Friday, April 28, 2017

search attorney

search attorney

frequently at the conclusion of an ordinarytraffic stop, police officers will ask the driver forpermission to search the vehicle. other times, officers may arrive at anapartment in response to a simple noise complaint, but before leaving, they askthe resident for permission to step inside and have a look around. in far too many cases, people will givepolice permission to search their residence, their car, or even their pocket or purse. clients will often tell me that they hadno idea how they were allowed to simply

decline a request to search by lawenforcement. the fourth amendment to the unitedstates constitution guarantees to each of us the right to be free from unlawfulsearch and seizures by law enforcement. in the absence of a search warrant,officers must have valid "probable cause" to search any given area orlocation. perhaps the most common exception to the 'probable cause'requirement is consent. if a person gives a police officerpermission to conduct a search, then no probable cause is necessary and theofficer may be proceeding on a pure hunch.

however, if a person politely but firmlydeclines an officers request for consent to search, the officer must be able toarticulate valid probable cause. this insures the greatest opportunityfor defense counsel to enter legal objections to the admissibility of anyitems of evidence that may be discovered. many of these otherwise valid legalobjections are simply waived, or lost in situations where a person knowinglyconsents to a police officer's request for permission to search. if you've been contacted by police forany reason and they are asking for your permission or consent to conduct asearch,

that request alone is a relatively goodindicator that the officer may very well lack independent probable cause tosupport a search. do yourself and your lawyer a favor. politely but firmly decline anyrequest by law enforcement for permission or consent. then the search must be premised uponvalid probable cause and your lawyer will have the greatest opportunity toargue against the admissibility of any evidence that the officer may haveunlawfully discovered.

sc lawyer referral

sc lawyer referral

hi. i'm matt dolman at dolman law group, yourclearwater personal injury attorney. today i'm here with a former client jason who hasa few questions. jason. matt, i recently heard a radio advertisement that says if i'm involvedin an accident that i may be entitled to up to ten thousand dollars in medical paymentsand lost wages. what exactly does that mean? well, what kind of advertisement did you hear?who ran that advertisement? this one happened to be a lawyer referral service called 411pain. i'm very familiar with those guys. they run a lot of advertisements on local's my thoughts, and i'm going to be very brief. rather then disparage the law firmsinvolved or the lawyer referral service if you will, these advertisements are meant toget the individuals who would probably not

be treating otherwise, to treat with a medicalprovider and seek out a personal injury attorney that is often assigned by the network knownas 411 pain, or ask gary, or whatever lawyer referral service there is, and the try induceyou by telling you have ten thousand dollars that you are entitled to. they explain itvery breifly, in very short words, hushed tones, that there is ten thousand dollarsthat you might be entitled to and then there's a bunch little words they use very quickly.they don't really explain to you what that means. well, the ten thousand dollars is basedon personal injury protection really how the new statute that was actually citified onjanuary first of 2013, you're entitled to $2500 so long as you treat in the first 14days and that's what they limit the chiropractors

to, and then if you have an emergency medicalcondition you can seek further treatment beyond the $2500 amount up to $10,000. but basicallythis is a way for the chiropractors and other physicians that are associated with the lawyerreferral service to make money. they are going to bill for their services. if you are notactually injured, if you don't have a significant injury, i don't recommend treating. okay,i don't take bs claims. we take real injury claims. those are who people who are reallyinjured. but if you are really injured i wouldn't pick an attorney based on a lawyer referralservice. let alone, would i treat with someone promising me $10,000 because you're nevergoing to get $10,000. you're never going to get it. you're not going to get a single dollar.what you're going to get is medical bills

that are sent to the insurance company bythis medical provider and they're going to make that money. not you. not you at if you think you're sitting at home right now and you listen to a radio advertisementor tv commercial promising to give you $10,000, i'm looking you in the eye and telling youthat you are not going to get that. you're going to get a lawyer that's referred to youthat's paid to be apart of this network. he might be good, he might be bad. i don't know.but i can tell you that i don't advertise with a lawyer referral service, and the bestattorneys i know surely don't. so it's up to you, i'm not being incumbent about lawyerreferral services but know that you are not entitled to anything unless you are actuallyand truly injured. then and only then will

the insurance company actually pay you a settlement,but it depends on numbers criteria. if someone is telling you to get off your couch and gotreat so that you make $10,000, you're not making that. the doctor is. potentially thelawyer is. the question is what will you make? what will you net after all the medical billsare paid? that's the fine print. it's not what you're being told. i'm matt dolman, yourclearwater personal injury attorney.

sc lawyer referral service

sc lawyer referral service

are you so harassed by bill collectors andcertified mail that you can no longer see yopurself debt free? then it's time to meetwith a bankruptcy lawyer. a good bankruptcy lawyer can help you explore options to refectifyfinancial situations that are unlikely to get better, call our office or visit our websiteto see what options are available to you........

sc bar lawyer referral service

sc bar lawyer referral service

[music] good evening ladies and gentlemen and welcome to tonight's lecture sorry about the late start it's a city traffic thing at a few spots of rain and the whole place goes into gridlock but i'm delighted to welcome you here this evening my name is wendy rogers and i work in the philosophy department and

i'm deputy director of the macquarie university center for research agency research agency and values which is sponsoring tonight's event first i'd like to begin our proceedings by acknowledging the traditional custodians of the macquarie university land what a battle plan of the derrick nation

whose cultures and customs have nurtured and continue to nurture this land since dreamtime i would also like to pay my respects to elder's past present and future of the designation and extend that respect to other indigenous people who gets to maybe prison today the order of events this evening is first of all i'm going to invite professor katrina

mackenzie to say a few words about the center of the region agency values and ethics which we call cave for short before introducing our speaker for this evening i'd like to let you know that this session is being recorded and when it comes to question time it will be very important to ask your questions into the

microphone so that those are captured for the record as well so i'd like to introduce katrina mackenzie professor of philosophy at macquarie university and associate dean for research in the faculty of arts and katrina's got a long distinguished career as a philosopher which i won't go into here but it's my very great pleasure to introduce her as

the director of cave to welcome you all here tonight thank you wendy and i'll be very brief so that we can get on with the lecturers as quickly as possible so cave in the faculty of arts are honored to welcome david maters who's a distinguished international human rights lawyer as a speaker at the annual public lecture of

the macquarie university research center for agency values and ethics as when you mentioned we call it cave for short so i'll be talking about cave from now on i'll just say something very brief about cave and then all our hand back to when you will be the master of ceremonies tonight so cave is one of two university research centers located in the faculty

about it was established in 2011 and it fosters interdisciplinary theoretical research on human agency in the self moral cognition the foundations of moral and legal norms and moral and legal responsibility it also aims to address practical issues at the intersection of ethics law medicine and cognitive science the

center has a strong reputation for research excellence many of caves research projects are funded by grants from the australian research council and a number of a center members recipients of fellowships from the australian research council cave also has a strong commitment to mentoring junior researchers including postgraduate

students and postdoctoral fellows through supervision and the opportunity to host center events and workshops and so on we have a lively program events throughout the year are attracting both international and national visitors to macquarie university and many of our members are actively engage with the

media and the broader public the center's organized into five research clusters they're there they're listed there and tonight's lecture series under the auspices of two of a clusters the cluster on applied ethics bioethics and clinical ethics and the cluster on human rights and social justice so wendy is actually the cluster later for the

cluster or applied ethics bioethics and clinical ethics and you as i said we'll be introducing david and will be the master of ceremonies 24 tonight so thank you for coming i'm sure there's going to be a very interesting and challenging lecture thanks katrina it's my very great pleasure to introduce david maters. david

international human rights lawyer author and researcher based in winnipeg currently acting senior honoree counts of bourbon i breath canada he served the government of canada in numerous positions including as a member of the canadian delegation to the united nations conference on international crime court and various other

international conferences and task force's is involved with different organizations including the canadian helsinki watch group beyond borders amnesty international and the canadian canceled for refugees david service has been recognized by numerous awards and honors these include the manitoba bar

association distinguished service award the order of canada the canadian bar association national citizenship and immigration section achievement award and then its international society for human rights with section human rights prize in 2010 in 2006 david co-authored a book bloody harvest organ harvesting found on practitioners in china with

co-author the honorable david kill goal both mr. mattison mr. kilgore were nominated for the nobel peace prize for this piece of work and david will touch upon the contents of this tonight with david kilgour and a third or third ethan goodman they are the author of the 2016 investigative report an update to bloody harvest and the slaughter this report

meticulously examines the transplant programs of hundreds of hospitals in china drawing on media reports official propaganda medical journals hospital websites and deleted websites found in archives he has a large range of other work but without further ado i very much welcome here tonight david it's lovely to meet you having first met you on film

as it were over a year ago and very much forward to tonight's lecture okay thank you very much i am going to talk on policy and law in australia to prevent complicity in for transplant abuse in a general sort of way in a generic sort of wave it before i want to do that i want to talk about how i got into this and kind of a factual

background context that got me into this issue of our mechanisms to prevent complicity in foreign transferred abuse i am as you heard a an international human rights lawyer and i do a lot of refugee work at my private practice i'm involved it generally in researching writing talking about his human rights abuses i've written a number of

different books on those issues and very often when there is a human rights abuse victim community will come to me and ask me to do something about it and and that's how i got involved in the issue organ transplant abuse there was a woman with the pseudonym annie who in march two thousand six made a public statement in washington dc that are ex-husband had

been harvesting the corneas of the falun gong practitioners between 2003 in 2005 and cg and china that other doctors in the same hospital been harvesting other organs the bodies of the victims were were cremated the organs were being sold to transplant tourists high sums the chinese government said this was not true issued a statement to that effect

you know a an organization ngo called the coalition to investigate persecution against the falun gong came to me came to david kilgour asked us to investigate this didn't give us any money didn't give us any data did it didn't give us any direction just asked us to do it and i agreed to do it partly because i realized this was the sort of thing from

my experience with the international human rights world it would be difficult to find an ngo or the media or parliamentarians to do what we are being told straight-up was there's no victims to interview they're dead and there's not even a corpse to autopsy because their bodies are cremated there are no witnesses because

everything happens in enclosed environment is just perpetrators and victims zer there is no crime scene it's it's an operating theatre which is a cleaned-up completely afterwards there is no documentation publicly available that it's actually going to tell you exactly what happened because this is going to be a secret documentation

behind closed doors so the issue became how do you either prove or disprove that this was so and it it's it's a difficult question but for me involved in refugee lights it's not that unusual because i often have clients coming to my door saying this happen to me that happened to me and is true or is it not and so what i did with david kilgour is

trying to figure out whether this was true or not and we weren't so much inclined to try to find out that it was true as to either prove or disprove it in my initial inclination was to try to disprove it because i like to think better of humanity than that people are being killed for their organs but anyhow we constructed various evidentiary

trails that would either prove or disprove the allegation and eventually came to the conclusion that it was happening and not just in seattle but real china not just during the time that any said her husband was working but from 2001 to the date of our report the the felon gone it's a set of exercise with the spiritual foundation started

