with their taxes, look this stuff gets nasty tax liens gets nasty they will come in they will take your pay they will wipe out your bank account any assets that you have, they will garnish your wages, there’s

the irs is not an organization anybody wants to mess with, and when you owe the money it’s not something you could ever hide from and you know at that point these client have a choice they either have to deal with it or not deal with it and by not dealing with it the rest of their life, they were going to have to worry about this irs looking over their shoulder, whenever they put money into a savings account, checking account whenever they do these things they’re going to have to worry about the potential that the irs just going to come in try

to take that money nobody want to deal with that the rest of their life, so somebody has irs issues then you know what realistically you need to get him somebody that can possibly top two more about getting help with those issues. a company like clear choice what they basically do is settle tax debt so they’ve got a whole process they know exactly how the irs works and they’ll be able to work with the irs one on one on actually settling the

debt, now there’s a lot of different ways these debts can actually be settle, first the irs comes in a dozen evaluation how much you have an asset and how much do you have in a common they see can you pay the bill or can you not pay the bill, then you can work out monthly payments with them, or they could put this is uncollectible status and clear choice can come you have you come in and literally

settle it for pennies on the dollar there’s a lot of solution with irs that it’s owed, okay where it can be broken down to the monthly payments paid off over many, many, many years it can be written off as uncollectible where the irs takes $2,000 settlement on $80,000 worth of debt how much though acceptance settlement those type of things will vary based on how much money the client has they’ll do some equations that deal with how much could this person pay-back in 10 years time, you know with all their assets,

you owe them extra money they have for 10 years how much could they pay , so there’s all kind of formulas that they’ll use but what clear choice will help you do, is they help work with you one-on-one, to go through those equations they’ll talk to you about how the irs works, how the process works they’ll help the clients actually through it they’ll go through, they get what owed from the irs they’ll come in, they’ll do an actual break down of income and assets and liabilities,

they’ll come up with the exact same formula that the irs is going to use to the client, and they’ll be able to present the client with options on, hey you know here’s the deal, this is what your choices really are, um i don’t know how much they are i think they’re like six 700 bucks to initially do the first step, and the second step the cost is going to vary depending on the client settling the data making monthly payments, for those type of things, but this is a really good service, this is the service that i have clients use before,

a very friendly a very reputable a very good at what they do keep in mind you have to use my guys, i just want to give you a good source that i know is you know credible, you could use anybody for this but the bottom line is, is that your client are going to need tax relief, and remember what i said in the beginning of this webinar, you going to offer additional service to the customer, okay your customers you need to think about services that there are inevitably going to need it anyways, a tax relief is just one of those service, anybody that’s been in trouble with the

irs knows what that pressure that in that fear the that creates, they need somebody on their side that can help them, so get a somebody in your corner, get someone that you recommend for tax stuff that you can refer these people too, because it’s inevitable that you going to have customers they going to have issues, and again as i was talking about you know earlier with emailed drip follow-up sequences they go to your customers, a client website for your clients, you know these are great resources to put these

type of things, on a client website you put having irs troubles, look if you’re having trouble with the irs you know yada yada could really affect your credit, you might need some help here’s somebody’s information that i actually recommend, and then you can refer, so you could refer when the customer calls you with issues, you could drip something in their email auto-responder about tax sell you could put it on their client website however you do it make sure that your customer knows that you have somebody

that can help in that area. ladies and gentlemen there’s a reason you’re doing these, okay the purpose of any customer you have, is not just deliver your service and have them go away, the truth is the best customer you could ever have is somebody that calls you up and goes you help me with this, can you help me with this, and you either have a service that can help them or you can recommend them to somebody that can help them, and if you’re doing the right thing you’re going to those people that you’re recommending them too, and maybe getting even leads for those

kinds of sources too, the bottom line is she want the customer to become dependent, relying on you they come to you when they have problems, knowing you can help them solve those problems, and in doing so they’re always going to come to you when they have problems, then you have somebody that you either make money on by providing additional services like this, and again clear choice i don’t i’m sure them in many these other companies will

provide you kickbacks fur furls, so you can get paid or the referrals, and or you get leads from these kind of sources just because you’re sending a business. okay there’s a couple different ways you can get money in these kind of arrangements, one is a company like this can give you a kickback just for referring the customer can give you a step just for referring them or you can also and/or you can get leads from this kind of comprehension hey look you have anybody to helps your customer a credit repair or let’s talk about some