1992 by a teacher lee honggi it's a it's a blending and updating of traditional chinese exercise and spiritual beliefs it's a kind of a blending of the chi-gong set of exercises the best known of which i guess is tai chi and the end the buddhist and taoist tradition it was originally encouraged by the

communist party as being good for health and when they were withdrawing money from the health system because the shift from socialism to capitalism in this was a way of cutting down on expenses in the health system and they were actively promoting it at the they were conducting exercises embassies and consulates around the world but at some point it

got too popular for them i the according to government of china estimate server in 1999 seven years later from the date of its starting 70 200 million practitioners more than membership the communist party which was 60 million there were 3,000 practice stations in beijing alone because the the people did the exercises outdoors and groups and at

this point uh the the party took ideological frightened but its supremacy because although falun gong is not political it's not communists and its spiritual the parties 80s so it was never legally banned but the party decided to repress it they decided to repress it in june 1999a they launched out the repression campaign in june 1999

in july 1999 it led to a lot of protests because the people i mean i mean for the people actually engaging exercise they thought maybe somebody mistake had been made because they didn't see any harm in the exercises and the party had been encouraging it just before the so there was a little protests and this led to a lot of arrests in the hundreds of

thousands are the falun gong practitioners quickly became the number one population in arbitrary detention in china they represented to one-half to two-thirds of that population and became the number-one said torture victims uh they were being asked to account if they didn't count they were tortured if they didn't recant after torture they were

just arbitrarily and indefinitely detained many of them wouldn't indicate who they were when they were tested because before when they had been arrested and released their immediate environment was victimized for not for for not reporting them for not stopping them from practicing and so the second time they went in protest they wouldn't

say who they were as a result of which the family didn't know where they were any jealous didn't know who they were and they became a very vulnerable population anyhow of we could see uh when we did our work that this this population is very vilified personally personalized human eyes but with some of the other factors that led us to the

conclusion that we did that this was happening was a phone calls we had investigators calling into hospitals pretending to be relatives of patients who need transplants asking the hospital's if they had organs of falun gong practitioners for sale on the basis that the fallen garner exercised and ate be healthy inner organs would be healthy

and about fifteen percent of the calls we got admission throughout china saying yes please come down we have these organs for sale and and you can even today hear those calls they've been taped transcribed translated i mean did you hear them of course you have to know chinese but you can see the transcriptions so that was what evidence

you tell the a second evidence shows the the blood testing i mean we would talk to people who've been out of jail on a china and both the falun gong and on falun gong practitioners alike with telus city the person said prison sentence to death the falun gong practitioners were being blood tested an organ examine but none of the rest of

the prisoners and they weren't being it that wasn't being done for their health because they were being tortured to recount and and they weren't being treated and injuries uh and uh yet it is necessary for transplants because you need blood type compatibility you need sighs compatibility you need ideally some form of tissue type

compatibility so that was a another evidentiary trail a a third one that we're looking at was volume said that the chinese quickly became a number two in the world at least according to their own figures a after the united states in terms of transplant forms without any identifiable sources they said it was donors but they didn't have a donation

system i is a then switch to saying it was prisoner sentenced to death and then executed uh and and they certainly were sourcing some from their butt person sentenced to death and then execute it wasn't a very viable source for high volumes because the law said the prison sentence to death had to be executed

within seven days of sentence and they couldn't they weren't available all the time everywhere there's also a very high rate of thought hepatitis b within the prison system up to sixty percent which meant a lot of these person sentenced to death were not really viable because of the contamination who have hepatitis b there was also not a national organ

distribution system which meant that the organs had to be provided by a place nearby he a so there wasn't really an accountant for the volume and and in fact and this is what our more recent update is that we realized that the volume we started looking at the figures ourselves was a lot higher than the figures that the government had been

officially saying with the volume of a cube are nice and a gunman i this tune did this massive report looking at individual hospitals where we came to the conclusion that the volume was uh between 60,000 hundred thousand a year rather than 10,000 a year which of course raised even more acutely question where all these organs were coming from

another disturbing feature was the fact that organs by transplant tours and it could be ordered on demand a people could make appointments months in advance for particular day particular time a day for a heart transplant lung transplant liver transplant vital organs which meant that on that date somebody with maxim blood type and a tissue

tissue sighs and so on was going to be killed their organs and so that first of all indicated it couldn't be only coming for prisoners sentenced to death and second in case there was a large organ donor pool that was just sitting around waiting waiting to be killed everywhere else in the world people wait for donors or good people in need

transplants wait for donors but in china's the other way the sources are waiting for the patients to arrive we could see as we did our work that i mean not only it's a lot of transplants but the capacity kept on increasing new wings of hospitals new hospitals were constantly being built a he we can see priceless with her eventually

taken down but we could also see that the hospitals were saying that the switzer major source of funding that selling transplants became a multi-billion dollar business in china now i david cover and i had had focused on the calendar particular because that's how we got started and and that was we try to kind of narrow inquiry as

much as possible but what ethan gutmann did who's a journalist to interview us and ended his own work is kind of expanded the inquiry to see who else was being victimized this way and he identified the wiegers the tibetans and eastern lightning house christians much smaller numbers the rigors into betances regional as well but these groups were

also being victimized also being blood tested organ examined the we actually have a whistleblower with your doctor and bertoni who's talked a lot about what he was doing at the time it looked like the evolution of the practice it started with prisoners sentenced to death that's the way china got into the business of organ transplantation it

then expanded to weekers and leaders were the first prisoners of conscience where victims really got into big big volumes of with fallon gong and and then spread also 222 tibetans and eastern lightning house christians now as i said we had a number of every century tales that led us to the conclusion to which we came

but one of them was the fact that whatever question should be in place to prevent this abuse from happening was not in place neither outside of china nor inside china india china had a law that said that you could source organs for prisoners without their consent or without end without the consent of their families in 1984 law which still sits on

the books but other countries typically would say in their laws you can't kill people for their organs and you can't buy and sell organs but it was only a territorial and scope and in it didn't apply if you left the country and were complicit in killing somebody abroad for their organs are and and so it's generally true that if if a crime is

punished from free it's it's a lot easier for happen for it to happen it's a much more likely to happen and and so that was one of the reasons we came to the conclusion we did now we came up with this report in 2006 we did a second version 2007 we did a version of book form in 2009 all under the title bloody harvest the there was an ngo started

after work came out called doctors against forced organ harvesting started by torsten trade and the uh and it he's a german doctor operating the united states and he and i co-authored a book on this issue called state organs which is a collection of essays and and contributors are mostly transplant professional sir around the world the uh

after that ethan gutmann was a journalist to interview interview david kilgour me he did his own work on the subject the slaughter which as i said expanded the scope and basically did its work independently but came to the same conclusion david took her and i did and then the three of us government killer and i did this update where we looked at

volumes now i and david kilgour there are human rights activists and advocates is as well as researchers and writers the david gilbert was a member of parliament for 27 years and a member of the canadian government cabinet minister for 47 years and so what we have both been trying to do and and since ethan gutmann

2014 not his work he's been joining us is not only talking about what we found but trying to combat the abuse is best we can and so one of the things we've been trying to do is try to advocate for tea policies and laws that would prohibit the sort of abuse and there have been developments in the past 10 years in this issue i mean when we

started there was nothing but now there's the united nations world health organization guiding principles on transplantation there's a constant your tree on organ trafficking which has been negotiating is open from signature hasn't come in the divorce yet a number of states have a band a a transit transplant tourism israel spain taiwan

spain wasn't originally much of a problem but israel and and taiwan were i mean in israel virtually everybody was going to china for transplants because the israeli health system wasn't was paying the holeshot i mean they were just paying for the drugs before the drugs afterwards they were paying the chinese hospital costs through the

health system so that that was stopped and start to legislation and taiwan because the proximity and language and culture is there was a tremendous longer traffic into there and they uh and but there was also course the number of falun gong practitioners who who are quite horrified by what this was happening there was a kind of push back

and forth but just recently taiwan abolish this practice there's other countries that have had some tentative steps towards dealing with it but nothing is comprehensive in these other countries and so i thought what i do for the rest of time i i'm talking here's is talk about what a little bit about what australia has done and a lot more about

what australia could do to try to combat this abuse now obviously when you're dealing with human rights violations in china it's it's it's difficult for australia indeed anybody outside try to impact on it i mean a lot of this has to do with internal power politics the struggle between different factions are i mean

about part of the reason that falun gong has been victimized it's been not its victimization has been an instrument realization of the power struggle between different factions and and so it's difficult for outsiders to impact on that but at least as outsiders we can say we know about it we protested and we can show solidarity with the victims but

what outsiders can do and and do unequivocally and completely and clearly is avoid any complicity in that abuse there's no reason why outside should be part of that abuse and slotted that can be done to stop it so let me go through some of the things that can be done one is making the criminal law about organ trafficking or

extracting or organs without consent purchasing and selling of organs brokerage of organs advertising of organs promotion of sale of organs making all that illegal not only territorially but extraterritorial now if you look at the strong criminal code if you buy and sell an organ within australia if you kill somebody in

australia for their organs without their consent i you are committing a crime and you will be prosecuted for however if you leave australia and you engage in the same activities in china you won't be prosecuted in china and you won't be prosecuted here and that's a that's a problem

now the different countries that have attempted to deal with this as i said it israel italy and spain and taiwan have there been other countries where there's been initiatives taken it but haven't let to actual legislation that's been private member's bills in canada has been a few of them in belgium in france in italy and so there's kind of a

developing awareness of the need for this sort of legislation there's actually private member's bill here in australia is well a sponsored by david shoebridge new south wales legislature a green party it's has a support within the new software legislature it finished second reading it went into it finished first training went into second reading

debate november tenth which is a 30 days ago and it's it looks like it's gonna eventually be passed what it does is it penalizes the somebody who's in ordinarily resident in new south wales which i think i mean now the uh from leaving is that person leaves that leaves the state and leaves the country

and participate in these abuses outside of australia announced a lot side of new south wales not soluble show they can be prosecuted for participation and and that's that's certainly a positive step it's a start but obviously it needs to be enacted a through-and-through out a australia so that's one possible remedy that could develop another is a civil

liability now civil liability is more awkward because ii you need both a perpetrator and victim a the jurisdiction but very often what happens with some meaning civil liability meeting you're suing someone in for compensation on your and because they it's they committed wrong yet and if you win it's it's not a finding of

criminal liability the person doesn't go to jail they just have to pay money standard of proof is different its sponsor probabilities instead of reasonable doubt very often those civil lawsuits well first of all you need a mean that the victims are all dead so the the plaintiffs would be family members of this writing founding members

the perpetrators often they hide behind the doctrine of state immunity or sovereign immunity because they're they're doing something in an official function and and you need some sort of a law that gives some type of relaxation to the concept of sovereign immunity when you're dealing with this type of abuse

now generally its international law says you're supposed to give sovereign immunity to states and and you're supposed to give sovereign immunity to state officials performance state functions because obviously states perform for individuals they don't perform in another way but there are exceptions that international law that

allow you to pursue a person individually performing a function of a state where it's a violation of a basic law of international at the basic rule of international law in latin it's called you scoggins uh the technical phrase peremptory norms of international law when it there's all sorts of violations you can allow for civil

liability of the united states has that kind of exception of for torture and it says that you can sue a torture even and torture rocking state capacity which indeed tortures have to do to be four to be torture the you can sue them a in the united states if it's the there from a designated nation and so something like that could be enacted

under australian i think that would be helpful a third type of remedy which i think should exist and it doesn't exist is compulsory reporting and registration of transplant tourism right now uh there is none we have some anecdotal information i was listening to a senate estimates and there was an exchange between of the

australian parliament notice the change between department of foreign affairs gregory fletcher and a couple of senators senator rice and senator abetz asking about this issue and one of them it mentions department of health put out statistics that 53 people have gone from australia china between 2010 in 2014 for transplant so they're mean there's some

travel there there is some information about it but we don't have comprehensive data about it now again this is something that the legislation that david shoebridge has proposed has specifically addressed a and he in the bill he's proposed has said that there has to be a registry created by the new south wales ministry of health that

health professionals after a report to the registry whenever they have reasonable grounds to believe that has been a transplantation under a commercial arrangement or without consent the right now i mean if i were drafting legislation i don't know i we do it quite that way because it requires some sort of judgment about whether

they're reasonable grounds and i think it would be a lot simpler if they just have to report everything where there is a transplant tourism and let the authorities decide but anyhow the that's that's the bill he's proposed and uh and the report is supposed to include the name of the patient when and where the medical practitioner north provided

services to the patient the grounds for suspecting the tissues and transplanted into the patient and and also puts an obligation on patients to report as well the it is the date location and nature the treatment now when you get a transplant you need medical care afterwards uh the you need anti-rejection drugs afterwards so that

you do come in contact with the health system after you've got the transplant health system will know about a this transplantation but as i say i mean typically right now all that happens it's anecdotal information a doctor has a patient in need to transplant the patient disappears comes back a few weeks later and says okay i've got a

transplant and give me some anti-rejection drugs and that's how they find out about it and you can you can accumulate some information about this but a by talking to doctors and hospitals but it's it's far from systemic right now another a legal change i would propose is having something in immigration law that deals

with this uh that actually prohibits entry two people have been complicit in organ transplant abuse the united states actually in there if you apply for visitors visa in the united states they will ask you that question have you been complicit in organ transplant abuser those aren't exact words but was to those effect now obviously you have to

be pretty addle-minded to say yes to that question but i the but what it does is it sets up a remedy that wouldn't otherwise be available because what immigration law says is that if you foreclose the line of inquiry you can be denied entry or removed simply because of that foreclosure no matter where that line of inquiry would have gone if it

had been completed so the if you say no i didn't participate in organ transplant abuse but you hide in some way your involvement in organ transplantation then they can deport you simply because you hit that without actually showing that you're involved in order to transport of you so i think that's something that could usually be

done another thing i i think that the australian system and indeed all systems have to look at is is a state funding for a foreign transplants i mean this this was a big change in israel because they were finding everything and now they found nothing and and i i don't think it was just the funding that's

stop the flow of israelis to china because obviously they could still pick by themselves but it was also their realization of what's happening in their horrid participating it but there should be something that says we're not going to find this now i mean i am a lawyer but i i'm a canadian or so i'm sort of grappling with the australian system but

as far as i can see what happens is australia doesn't actually pay for transplants a bond broad but what they do pay for is medication for people who are going to brought and people are coming back from abroad the i was looking at the australian pharmaceutical benefits scheme and and that allows the students to take medicines out of

australia that are further personal use and and then when they come back and they can get these and and rejection drugs also under the pharmaceutical benefits scheme now the canadian society transplantation and canadian society of nephrology have looked at this issue about medications abroad and taking medications abroad and what they sn is

that physicians should not prescribe medications or otherwise facilitate obtaining medications which will be used during the transplantation of a purchase order i endorse that recommendation not just because i'm canadian i think it it makes sense and i think the australian pharmaceutical benefits scheme should include that provision that's

about going out but there's also the issue of coming back now malaysia has said that they will not find anti-rejection drugs so i mean they will provide for people who got in the two countries where there's transplant abuse and and then come back and i mean a lot of this is talking about china without saying china and the their

theory as well these people who go to china for transplants are paying huge thumbs uh they've obviously got the money and and why should the taxpayer pay for this sort of abuse this sort of a recommendation about not paying for anti-rejection drugs i would say is a bit controversial because some of the people in the medical profession say

well you can't mean people may want to spend their last dollar on the transplantation in china and so that you can't really cut them off and rejection drugs which be it would be fatal to them but any help that's something i certainly worth looking at yet another issue which has come up in australia is the training of

o of chinese transplant professionals it and i mean that there's nothing wrong with our obviously with the training people simply because they come from china but there has to be some assurance that they're not gonna use their training in order to participate in organ transplant abuse and this is something that queensland his grappled

with uh and and there's something on the public record about that uh the uh it wants you to queensland parliament uh that there was a petition to the minister of health asking for an investigation of forced organ harvesting from fallon gone uh and the minister of health the road back in response that prince charles

hospital has a policy of not training any chinese surgeon in any transplant surgical technique and and that was his response in parliament in the in the in the legislation and in line now that hospital is one of the major transplant hospital queensland and other hospitals in our australia so i've been told if followed a similar policy

without issuing a similar statement what what i've heard from other hospitals is the they're not as they're not so categories say no chinese but they expect the anybody who's coming there to sign some sort of pledge that they're not going to use the training to participate in organ transplant abuse and its kind of dried-up applicants from

china the there's an article that was written by number transplant doctors down of its shapiro olivia in a professional journal in 2011 which states that training chinese transplant professionals by the international community must be conditioned on commitments that trainees will not engage directly or indirectly in east of

organs from executed prisoners now that is a a policy which as far as i can tell uh australia is following on an informal basis but i are like i think it should be formalized now it's a book of what i want to say for the rest of the time i have is the deal specifically with medical ethics i mean so far i've been talking a lot about the law but for the

rest are i want to talk about ethics now izzy the national health and medical research council of australian april is here came up with a very set of detailed ethical guidelines for organ transplantation from deceased donors it goes on for pages but it doesn't deal with transplant tourism they refer to it in the bibliography but if you actually

look at the text they don't mention it they do have a statement in there saying it is unethical and unlawful to purchase offer offer to purchase or sell organs for transplantation but that of course could be done theoretically within australia or shouldn't be done within australia there's nothing that's directs the reader to what happens how to deal

with a transplant tourism and and there are a number of different issues a that arises that are very specific which are i think have to be addressed once we get into a transplant tourism that have not been a addressed within australian context and they have been a addressed a in other instances in other

jurisdictions and so let me go through some of the principles that should be stated as likely to deal with this specific issue of one of them is simply there should be a policy a policy that deals specifically with transplant tourism and i mean it's good that dave i i mean it's kind of unfortunate took them to april 2 2016 to develop

something like uh about ethical statements on on transplantation but i think they need to get into more detail specifically about transplant tourism and so i think one at one of this is the statement should be at the pieces to start off with no complicity a weight with transplant tourism i i think that should be a guiding principle now what

i've done in the written text is i've gone through some of the a lot of the international standards because the i mentioned the world health organization's develop standards the transplantation societies develop standards are about dealing with chinese transplant professionals and also about the issue of sourcing organs from

prisoners the world metra medical or world medical association has developed principles in a number of countries have done so as well hong kong which i suppose is not attempt country but they have developed some very specific principles which actually were the earliest of the mall which i i found kind of interesting because i

suspect they knew more about china earlier than anybody else did there was a group of transplant professionals that developed this istanbul declaration had an in meeting in istanbul they developed a number of principles and is canadian society of transplantation apologies i mentioned has developed principles and and a

without articulating principles that are i can just develop on my own i could certainly think that some if you just look at these standard international generally accepted professional sources you can develop a number of principles which are seen a number of principles which i think should be incorporated into australia standards

one of them is a couple of shirts are dealing specifically with tourism of it basically condemning transplant tourism now there is of course a difference between crossing the border to get a transplant and transplant tourism because transplant tourism involves commercialism involves exploitation and it and it's not just the same as getting

a transplant international one of the principles they actually developed in taiwan is don't go abroad with the patient for organ transplantation and receive compensation i mean that seems might seem pretty obvious except that was happening and and indeed i do i can't say how much of a problem this is in australia but in many countries this

is a problem that it's not just the chinese doctors and hospitals that are benefiting from the money be that's being spent on transplant tourism is also the local doctors as well and and they become a constituency that kind of are pushing the back back against trying to end this transplant tourism and so something has to be done to deal with