kind of joint venture here, so there’s a lot of different things you could do with this kind of relationships but the most important thing is your getting customers help with stuff they need you’re getting paid and if you’re helping them with so many things they need then after all they’re just going to come to you for everything and don’t let that be a bother use it as a money making opportunity when they do. credit building accounts this is huge,

this is probably one of the most popular biggest thing you could ever do for customers okay, because with credit building people needed i mean you know in credit repair with the biggest problems i had with people come to me, hey look you got a bunch of stuff deleted this is awesome, but my scores aren’t going up a lot why they’re not going up and i look at their credit report and all they would have this negative stuff from the credit report, well guess what you can’t remove some negative stuff have nothing but negative stuff

remain and have a good score right, the scores reflective of credit so if the credit is bad the scores going to be bad, you could get bad stuff off and having not be as bad, but the scores always going to be bad at the first and only has bad credit on the report, so something every credit repair customer needs is new credit, they have to have, they have to have new positive credit on the report it’s a must, if they don’t have new credit on the report then they’re going to come back to you and hold you accountable

for their score not going up, okay this is one of the biggest problems we faced a credit repair until we solved the problem, we solved it now how do we solve it well two ways, first of all education will let customers know look you can have good credit with only bad credit, you have to build positive credit our responsibility is to dispute your derogatory items are on 100% accurate verifiable and timely to get them removed your responsibility is to add positive credit, and let me be clear if you don’t have positive credit you’ll never have a

positive score because it takes positive credit to have to have a positive score, we would educate the customer through the email drip to their clients site through videos, we had a lot of education teaching them your responsibility is to get new positive credit now when we started introducing credit building accounts the clients we didn’t do it for revenues strain, we didn’t do it to make more money we did it because they needed it and we knew if we make them accountable for adding positive credit, well we were moving the negative that theirs scores would come up and the

process and they would love us because our scores went up, so that’s why we started doing it, and at the time we found a couple companies one was called us gold one was called aux publishing neither one i recommend today because what happened was they lost their ability to report to the bureau’s maybe they might have one bureau, maybe they might not have any reporting now but it was a nightmare they specialized and giving good positive accounts to people to help them rebuild their credit,

but the bureau’s didn’t like those kind of accounts and they didn’t report them for very long so nowadays i don’t have any of those powerhouse companies out there that offer really big credit accounts to customers to help them rebuild, but there’s plenty of them that you can go out too, and look at and one of the best places you can go to look at new credit building accounts are affiliates sites like you see listed here, commission junctions is probably one of the best ones,

click bank, linkshare, shareasale, amazon, google has one clixgalore all these are listed here are good affiliates sites you can go to and get accounts to possibly you know new building new credit building accounts nowadays a lot of these are going to be sub primer secured credit card that’s what they are, credit one, chase $250 secured credit card with capital one for example, so either use to be some account you could get where they were big limits people could buy stuff only in these companies stores,

and there are still of those type of companies out there, there are also just subprime and secured credit cards which are great for people for credit rebuilding, but you really should help a client’s get at least 3 to 5 positive accounts because it’s only going to improve their scores it’s only going to help them rebuild faster and when they see their scores going up to their credit getting better, they’re going to thank you more it’s going to get you more referrals anyways, but what else these sites can do,

is they could pay you money okay, they could pay you a lot of money there’s a lot of money that you could be made just by recommending this kind of actual companies, so let me take a look at actual commission junction this is my actual commission junction account right here okay, and commission junction is a great source it has all kinds of credit rebuilding accounts, so you can come in credit you can come into commission junction and find all different types of credit cards secured credit cards all different types of things, so

for example here’s credit cards, here’s credit card on your city credit card probably offers a prime not a subprime but you can get details on all of these kinds of accounts and then you can basically put these as banner ads right on your actual website so again what we did was we had a client website and one of the pages on that client website was new credit it was nothing but an entire page, of new credit sources they can apply for and with list city credit card, you know you could get limit of these it reports to these bureaus

and they deal with people with you know subprime credit, you know then we will go to were whatever it may be you know here’s capital one credit card they can give you a $250 secure credit card their report to all three bureaus it’s great for credit built we will give a little description we would say it we would give a blank where they could click to get more information, they will click on the linked and they’re actually going through our commission junction