that particular problem and and i think that that's one of the principles a second one is doctors shouldn't be referring patients to transplantation a outside of the country uh if without first ascertaining the status of the donor and when they're ascertaining the status the donor what they should be using is the standard of reasonable

doubt as long as there's any reasonable doubt that the sourcing of organs proper it there shouldn't be any referral and it one of the problems i see in this field is a lot of willful blindness people say well i don't know what i was told it was a prisoner sentenced to death arrives told it was a donor and they don't

really look into the issue and investigated very thoroughly and and they should they should be satisfied as i say without doubt before they refer anyone now it was sort of the basic medical principles within the hippocratic oath is do no harm that principal doesn't just apply to the doctors on patient it applies of course

the donor as well and and if you're anyway complicit in in the victimization of a the source the fact that you're helping your patient is no excuse and so that principle has to be respected in relation to the sources well as the doctors are on patient the is so that thursday a doctor should also not be forming a brokerage function they

shouldn't be intermediaries between the patients and transplant patient hospitals about abroad they should also be looking at the local law so the countries to which the referring at the local heart does not prohibit the sale of organs uh the information service awards it's not transparent those gross violations of human rights violations

and absence the rule of law or there's a known violations of medical ethics then there should simply be no referrals and i i mean of course i like all those principles but i i think it's worthwhile noting particular though is the statement about gross human rights violations absence the rule of law because of course what you get in china

is a lot of statements from transplant professionals they're saying we changed our system and everything is fine now they periodically say this in response to public criticism and i mean my own view is that those statements are not trustworthy partly because there's a lot of hard data which suggests it's not so but also partly because it's unrealistic

to expect an island of respect for the rule of law in the transplantation field in china raging sea of tyranny and abuse of human right and you can't really expect and unless somebody who violates chinese law institutionally anything hospitals and health system is going to is it must these people can be prosecuted for

violation of rule of law for violations of the law then the system is suspect and of course in china you got a system that doesn't allow for prosecution of the communist party i mean a party runs the state it's not the state and the courts that decide what the party can do so it's really impossible in that context to have an ethical

transplantation system there are principles about advertising and brokerage uh now a advertising is through the internet is a big problem i mean you can just go to the internet today so i want to buy in i in organ from china and lots of stuff will pop up the and and brokerages the problem uh i know in canada we have a

broker's advertising stuff hey how'd it go wandering the hospitals and try to elicit the traffic or commerce from patients at into china the hospitals in china they run websites of the most recent one that i saw was omar healthcare the and i pointed it out to the transplantation society year to go and and at the time they wrote to the

president china she him paying an open letter about armor healthcare and it disappeared mean there's a lot of kind of cover-up or a cannon and denial and obfuscation but there's still a lot of this brokerage going on and and i think one of the necessities for legislation is is is to prevent a yet another standard we need is a accountability and

oversight we needed in every country and we needed by independent outside transparent mechanisms and one of the problems we face in china of course is like transparency the i mean it shouldn't be as i said we did an update in june of this year about transplantation volumes now that update was 7680 pages 2400

footnotes to come to the conclusion that they're doing between 60 and hundred thousand transplants here it shouldn't be that hard there they should be able to tell us that i mean they will tell you something but it's completely unverifiable and there needs to be mechanisms in place to make and of course as as i said the

problem isn't just china australia because we don't know how many people are going to china for transplants and and and we should be able to get that in information there also needs to be a lot more in terms of patient counseling and and they certainly should be something in terms of patient counseling in the ethical guidelines which i mean because

the current ethical guidelines they don't deal with transplant tourism they certainly don't deal with patient counseling about transplant tourism uh and and so uh what should happen is that patients should be told about a 80 the dangers and also the ethical concerns about transplant it turns them into these countries the now one of the

things we found out when as i said there's been a lot of cover-up in china and its kind of progressive cover-up i mean the more information we find the more it disappears and one of the things that was happening before we did our report was that doctors in china when needed a transplant with the transponders they would give the

transponders a letter saying this is the pre-operation medication we use this is the post medication are post-operation medication we used this is the transplantation we did this to see it's the behavior or the post-operative treatment we recommend after a report came out all those letters disappeared a and what happens now if you're going to

china for transplant you just come back you talk to your doctor and you try to tell your doctor's best you can what you could i understood happen from your only knowledge of it and that obviously makes medical treatment a lot more difficult and and so one of the standards is the patient should be advised that this is going to happen and that they uh that

they're gonna come back and post treatment is going to be very difficult because the doctors are gonna be able to know exactly what happened while while they were there but there's also a lot of i mean in any operation it could be postoperative complications uh but it becomes a lot more difficult where when patients are just discharged quickly

where the doctors don't really care whether just doing it for money and and and there's not no real information about uh what happened now it's the of so that some of it now also i would suggest that patients should be cancelled that is to go abroad to china's somebody an innocent the prisoner of conscience may well be

killed for their organs are z they may not i mean i'd like to think everybody's reading what i wrote but i'm not realistic enough to know that that's not the case and i and so i think patients really have to be told what research is showing about what's going on in china the and and people should be told that no matter what they remember they're not

going to be a the doctors abroad aren't going to be able to verify that information if a patient says well i went to this hospital they remember the name the hospital they're not only told the names the doctors but let's say they found out the name of the doctor dez and and the the foreign doctor the australian doctor goes back to that

house phone says what happened what should i do what should be the follow-up they won't answer you so the patient should be told that i so these are some of the things that patients should be counseled about they should be told that the transplant tourism industry relies on secrecy and and it's going to be very difficult for

foreign treating patients to a foreign treating doctor be able to pierce through that secrecy the but there are are also issues about what the doctor should be doing beforehand a like what what what the canadian doctors have talked about is don't give these people medical records if somebody says i'm gonna go to transplant trying to give me

the medical records so i can do that the the canadian standards say no don't don't prescribe medication for somebody who's going a abroad for transplantation to a country like china also when somebody comes back they say and again this is controversial by what they say is you have a right not to treat that patient you've gotta you you can ii you

have to find alternate care if you're not going to treat that patient you can't just leave it is a patient without any treatment but uh as long as you can arrange alternate care for that patient you have a right to say no and you and you can even and you should be telling the patient before the patient leaves that that this is what you intend to do

there's also standards which have been developed about research and collaboration which i i should be adopted into australian ethical standards which is basically don't do it don't do research with people who have been in participating in organ transplant abuse your insourcing origins from questionable sources don't

published articles with them don't allow them to speak to conferences a the don't go visit them and speak at their conferences that and i wouldn't in relation to the abuse and trying to say have a complete boycott of everything in china but i think there should be a very specific boy part of of this industry and its activity is unless and until

they developed transparency and ethical standards that the research shouldn't be using the data that's generated in china one of the issues that arise that has arisen in some countries i don't know if it's an issue here is the participation of anti-rejection drug trials in china the reason why i'm not sure if it's written here because i'm not sure that

they're pharmaceutical companies here that have ever been doing that but i know it's a big problem in switzerland it was a small problem in canada a.d the multinational pharmaceutical companies basically start doing that participating and reduction drug trials in china but it is certainly uh i mean in case it does arise here it did

there should be something away for a policy stating in so in how those are kind of a run through some of the basic principles ethical principles you can find in the standards that are relevant relevant already been developed internationally but have not been incorporated into a australian ethical standards

i think that's more or less what i'm going to say now i'll just say by way of conclusion that it there's lots that could be done that hasn't been done it shouldn't be controversial because many of this stuff has been developed elsewhere it's been adopted elsewhere by international bodies what i see is and i i spent actually the

last three days and can bribes in camera this morning also money to see talking to parliamentarians there doesn't seem to be any real opposition to any of these concepts and also within the transplantation profession i haven't met anybody here at this time but over the years i've met many people in the transplantation

profession and on the whole i would say i mean in fact there's been some real leaders the international transplantation profession from within australia and and and some of these international prayer principles have been developed with the endorsement and cooperation and approval of these transitions from australia so i i don't

imagine it'd be a lot of a real opposition to the incorporation of these these laws and ethical standards in australia but the reality is they're not there and their absence it makes a difference in their presence would make a difference so as i say i think i'll stop there thank you very much and i'm happy to answer your questions

thank you david you've certainly given us a lot to think about we've got some time for questions and we've got a microphone yeah we have a microphone so please indicate if you'd like to ask a question david happy to answer questions the gentleman at the back and one in the middle

david matters on i'm a physician and i must say your talk was a real eye-opener to me but i want about other countries besides china you know i i look after patients with chronic pain problems who've often sought once i see a poor patients incidentally in the public system and of course they can't afford to get things like hip replacement or

knee replacements and it's not uncommon to hear stories of people who gon say to india or some other country to have a prosthetic joint replaced and i wouldn't be surprised i probably am pleased certain that the same sort of things are going on in some other countries besides china in the way you described is that so well i would say in answer that yes

no i mean there is organ transplant abuse in other countries india and pakistan philippines in and number of poor countries but the the abuse and other countries is a form of black-market it's not a state-run state organized in china it's it's different cuz its institutionalized it's part of the five-year plan it's it's part of a

party system the people the sources are coming from the state prisons they're not being picked up off the street in in other countries it is for people selling stuff and they're not till being killed for it they survived but they're just words they have two kidneys and lose one and so it hurts their house but they

survived the operation on and so it's it's a different phenomenon but i would also say i mean all the standards i've been articulating a well i shouldn't say all but most of them are generic in nature of the the when you're talking about extraterritorial law it's anything that's outside of australia no matter where it doesn't say china are and it

would apply to all these other countries as well i have in terms of the abuse focused on china within china focused on falun gong party because i've only got so much time and i'm trying to do many other things besides but i i know for well that you know i haven't researched and written on a 904 well there's abuse in other countries and and and is this

generic sort of law would help to end transplant tourism of that sort as well thank you david first of all i'd like to commend you for a decade longer endeavors in his field is really appreciate it and i'm also pleased to see that there wasn't too much resistance from members of parliament in camera however you know in in a country

where the lobbyists of the chinese government walkout corridors of parliament freely i like to know what individual other countries have had what movements have occurred that have brought about these laws or the strengthening of the laws organized around canada thank you well it in in canada we don't have a

change in the law there's been some private member's bill their proposed it but it hasn't been adopted by the government i mentioned some principles by the canadian society of transplantation and theology which obviously have a lot less interaction with chinese government and then business people were the government

of canada would do so they're less concerned about what the government china has to say and what they're proposing is is just as with the the ministry of health here they're just proposing guidelines are and a buddy israel is a different matter because israel they actually did change the law and the well first of this couple things

i would say uh i mean it's a lot more difficult to get something that specific about china of course because of that concern and so one of the things i was talking about with parliamentarians was emotion on china or resolution on china or a parliamentary inquiry on china that might be more difficult the problem isn't even necessarily apartment errands

but the department of foreign affairs i met with department for the stairs and and there were as hostile as the parliamentarians were friendly i mean there are their attitude was that this isn't happening i and i'm making it all up i mean that was sort of that their approach to it which of course is the chinese

government's approach as well and it's the uh there was a it's somebody he's not in australia anymore but there was an economist are i met elliot fam who used to teach at the australian national university in canberra he's using it was a taiwanese me since got back to taiwan but mistaken those dates i was talking but well but in any other way he did

this research comparing criticism of human rights violations china coming out of different countries and trade with china he found no correlation that countries would increase their criticism and also increase their trade and i mean you can see that in a very practical way that i mean know that the chinese are you angry defended in the walk out of

the room if you start talking about human rights violations of falun gong but they don't stop business because they benefit from it is as much as the foreigners do and and the distance people themselves tend not to be very political i mean they're they're just going about their business ways but the stuff that's generic i mean the chinese

don't even care because as far as they're concerned when you say stop transfer australia's going abroad to participate transplant abuse their attitude is well that doesn't mean not so are they don't even really care i and so when it comes to the generic stuff iii don't really think you are going to get me a pushback from china and and

it's a lot easier to do hi i'm mike phelan honor greens member and i'm very much aware of david shoebridge is legislation in the state parliament is a greens mlc on i'm really interested in how we can progress at the australian government level and obviously the crossbenchers don't have the numbers and and it's going to take a

lot more to get good legislation at the federal level then just the opposition so i'm wondering if you can give us some ideas how we might get to progress that this campaign at the federal level are obviously letter writing and there's other other methods but we need to get a lot of coalition people inside too so i'm wondering if you have some ideas as

to who's been interested in the issue and how we might get plus some pressure given we have a very strong trade relationship with china and i'm sure that's one of the the issues that stands in the way of getting decent laws against open transparent transplant well i mean i could tell you if i went through my files so i met with the last

few days and everybody i talked to was was friendly but the it it's hard to say who's actually within the uh commonwealth klaus is gonna sort of take up the file after i leave i mean one bit of advice i would give is i think it's been a lot of concentration on julie bishop and ministry of foreign affairs the department of foreign affairs

interaction with china which does generate all this pushback from the department which basically wants to maintain good relations with china and whether it's real or not thinks it may impact on economic interest i think strategically it might make more sense or equal sense to talk with the department of health because a lot of

the health policy like these guidelines of medical ethics they come on a out of the department of healthy the prescription drugs policy comes out of the department of health and i the whole medicare system consider the department of health and they're not addressing transplant tourism uh i i also think you can you can find allies within the well

certainly the bioethics professional uh the it the and also within the transplant profession again when you're talking generically i i mean when it comes to china they're even within transplant profession some of them have issues as i indicated previously because they've had prior contacts or they made it may be some way involved but on a

general level there are fine and in terms of these principles but maybe actually do you have something to say about that like in terms of what the bioethicists could do about all this for huh that's putting us on the spot i think the bioethicists have been slow to take this up as a cause

partly i think because of lack of knowledge which isn't necessarily excusable but certainly my only asset protection was executed prisoners were criminals who have been convicted and sentenced and the the issue there was the death penalty rather when necessarily what happened after they died and that certainly that

something up learned a lot more about in the last 12 months i think the bioethics committee is starting to get interested in you and i both speaking at the buyer bioethics conference in melbourne this week later in the week so hopefully we'll get some audience there and people have been attending events in sydney but it it slow i think i've got an idea for

an open letter about journal editors and what their responsibilities should be and i really like the idea of a sort of a code of ethics about transplant tourism in a very very short of practical level like you suggested write another group that sorry because you but i another group i could suggest is the nurses because over the years i've gone

to many different events in a australia at one point i spoke to a transplant nurses conference in australia i mean there is such a group and they weren't aware and they were interested in they do meet and and and they could be a useful point of contact and pressure as well and hello melanie and i'm an english

language teacher and i teach there for her foreign students a number of whom are prospective nursing students i teach them enough english that they can carry on and do nursing in this country i'm just waiting for this to blow up in my face in class but that's not the question i wanted to ask it's quite a technical one and and you you said that

one of the canadian ethical standards was that a doctor need not treat a returning patient but should provide alternative care what might alternative care be and by the way thank you very much i didn't know anything about this six months ago i'm horrified and i'm very grateful for what you've told us tonight

well presumably you would just be a another doctor who would follow up with the patient provided prescriptions for anti-rejection drugs in provide the same sort of care that the declining doctor would provide i mean if this is one of the facets of transplantation that it does require is continuing carrie you never well it's it as i understand the

transplantation you never walk away from it completely and so it it it represents an opportunity to deal with the issue in a way and in the in right now i mean we do have of course doctors that are warning beforehand or right after but they're really left to their own devices and i think we need just more an institutional framework to help them

deal with this problem that they see individually thank you up in that question about a doctor to put is the poster range alternative care for a patient i filed to see the effect of that if he's providing alternative equal k it's just a protocol is it not thank you a not completely because

doctors while patients develop relationships with doctors and patients rightly or wrongly think some doctors are better than others and uh and very often more think they're doctors better than anybody else and that's why they go to that doctor uh and so the the threat of the i mean the thread of the loss that carried it may be a threat of at

least in the patient's mind of a loss of better care for lester care and also it brings home to the patient the seriousness with which the doctor views with the patient is doing so i i think it has a kind of a warning effect of the patient islam well people are still thinking oh thank you very much for your very

informative talk and i'm going to grab deviate a little bit from the medical and questions that have been coming up and just sitting here wondering you know why is song considered such a dangerous practice and why is it and why is it being forbidden i mean you know why not tai chi and many people practice tai chi's so what is it

about falun gong and that makes it so reprehensible thank you well i mean there's a number of different ways of answering that i mean one of them is just looking at what the party said that the when fong was banned it was very popular i mean it wasn't just popular in the sense there was everywhere but it was also up and

down in terms of hierarchy the party and and there's lots of people in the party that were practicing it and as a result when the initial impression started there's a lot of leaks and you can actually read in bloody harvest the the our own work the a memorandum that jesse men who is president of china and secretary communist party time sent to

the central committee of the communist party about wife ellen going should be banned c-can you can see the justification in his own words are and if you read that memorandum you can see that it says well uh is that they got is that they're not communists they don't believe in communism they're not a atheist there is their spiritual they

have a mobilization capacity i mean the party was unfamiliar with a crowdsourcing and the internet and cell phones this was the nineties after all and and and then these crowd started appearing and and they didn't want to make about it make of it and and that got them are very concerned in the there was a little

some personal jealousy and gentlemen's part because lee honggi was what he was reading writing and speaking was getting a lot more followership then with jesse men was saying and writing a the gentleman had written some sort of update of communism called the three represents what wikipedia which is supposed to be neutral calls

incomprehensible i the and it was and so there was a bit of that i mean so that's one way of looking at it oh just what they said another way of looking at it is analytically what was going on the i mean you did have a good there was a debate within the party i mean before was officially banned the central committee uh bye

jackson and gone and that group there was lower levels that were debating you know what do we do about this phenomenon because all over china public in and not communists uh it's good or it's bad that there were some critical articles that were written about fallun gong which generated some protests and then these protests the crowds that they generated

started there are arising concerns there is a a critical article published in a journal in tension and there was a demonstration changing about the article and people intention said go to beijing to petition and so they a group went to beijing to petition and a group that went to beijing competition was the largest group that it showed up in

invasion since gentlemen square massacre and so that kind of alarm some people in a party just in this large group appearing out of nowhere and they didn't know about it beforehand they also had some kind of mirror imaging i mean the following is a set of exercises but the the party at least some people thought of it as an organization as opposed to

just a set of our exercises which isn't a but they said you know what is its organization and who's the mastermind a meeting because there's no organization is no mastermind but the they had this kind of mirror imaging like it must be a communist party but a non-communist party and and so there was that going on you also look at a as they say there's a

this is perpetual power struggles in the congress party i mean i mean his struggle for power everywhere but in australia settles through elections in in chinese it's settled in other ways a and the what i mean even today there's still a chance to manufacture initiation pinga faction i mean before gentlemen there is a before she's being there

other factions opposing she's jumping and in a other factions opposing the yankee min what is eamon did with the establishment of the persecution of falun gong is he didn't just get the party to repress it he set up a whole institutional bureaucracy to repressive call the 610 office which wasn't one office it was everywhere was in every

police station every business they had their own 610 office called 610 because june tenth of 1999 was the date the party decided to repressive and uh and it became kind of an alternate power structure that was beholden to genki min so it was a way of his is developing a control of the system are maintaining control system after she has to be

president and that's why i referred earlier to the persecution of falun gong to a certain extent and instrumentalization i mean that it wasn't necessarily being persecuted as an end in itself but it means by which the jersey min faction could maintain control through this informal power structure within the party of 16 offices

not just it's not a state office it's a party office but it it's a way of his maintaining a control of the system also i mean if you look at communism generally i mean how do they justify their hold on power when they're not elected they can't say the people want us because there's no i mean several elections they be defeated and so

typically what they do is they manufacture enemies now the and say we are fighting this enemy now the traditional enemy of communism had been capitalism the bourgeois landlords what happened and then it became capitalist so they have to find another enemy and the az is the advantage of felony long was it everywhere

uh it's large i mean you could see it and so it again another form instrumentalization the of but as you move forward to it becomes yet another reason because although all these the the slanders that the manufacturer part falun gong were generated afterwards uh people just within china because the