link okay they would come in they would sign up and we will get paid, how much you get paid i don’t know it depends a buck two bucks 75 bucks, i mean it depends on the one each one of these that your actually using, okay but what happened was we accomplished two things first we help the rebuild positive credit which they needed anyway in doing so this raise their score up and then they log what where doing even more they referred more customers at the same time just item get a new credit we were getting affiliate commissions from a place like this

and the affiliate commissions added up pretty quick on some sources we hadn’t even paid this 50 bucks a shot so it was very common for us to earn a thousand two thousand bucks for more in revenue a month just because people were using our affiliate links, they were coming in they were getting credit cards in all these different kinds of places and on top of them getting credit cards they were also getting a kickback affiliate commission from the place they were getting from a place like commission junction, so you can come in here and there’s a lot of different credit card type of accounts that you can actually

you can came in and find so i’m just trying to see if i could come in or recommended advertisers to see if i can find more about the actual credit cards, but there’s a lot of these different kind of credit card programs that are in here, so you could definitely come in your commission junction you could get some now, when i did this i had a lot of these different places, so when i actually come in that list click bank and linkshare, you know what i did was coming and get links to a lot of these place cause some of them had good

credit building accounts some of them didn’t, some of them even had like a whole dashboard you could download they had like 12 subprime credit cards at the person could apply for all their details their apr is an everything it’s so cool keep in mind you don’t just have to link to him, these are links they’ll give you like banners so they’ll actually give you banners, that will advertise their products so make your site look really, really nice so this is for example was a banner look at that, that’s pretty cool right,

that’s what would show on your website better way to back you know boom get my card and you was just click on that, okay so there’s all kinds of link you can actually get no credit check here you go prepaid visa, okay the all of this is exactly how it would actually look on your actual site so when they go through this would be the actual page if they will linked too, so in commission junction a places like this you could see you can get these all different kinds of sizes for these kinds of ads to run on your site you don’t have to put an add on there like this

you could just put tax click here to get more information then, they would click and they would go right to this what we call a landing page where they would get information about that account, so again what you want to do is have at least a client website where you can just a bunch of these kind of credit cards they could use to basically build new credit and in doing so they’re proving their personal credit that are also coming in and doing this which is a phenomenal way to do it, now on top of

just this there’s a couple other things to one being identity theft solution and another one ah being credit monitoring, so let’s take a look at identity theft solutions, you know with identity theft there’s also a lot of companies on here that you could get identity theft solutions for, so if you come in and type in identity theft in ours probably better ways the commission junction to find this cause he searches aren’t pulling up a bunch for me as it should be here,

nothing here but i did find it before okay so tentative, okay so you can come in to commission junction i know i’m not pulling that now with what i’m actually the way i’m looking, but you can come into commission junction and get a lot of different sources including identity theft, so you can come in here find identity theft sources that will actually help you identity direct and so on and so on, life lock okay so look be again realistic a lot to your customers need identity theft protection

right, a lot of them kind to you because they had identity theft issues, they’re concerned about their credit, so there’s a lot of companies out there like life lock that offers services for identity theft protection, now if you’re getting with this kinda of service through affiliates sites commission junction will you can easily come in here and earn money just by actually directing up, so you can easily come in here and i’m not sure for example here’s 32 bucks you could make on this account so on this one sale you could earn 20 to 75 bucks

so you put a link on your website to life lock they go get enrolled a life lock they go get enrolled with a life lock you get paid 20 to 75 bucks just because they enrolled with life lock cause i seen a lot of money well i tell you it adds up quick you know you got to think that if ten people come in a month then get this that 750 bucks you could possibly earn just on identity theft protection and yes it builds up very quickly especially when you have you’re a lot of clients

you got past clients they’re still getting your emails they still have access to their clients site they’re coming in they’re getting this kind of services on top of your promoting them, these things can really add up so again now you’re helping the client with one of the biggest problems and at exact same time you’re coming in actually able to earn a very, very nice commission in doing so, so a lot of these different types of companies that are

actually on their, here’s some of them, identity guard, solus, id cuffs, life lock, trusted id, all of these are companies that have affiliate programs that where they will pay you money just by bringing them customers that need identity theft and it’s also very cheap a lot of these companies ridiculously cheap so you were on a really nice commission at the same time there are very affordable for the client.