constant propaganda came to believe in this stuff about evil culture they eat your children are there vampires or whatever uh it outsiders would find them do find it ridiculous but if you're a particular leave here we get within the state your state functionary your prison guard whatever they just came to see this as

true it became for the people within the system the reason for the victimization i am i mean it's easy enough for us as outsiders just to see and say that devin are benign and they're harmless but people who are constantly a propagandized by this vilification eventually buy into it and that's i think what's continued and and and made

worse the prosecution on christian thank you very much for the talk today i think we all agree that many people are not aware of what's happening there is a lack of information lack of knowledge i just wonder if media can be involved at all just to let people know basically what is happening and encourage them to

take a stand because i believe we all have a duty as individuals where there are people that can't defend themselves and we've been what we've seen what happened in the second world war when so many people were desecrated and we don't want history to repeat so maybe just making it really out there in everyone's face would help

yes most certainly are and i mean i wouldn't say necessarily do it for this reason but i i think once there are attempts to change the system within australia easier to the largest ethical the media will become more engaged because i mean what the media are always looking for something new and if the system in australia is changing then the

media can report those changes that's one way bring awareness to the issue i thank you my name is newton shoe i mean the legal profession thank you mr. mathers for champion mean this particular cause are my question is that in australia the two major party has been somewhat muted in their response but behind closed doors

i guess what will have the made the politicians from those two major parties have been saying to you and down whether or not there would be any concrete legislative changes in the short term future well as i said i haven't really come up i mean the only real opposition i got came from the department of foreign

affairs which is presumably would be reflected in anything that specifically critical of china and the government may find that difficult to but when it comes to something as generic i haven't seen it or heard any real opposition there was an interesting i mean of course behind closed doors first of all i'm not sure i should be

telling you what was told to me behind closed doors i mean i can tell you what i said behind closed doors but i can't really tell you i shouldn't be telling you what other people said the line closed doors uh secondly uh i mean what's important is what they do not want to say to me i the and but there have been some public

statements that have been some interest uh i refer to the senate estimates in terms of figure 53 but well what happened was this department of foreign affairs and gregory fletcher were being questioned about foreign policy generally and there's a couple of exchanges a questions asked by senator direction of greens and senator abetz

usha not only for the liberal democrats but i gather from the right wing liberal democrats and both of them were very hard on on graham fletcher uh about on this issue and and and there are a complete opposite ends the entire ideological spectrum so and i think that in microcosm represents the kind of

consensus that's developed around this issue that the well i mean a bet was more concerned about the source of organs from christians uh in in china a it then feeling i mean he's focusing on christians but that's okay i mean it's a private a problem for christians as well so and-and-and-and-and government has focused in on that and he's got some

good evidence about that and of course it's a problem with the muslims with the weakness is a problem with the buddhist with the buttons i mean it'sit's not although it's primarily from gone it's not only for long and and and i think the people gotten to the issue have realized this and and so i my sense of you know where the politicians are

coming from is they agree i think to a certain extent were caught in a vicious circle here because because there's no compulsory reporting we don't know the volumes we did we don't know how big a problem it is because we don't know how big a problem it is there's a tendency to say well maybe it's not really big problem and i i think we're i mean one

of the ways you're you're talking about the media i think one of the things that happened in israel that motivated the changes this one doctor who had this patient who said i am going in a couple months on this state this time to get a heart transplant and he said how this is possible and uh and then he read our report me and he realized how it was

possible and then he started a campaign i mean it was as it turned out head of the transplantation society visual started campaign to get the law changed it was changed and i mean there's doctors like that in australia who have patients who go to china on fixed dates and get transplants and so on and i i think it's

just more of those stories that come out to be more of a kind of awareness that need to do something and i mean i mean to it to a certain extent you're knocking on an open-door the questions parliamentary time the question is priorities rather than willingness but i i think the more that people do to make it an issue in australia there the more

it becomes a priority and more likely people are to do something thank you very much like to join me in thanking david 44 talking for your questions and his very logical answers i thank you very much thank you all for coming out tonight i'm sorry that if many of you got stuck in the traffickers as that david in fact getting here

websites up there please do sign up for postings about future events we have a public lecture every year we have a lot of other programs running with events that are open during the rest of the year so sign up on the facebook page or sign up on our mailing list and i hope to see some of you next to thank you ok

santa clara lawyer referral service

santa clara lawyer referral service

here's who bloomington gene inflicted latina cigarettes best of all long cigarettes brings you dragnet detective sergeant linden detail the police officers and the bonds thatcities

literally is a land disputes in a blue sedan domains in how many long cigarette smokers arechanging cupertino here is the actual report coast-to-coast exercise has fallen on sponsors yes more and more smokers every day anddiscovery that the team that's the fall

of long cigarette long cigarette smokersfine but tina has a much different much february levers and the loma long cigarettesmokers find the subpoena is extra money because it's the long cigarette whichcontains the finest turkish in domestic tobacco superbly blended to make it extra mile so enjoy extra miles but didnot danced on the whole long cigarettes

it's wise to smoke extra mile linen the documented drama than actual crime for the next thirty minutes incooperation with the los angeles police department you will travel step-by-stepon the side of the lord owen and location of the released by a from beginning to end from crimes of punishment dragnet is the story of your policeforce in action

the sunday may twenty third was morelessons we wouldn't be watching hummus my partners and uh... bosses' ground shipping ticket linesfriday was off duty reporting banking on anemergency call was five minutes past three and one eighth room forty twohomicide kinda fast and is good becausegovernment is in the den with mr the band yes

standing here and that all of those days shotconflicts like the family and have a chance to detectives other yet lead keep running uh... uh... anyway he will be incident unifil assumes different not much totell

somos within a day lecture ratri work at six o'clock last night before hit denny and his wife position gentleman and uh... you into this but one thirty this morning the frontdoor of the rain still more inches solicit your local is good was a gunshot shred the front door and an issue thatyou have any kind right away film was lying in a fortune

chesterfield the c_i_a_'s judgment yeah no information from the use of thestudents elected dallas hitting it alleges that this is good forthe new monitor no physical evidence depends on thethink and his vocation very frightening so much as i know any idea what the guy who wrote it wasrevenge leads

this one enlightened elicits concluded donated carpet company yet other close in two days agosaid seven years and i've heard them almost none of the carbon cinemadefended his sentence could i was walking down to get them only got outcoveted home we will protect politically supposed to be sitting upthere listed as used along with the politicalscene proceeding

uses ralph them ernie travis ninety four kind of new zealand terms is to get out one student loans and said he has been asystem but present them instead nieces travis released two years ago benjaminstanza flows that's where you start origin j any reason true or a sister used to goto cut employers owns a blue sedan

three twenty a m project and the flowers last knownaddress and seventy-seven held himself that way as following address with mother's housetwelve thirty to alabama street on the world his mother told this time he was moving county view avenue one thirty a_m_ located the address and keep his car

jefferson st while you were police officers uh... like talked to many forms lately and think it's important tomexico from all right again white weren't happy here g

worker who quit enemy force mentioned looking for jake kumi which is good through the day violence manner bromidecarden for yesterday certainly before on a couple hours andstill waiting was an innocent you before you should be whitey cracker content

unanimity or we can look for ca a good deal of myself in north grove'sgun a gun villagers busy and uh... the traffic are using on hunting tripsor plane shotgun forty miami blood indian who deserved and license number roadblock to set up along main roadsleading out of the city employees

details at the airport must be frozenregions were murdered all the people who have always known run went before the senate version had acadre were rounded up and running for president but definitely a from homicidessupervised the interrogation then when it comes to speak at thecorner of the more contacted regions of the crime lab six a_m_ women keep objectives there unless clothing

single footprint concern jones founded one of the flower beds andthunderstorm or some of the time sanctions herbicides louisvillecommunications have mentioned in the city visited trios refusing to use uh... waswith us leftovers panels mufflers as you know in the same sincehe got out in about four sister dorothy use of longbeach susan birdbrain or no that appears to keep the student id

satisfied with the because of thereasons that's right it is to be too close to carmen revealany correspondence with him when he was in full swing about principle shut down close to me and him mug shots of uh... yeah photocopy still working on the planetearth low-speed lived off the floor was an interrogationroom the talked earlier then you don't

talk to some issues and bring a check inhere i got another angle on the stand ministers in d teens movement leaders in the polls in meetings withfront man for the same mean any more than a footprint identifyand again we have to leave the page and i'm eddie because i think of it in you and your check in with thechief's office camosun okay not push on the stand by

define custodial you guys i don't know near dorothy joyce in a while you're here take time was that this film marines reducing crime first reading los and when you finally got you know ithink you need one used to go around

seven years ago before i even supposedto neurons forrest looks like a pretty new blackberry if the party last min completed takenothing for the victory hotmail only thirteen william stevenson and are waiting that'sall people in attendance rasa dvd zona murder reference forms

once this t_v_ can come out and let meperfectly one inside to keep them here within amount to a clinton maybefinancier anyone money i think i think raisingthem but when i didn't have any money you canargue that high-definition when you want the money for if any dot pick up the stigma in to get out of town because my firstat forty eight dollars in its lead them to his car i didn't want any party

i cannot be italy where he was headed mystical he's not going to cut the budget they would have been women get is knownfor doing the update right deplores girl skipper commissarthis morning admitted shooting film she sees itself if you wanna maybe did up wa flaming gravestones and people just on the plane was shot and killed him the guy was w blue sedan an immediate word was qualified with alittle town south of los angeles abuse

and be built to san diego police were alerted iswhere the mexican authorities and he won another designated point of entry alongthe california mexico border seven fifty a_m_ then and i together with lloyd martin down the same people second-in-commandromance and big alongside then demanding the use of that magic moments and inflation this is an addition uh... dependable

them so they can make you feel like mile after newlywed across the streetfrom dosha side for the shooting and linda she says it was a blue sedan he didn'tdo that are going to look at the cabin fordisappeared the basic maintenance i noticed the road blocks and mentioned straight ahead on the stand by me take a look at them at their his palaceladies and slipped into the list

of that they build up of another beijing these before roosevelt they're all blocked offof emotional because i was in the bedroom yourself be online beach before theelection match and are the things he could be heading intosummer

as it was an actual demeaning nickname off the coast of howit goes to visit and about time bloodstains emergency as horrified you're listening to dragnet for the step-by-step solution to anactual police case here step-by-step all the reasons whypatina has more than double dip smokers from coast to coast step one the name for tina has always stood for the best in thecigarette quality

long cigarette smokers discover fifteenthat has a much different much better flavor and aroma step three long cigarette smokers find patina uh... extra money patina is the long cigarettes which contains the finest turkish indomestic tobacco's superbly blended to

make the team at extra money and that's fine more and more smokerseveryday agreed it's one easily small extra miles it's wrong he's to smoke instrument fifteen that he has the name patina gold and yellow package is yourinsurance of an extra miles smoke enjoy king size fifty min the best of of forty grand a m

with all of the blue chevrolet sedan was lying overturned in a bit just off adead end road immutable youth ministries while the still giving him with bringing with blood stains on the it will be inracine in the glove compartment bone he wouldbe shotgun shells denmark than what is the nation's rather than let women aged the fingerprint memorable we'll end and side of the search for thegeneral area

even bigger than we are misusing herphysical unit does need the wasn't carlson i saidthat they had blood all over the gamut and and and i think it is political lately he did get them you then you reside in and around noon vinson really nas nothing music playingup and with this budget intimate chunk of history rome snoozing

clarify mister same thing opened three rescinding the ban visitors please feel free sixty please contingent yeah foreman

and just a little less unemployment fromhim you and i don't think each other yell at me and from lenny play let me listened to concrete floor when i get up there

this is the only way to get them done we call an ambulance synergy haven'ttaken back to los angeles cook county hospital this morning but at the shotgun the empty shelves andwith them as evidence of the property report correct blue sedan was impounded two counts of murder were filed againsthowever with the district attorney was still one important piece ofevidence in this the forty five this for use in therobbery and murder

of the san diego good among fans well have a recuperated includingwhether the county hospital we were busy building a case for his conviction we still had only enough evidence toconvict him for one of the murders another two months went by on august thirtieth date travel was brought to trial for theshotgun murders police officer robert dole

ten days later the jury found him guiltyof first-degree murder he was sentenced to life term wilsoncontinuing knowing that we didn't have enoughevidence to convict his client for the murder of the drug use private lawyer demanded an immediatewhen the second time wednesday september twelve ten a_m_ to protect themselves you've been talking about thesedepravity trial date yet

that's next tuesday the kind of a doubt the postmark varma nicotine victim of the evidence is thatwe don't even have begun we've got to get a conviction the the because of this movement used to thoseof rule billy says ten years maybe the previewdetermines whether the starting all over diseases so much for killing a dentistvisit but it was a good stupid

depleted that that was your from thislist with windows that uh... the good news samantha you've been doing less familiar deleted all the it was rejected couldn't get regulatory was epilepsy them to know if there's going to sell inthere with the wind

but i think i would never proposed andwhy the fleming county jail awaiting trial he figures it which is what you'resaying someone's attention might go you'll be there is coming up with the right davidletterman's going to put his foot blackmun set up a little you diamondrediculous including new jersey's religious lines lives on holland they had to be a member of thegale was doing

linden was not going to do that transportation options to cure theproblem of justice when i was put into the county jail after that i was taken down to acellblock commitment form of the high-powered thank where prisonerssergeant major crimes are held during the individual cells are left open prisoners were allowed to visit with oneanother

i was taken back in june so i wasassigned you've got a little uses going to havethe border with the man who was born demand you still there picked it up coming thank you making food when you get my bunk commodities

sister cigarette said i'd like to get my back seat present personally get involved average imac an election unlike this mabell south and with your google they tell you when you consider the elizabethan instead of all let me knowwhen you look at history right now

don't bother me while you're at the iran dump out i a mstamp quite a lot of sports day offered that uh... it uptime linens the unit done and done coalition impact is felt shop cc

g_n_p_ fiji nearby from the outside sometimes quite background tournament benchmark we've got a big one laurenson a feast your mind deal with them him and think down through time and for good

no witnesses no evidence part of the gambling is not going tokeep them close behind because of the close confinement i was with him almost constantlyphillipe mds by roundabout way out but with uh... eight fifty five members two days before the trial with things like that rowspan

from nineteen so hard for me don't need to eliminate made the comment that people something new about that a lifetime that uh... and catskill whom correct immaculately

uh... santa monica ca mister simpson just relax logistical your money into an argument macmillan is real good morning to you data carefully weston m_i_ the grizzly and it's not a member of the day with me

just got done covers it kind of thingsgoing on maxwell would goodman financing for the job done the samething drugstore couple months ago that got me on missile shot relatives gathered in then i remember

alicia voting went down happen in maine last name immortal yeah they didn't have the maximum go uh... he's out there no evidence on him equipment would be fine

bird who's with me unemployed people alike was in the harbor drugstores left leg i don't i don't know when he started i think it's completelyinnocent against the garden intuitive continued for having me

premature you remember when he with them andchoose activity partner macarthur macc students on the ground but let's talk about in the morning wheni went with them e boarded up forty something like thatyeah forty five and it was denied uniform island we couldn't find a good extended act

when did they find a gunfight disneyland and orlando concerto no michel mcqueen on hulu power maximumanimations and these jurors but could because this computer live pictures from improvement a bunchof crooks and the holocaust victims a push to do it

ugt we decline do you prefer not to continue with theboard defending and his name is ed vincent but who protects the in on september eighteenth

trial was held in superior courtdepartment ninety one city and county of los angeles state of california in amoment the results of this trial it's amazing how many long cigarette smokers arechanging from fifteen here is the actual report coast-to-coast excise at on that problem more and more smokers every day anddiscovery that fifty

off long cigarette long cigarettesmokers fine fifty-mile has a much different much believers and aroma long cigarettesmokers find that the fema is extra money because it's the long cigaretteproceedings of fun turkish in domestic tobacco's superbly blended to make this extramight so enjoy extra miles but did not stovall long cigarette it's wise to small extra mile

it's wrong to smoke for more dino murdered on the forty five caliberautomatic pistol was recovered from a stampede role hilton jacob john's fatherwas brought to trial he was tried and convicted of murder inthe first degree the jury again refused to recommend thedeath penalty cargo is now serving a life term in thestate penitentiary without possibility of parole blue dragnet flowed from official final

technical advice for dragnet come fromthe office of people believe they'll really wouldn't lawson believable dragnet with that the other remove then the considerable improvement for those of you who maybe interested monopolize version of the magnet appearsin the april issue of reveal them knew nothing about the best of all oncigarette that brought you dragnet from long time

motto here mister and mr ronald goldmanin the halls arriving on him these days the hello a him on certainly cigarettes yesterday alone cigarettes brings you

greatness now all it would be real level it your job averell if you want along the cigarette smoke the best of all long cigarettes

smoke table-size patina but the way as the long cigarette whichcontains the finest plication domestic tobacco's superbly blended to make the team aextra money and that's why fifty-mile has a muchdifferent much better plane burned aroma than anyother long cigarette that's why fifty murders more thandouble dip smokers coast to coast so enjoy patina

the best of all long cigarette but he must it's why to smoke extra mildpatina har the recommend the documented problem actual crime call the next thirty minutes incooperation with the los angeles police departmental you will travelstep-by-step almost ruined actually from official police fire uh... from beginning to win

from crime to punishment pregnant this the story of your policeforce in action was proven mark singel part your service we're working and they watch otherhomicide detail partners dot romero the boxes that brownto be taken claims frightened we're on our way back from the stategovernment was two forty five pm against the city hall rel twenty nine handwriting analysis or have secret ok county of venturamaybe mecklenburg

them back value alive adequate job for example detrimentalsection ideologically tectonic dilford galloway staple but this is done matters and ileft behind and a couple signatures intelligentenough to camp wooden track premature commercial credit

so these are appreciative dot on march november december january like to know three signatures on them compare with the signatures on these twohere marked february and march mansion now it shouldn't take long for the whitehouse at the same okay obviously she thought fred he this is just one receptacle company idon't know what to say

from her intention let me check it out on the details thathave to go for it henry johnson he signed up for a lifetime nineteenthirty three murdered her husband joe and shot him to death drug-dealing corporal nineteen fortyfive and one of may fourteen th last year's rolled into the custody of missusleveraging more let loose loses more or less from wilmington

pulled from the johnson woman she's fox ten years to get a released fromtragedy and have been in touch with mrs monica on the below mail we've been sending your monthly reportforms along choose that person did annie johnson was pulled through the cityformats to be filled up and signed by missus martin mail back to you know let's what do you think is thatsomething was wrong on your program and reports back from a long time all theusual questions answered properly it was the signature

reading governor pregnant with most ofthem viewpoint conjunction woman's theykingsford intervene trying to conduct a marvelous antidotepast couple of days nobody home they are not yeah he seems to me here nomination human never sign on the sameperson here signatures www february march reportsaid and putting them into action one person chinese to me

monitoring police moments ago agreement signature on the last tworeports were forged plantation she went up for murder your department he wanted them motive intent to could be a lot ofthings could be nothing any chance another little but dot i'd checked out of the office pro-growth

we located the home of the individual ofmore we were driving discovered good old-fashioned two-story house preferably coral parties corporate located reluctantly arranging a red allover it fancy car cables shades driveway where people post fatalistic colored glass certainly somekind of a desirable and on the front door

lavender blog issued it before the weddingannouncement briefly today where he was just about it manner couldn't take the car to smooth out theballot in blankets tents and taking care of middle right entrega or anything

let's try the neighbors known i mean dash across the street must be somewherein there so we should have been a while but the one that would go to removable bottle but many others of my from momentum coming tend to write them off opening remarks that

or and she can tell us are you telling me so for more police officers like this ifyou question exiting the batman finger moment acting the way my work on my it'stechnically we shouldn't fixed anyhow to be done down seventy-oddsomething fingers badminton delivery that didn't meet the boo-boo

sudden wrote french fries what happened to you lou books tell me they required to live in recorded with mister and missus marcos' treat mister union leaders the battling with the they haven't got a little he hears whenwe're not going to a fair hearing in

florida have committed for the moment isthat right and i think you can tell it there outfield cheating on the victim includelooking lifting couldn't she would get he questions trouble season nine maintenance incident victims special promo call