credit monitoring here’s some credit monitoring places that pay you affiliate commission do you know if anybody that needs credit monitoring, yeah that was like supposed to be a joke, obviously everybody that you deal with each credit monitoring right, every customer habits a credit repair client we signed them up for credit monitoring so why not earn a commission on that, do you know that you can earn 18 bucks on every single person that signs up for credit monitoring,

18 bucks that’s a lot of money think about making an extra 20 bucks on almost every customer you have because you signed him up for credit monitoring look they need credit monitoring anyways and a lot of these companies will basically will provide you credit monitoring service, now i’m a teaching you something a lot of them won’t work with credit repair companies, so if you go to affiliates commission junction if you go to a lot of these sites you might not want to put down that you are in the or directing to your credit repair website i created a separate website just with affiliate links that i could direct them to ,

because with sometimes when they deal with credit repair they don’t want to approved your industry sometimes they don’t approved any industries right away but all of these companies offer affiliate programs and there’s a lot of money that you can actually earn, you know i had one of these through commission junction called true credit, and what happened one day was i came into commission junction and i hadn’t actually done anything with it i put up a little landing page website called true credit monitoring i had it up and i didn’t think much about it while i came to commission junction

i had $800 in commissions sitting there waiting for me, because people had went to this website signed up credit monitoring, and i was even recommending it to my clients at the time it was just something i just had out there so guys that’s a lot of money that could be made and these kind of affiliate commission not only you can make money by introducing it to your clients, then you can also create just little landing page one page website that have links to actual credit monitoring and here’s one for example, credit sesame and they do credit repair too, mine is i’m going to

use them but a lot of them actually they have the listed this credit reporting and repair, but i think they’re just credit monitoring so a lot of these will pay you up to 20 bucks just for the credit monitoring for that individual means you could make it a ton of money on client that your already have and you could just put one page website out there for people to sign up or link to these kind of programs so which you can make it ton of money. i you see some other time have rating site where you rate the top credit monitoring sites when they click on a

link on that rating site they go right to your affiliate junction link and when the customer fills up the form you get paid, so there’s a lot of money that could be made and you already have this credit monitoring customers anyway so something definitely want to consider. student loans right here is my contact for student loans, skip monahan skip and i are good friend we go back a very long way many, many years here’s a cellphone number, here’s his email address go ahead

write those down, so what can you do in student loans well there’s a lot that could be done right now to settle student loan debt, a lot back got to be done and a lot of these type of these companies graciously will pay you some kind of kickback or affiliate commission where you can get paid and you clients get their student loan debt result, again we all know it’s a problem we all know we going to have this clients a deal with student loan problems, so at least something that you definitely want to consider or offering the customer you get paid

they could take student loans of wipe them out completely or have them written down to pennies on the dollar a benefit that a lot of your are going to need especially the ones dealing with student loans problems. other services, mortgage, real estate, auto loans, think about it right, mortgage brokers, real estate agents you know car dealerships they’ll give you money they’ll give you commissions for bringing them qualified people, okay so i use a lot of people are local area will come to us to go on looking to buy a car you know what where are you looking,

i’m looking for a hyundai okay great with fixer credit then we walk on ride in the hyundai and said look we got a client that wants to buy your car yada yada, now this again benefit you in a couple ways, you giving a lead and return your thing we’re going to bring you customers but we would like to get your customers in return and you formulate a relationship, okay the other thing is a lot of the services will graciously pay you for qualified borrowers, so you go to a lot of the car sales guys i know they will give you a 100 bucks for

a qualified borrow. the mortgage guys will give you a $100 real estate people, so most people are coming you for credit repair because they need one of these services anyways, don’t let them go off and find this services on their own if you they need real estate they want to buy a home and you know you get their score above 620 you set them up with the mortgage broker, okay you refer the referrals going to mean much more coming from you if they don’t have somebody

they know in that area, anyways and you can give this person a lead and in return get leads and get affiliates kickbacks commissions just by setting them up with people that can help them with these other services, don’t forget about that a lot of money could be made as a matter of fact every client i use to have it enrolled they got a crew, free crews certificate if they filled out a questionnaire, and the questionnaire said are you looking for a home right now, yes do you have a mortgage broker no,

you have a real estate agent no, are you looking for a car and what i would do is i would the all the people that would come in and say yes i want a home but i don’t have somebody, i would refer all of those people out, okay so now one client i would referred an accountant to an attorney, i would refer to a mortgage broker to an auto dealer, so that one customer i would refer to 6 place and in return those 6 places would start sending it leads

guys it’s a brilliant way to do it even if you’re not getting paid the money for referring that customer just by referring all these customers to people that need to spend that they could benefit from those services, again now you’re delivering leads to a good leads source that could in turn turnaround and give you qualified leads. business credit that’s my world okay business credit turn my business around, because business credits easy to advertise you know credit repair was very tough to advertise but we can advertise business credit funding

and a lot of people would respond then we would sell them credit repair and we will sell them business credit, and in business credit if you’re selling the finance suite which i don’t have time to go through which show you the actual finance suite today, but our products right here that you’re going to see the finance suite this is a turnkey solution so you can come to our customers said look in 6 months i could fix your personal credit,

by the way do you own a business are you thinking about starting a business, they say yes i am, yes i do own a business that’s great are you interested in getting money for your business yeah, yeah i like money i’m interested well great we got a solution that in 6 months not only can i fix your personal credit, but at the exact same time we can’t have your business credit profile built for your business we can get you staples card, apple cards, we can get you credit cards with target, walmart for 2, 3 thousand dollars and in 6 months we can even get you

$10,000 visa card, discover card, amex card guys do you know how powerful that is for credit repair customer, they come in even when you fix their credit they can’t go out get a $10,000 chase credit card, but with business credit they can, so on the same time your fixing their personal you could be building their business credit and in turn they can get $3,000 apple credit card a $4,000 walmart credit card $2,000 apple credit card okay a 5, $10,000 visa card another 5, $10,000

american express card think about how happy that client would be, and with the finance suite a lot of our clients are making $2,000 in profit for sale, so your clients gets a ton of funding a ton of credit you make 2 grand and you have an easier way to advertise, bring customers in and a lot of your customers need this already anyways plus with business credit at least with our system its turnkey, you just sell the finance suite you’re done, you make the sale you’re done we’ve got certified business advisors and finance officers that takeover

they do all of the work we walked the client through , we make sure the whole business is setup credibly to get money and in step 2 we get them a ton of money there’s all kind of money, clients with credit problems can get right now, merchant advances, revenue lending, 401k, financing securities baseline of credit, on and on and on inventory financing, equipment financing all of these stuff customers can get if they have challenge credit, okay but a lot of people don’t know about it

what the finance suite does bring a lot of the funding to the client that they don’t know they can get that they can’t get even with credit problems then we help them build a business credit profile and score with equifax, dun & bradstreet, experian, and start getting a ton of money for their business, i mean a ton, i’ll show you just some of the money just so you could see not even the power to finance suite but just the power of business credit, okay all of these services that people with absolutely horrific personal credit can

get by building their business, radio shack, t. mobile, best buy credit cards, credit card and on and on and on, okay there are 200 plus creditors here that clients can get access to uline, staples, fedex, that these people don’t even know they can get credit with because their personal credit challenged, but with business credit they can come and get credit a home depot, lowes, autozone, all these different kind of place and a lot of this revolving credit, they can get with visa, mastercard, discover, american express,

okay so for example every single account you see here is a $10,000 visa, discover, american express card there’s over 12 here okay a business owner can get even with horrible personal credit just because they built their business credit, so whether your using our finance suite or not which is a turnkey system offer business credit, or you’re just offering business credit without the finance suite it’s something you really should consider offering to clients because the bottom line is they can get a ton of money and credit

for their business using their business credit when they couldn’t do the same thing in the personal because of personal credits issues, so all that being said i’m going ahead and wrap this up for today, you learned a lot about actually a lot more than 6 different options, and every one of these options is something i use in my successful repair business, these are also services that a lot of my peers a lot of people are still talk to credit repair industry use, a specially my buddies that are 10, 15, 20, year

veterans in credit repair they’ve got that way because they’re using this things to make more money on the clients, remember this is about lifetime value of your customer don’t just fix their credit never see him again you know help the customer with this many things as you can help them with, in return or even higher commissions and your clients are awarded getting even more things they need and you’re rewarded by making significantly hundreds or even thousands of dollars more

per client what your earning right now, so if you have any questions please let me know 877-600-2487 my number, my email address is send me an email and give a call also if you interested in business credit if you want to see more about the finance suite i can send you info or you can visit our website thanks everybody very much for taking the time to attend this webinar.


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