one division movement louis mean weakening lou within the last november load became violent funeral missus moser u listing caring would take from we're wall-to-wall and uh... anenjoyable initiating leaving its mark that's closest republicans will keep youinformed can begin commercial include

they consistently that he will he willdo that we have a meeting with the companybootcamp dictated to me if you do not have flourished in their inclusion through it street experiment you let me know thename of the current term limits monastery nearly inflating killing where we need to make your own housebenefit thinking and

everyone neighbors but not the president who we hang with you enlisted the doctors without it but theydidn't meet new people who handled the fear or control so that by the publictelephone you can lose nothing understandings about black and theywon't let that gift microbial about evaporated jericho eat hitting the

uh... and we've been who's who's badlieutenant dan intriguing we thank you well simply entertainment townsend dodging made me think the growing view do youthink that frightening

newman here and will be added me the link betweengillooly boolean computer missus johnson lowers will get along for the world andyou let me know argument london you know when you use fiction inthe world to get along the route only when you can go talk to senator had diverted from maineyeah his movement there in the room there nonetheless review some of theother people

we are at the same right then you haveany judgments prefered they all have the impression that with his mother was under doctor's careto go here at home in pasadena an injunction problem ho we found out that missus moore one other living relative fired herhusband romana you'll about not what you got in beverlyhills five thirty p_m_

that i go back to the office red hotvictory private records and very emotional rollercoaster lower than any of them we call the state hospital norwalk having been committed clinton in november review was critically ill but in another call tomorrow here we go back to the legal martinwrote

holding her own ontario not looking for have three months ago from within or were used during the past when ireturn from being delivered recruitment level that that would be blue-greenuncontrollable after-care treatment for people would you mind telling us what you mean

in mind everything i'm tony clark quickly who no longer the thought of the toppolitical required it's unlikely moved into took over the whole house butwhat's the connection between europe resembling blood remember room removed two goes from different men for approval to kill her husband shewrote for help from your health care

recruiting management issue and lawyers supreme leader and it pro-ltte before you took with a couple of thehousekeepers are directing it jim if it didn't work fleshy unharmed my aunt and uncle or that everythingthey've been fun went last time you heard from europe

the few months ago and cooking food i called up to assure recruitment you have no idea when like you know something to keep the bee sting we have to prove film in the neighborhood feedburner haven't gone up about theremuneration the meeting understanding

something ill your attention from complete no she couldn't if you're going to remember from good home drunk crowed many everyone keep looking some people are like that for treatingnever get too much on

before liberal arts world we got thename of a reporter there have been a large colosio manualthat will move into the morale lights were burning in the front windows before it was but well yes that's correct roaring back can use phen-fen couldn't you he didn't hear drinking british account

i mean when you go self-esteem police officers identification i don't think you can the garlic parsley but if we can get a little doctor butyou're looking for a reporter's johnson runs through february and march liberal-conservative almost two-thirdsof force

aliyev our little saying little difficulty reports probably preferable to putting in reviewsome of his mother's name on well yes i did people are looking for carrying out alethal weapon i wouldn't bother her with all thefitness i'd find you know put them in the mail for if you happen to believe that theoryroom books or whatever it was almost a year

knowing developing people if you have to do it people like that to lengthen have you been up to the internet no i havent grows older than a thousand people to goto keep you up to help you afterwards youngster i suppose you drove missus robertsonstephens

has already affected them because we don't have a conference sheget the tax you can have you telephone use market downturn just weren't able to superfluid clothing fort lauderdale religion prolly now give myself as you have any other relatives beside her husband

literal curricular well before going into iraq don't have to put this map just terrible he almost looking forward to filter onforty his respiratory illness tomorrow mister any shape of the bill

you do a better country to grow up tothe first time purpose rather reported idea thank you cameras judge election year apathetic at twenty minutes after it collected from there reaction if it had to take a look around for example fun

uh... maybe a reason to some of thoselies you told us the thirty-foot anecdote peripheral off from our house in the small dusty one ofthe real problems on the first before we found a file formats is modern businesspartners format file we located returned home one her five thousand to for thirty fivehundred equality have a writer changing thebeneficiary biltmore and her husband any job grover norquist

that american stroller to get the party members from him phone bill labor grill government elected to com creatures anything at school handle recognition jewish year crooning

medicare let's go to www went upstairs thirty here parameters of the second for the house search the rubble a lot of other plunged into the attic purple borrowed corrugated

family earlier thank you lou left in newspapers thirty two twenty cold community for drinking like that again and we got a suspectthose insurance posters would be the morning progresses we'll pick them padding

you're listening to global step-by-step solution to anactual police case here step-by-step all the reasons whyfifteen-month has more than double dip smokers from coast to coast step four on the main fifteen minute hasalways stood for the best in cigarette quality long cigarette smokers discoverfifty-mile has a much different much better flavor and aroma step threelong cigarette smokers fine patina extra mateo

the peanut is be long cigarette which contains the finest recreation domestic tobacco use superbly blended to make the team aextra mile and that's why more and more smokers everyday agreed it's why tosmoke extra mile but the mark if y to smoke extra mild patina yeahthat's the name pretty much all-night gold and yellow package issue orinsurance southern extra my old smoke so enjoy jeans size thirty min the best ofall long cigarette

fat match remedial recoverable literally growpredominantly or then in a critical review of the crimelab for a little the next morning we checked with themore family he had no idea is to the whereabouts ofmister mark peripheral of about three months agosteven properly bengaluru provision any deductions tobefore our tomorrow morning provisional fifteen hundred dollars onbottom crowding right

forever program children first company i metwith definitely the promised land everything that effect we're looking would like to shake down the marcosagain before we look at it myself for medicare to do a thorough going overwestern here so they are here for just a moment looks like it sugar mill creek disappear ross enoughin my book anuja that's a big reasons for lying tous i'd like to find the may figure in

doing that over the parental questionnaire just to get away from our placement i'dlike to be coming up in chicago asking about the bottle an equity issue patelvivek mcmullenparty definitely better and he doesn't get to go to his munnar or something outof the changes in the priorities were made during the last two months at herhome in bed and uh... lorna for any judge interested which is morethan a set of caring for more than two months

isn't there a preview of what's right human things without the state of thelower talk too much more yeah judith miller died at eight o'clock lastnight from natural causes mcfate proof for a moment winters in florida was committed to theinstitution an exemption figured prominently in my commitment she would love to do with them when ican't take any chances duty and implement it without the bondinsurers from here on

they're all but the right one the well-crafted correlatingentrepreneur but i think it would be fewer men from inside an auditoriumdharmendra throughout the world but those are tomorrow which had to provide for got here by four o'clock thereafter yannicksecond-floor complete without finding any additional eleven via courier around

problem for me definitely called their way home replied heheh sonya corporate don't know about that later rejected daily already got late quick justice lawyers residual

command-and-control bluestone containing recruit country in droves vendors and two ofthem several guild to win nor netanyahu refuge of flesh that much of anything just show you the right historically applied over this way we go dropped in the corner

exam overlook if kevorkian new practitioner extremely long time to rest fell flat in a couple shuttled back inthe garage hello setup ass general

when you'revalue murder animal blood liberated more symmetrically fell in love againbeing thirty p_m_ rowe-double romero argue that what it looked like theyintrusion well they lied to them i believe i wonder how far off thetalking he replied how it's amazing for my part

like bob dole obviously i wonder if we'djust like to put up a few things that are i think the police department acouple of a lifetime if enacted the deficit in holland whostill a question about your excuse me i had an appointment to beauty shop atseven o'clock maybe better cancel outliving right here informed approval form hamilton carefully so that means you'reresearch lab the conclusion

where would make a period of time we'vegot a good reasonably recurrence been committed lauren she's missing breakthrough was yourcouncil late this afternoon well-connected sanitarium when it goes to do this improvement themoney i think he she wasn't going to continue uh... privileges will leave this countryand she was never there when she couldn't get it for me

control over their tom that you said youforward me your review segment rocks were there wouldn't be in place because they got the whole house front-runner this girl misses dot would you mindtelling us what it was before textile teleflora would have been committed i've got to have it done relatively

many big number of new zealandcomparable to what happened why can't they destination with super cement work is readunrefinished we differ from top to bottom credited captive nine responsibility no need toworry everything will be left exactly the way it was will leave the house tosome of the military lessons that seventy three point leadhere again four people

shouldn't that really unfair thing tobritish big turnout told her everything i know did you kill remark that i can could help people like that apartment iwanna kill a lot who can everything pregnancies given themood holyfield cool off course i didn't kill a there was no need to be upset uh... something profit-sharing on the cake co-dependent

no we didn't make it you don't know anything capitalize address me five minute break eleven-year technology prop recommendingapproval he got a little believed in and she couldn't everything if you like to have everythingeverything on the line i would never return for killing herabout my clothes my home here many there

are a lot of sheet given to me like a passenger air bags already robertnovak although i would like to know the answer because of their life international airport golden without that everything that we have allow you to tell me that official told me in

our little children with representative frank ogden really part of the electorate o'callaghan from thirty eight let me government taking over a littlethank you i know i'm not really want any more thandemocrat bill clinton but i will defend its really well limited experience

background i don't know how to take care of a man we found me called are good victoria margaret motorists you know that didn't take it on thenorth of agri-food uid islanders took me to get me everythingeverything missouri

everybody the only well ask anybody with character whack background from around the door europe trip through road cattlemen worker and protect the innocent

on july fourteenth trial was held insuperior court for the incumbent most into a state of california in a moment the results of the trial how many long cigarette smokers arechanging to fatigued here is the actual report fromcoast-to-coast favor at although buckled more and more smokers every day idiscover in the first time best sophal long cigarette longcigarette smokers fine fifty-mile has a much different

flavor and aroma long cigarette smokersfind a fifteen minute is extra mile because it three long cigarette which contains the part of it superbly blended to make it extra mileso enjoy the extra mile for three months though ball long cigarette it's wise tosmoke extra mile but the more it's why smoke extra mile thirteen i'd

and in return for most reading convictedof murder in the first degree she was executed in the forecastreimburse the state penitentiary phone call from california pag harun europe dropped her dragnet on repair regarding for great memories ofdevelopment we want our regarding are dragnet which is the fact that it is areview of television like maggie they had read pregnant bail pendingprogrammable removed him pad

but the replica red the best of all long cigarette bloggingdragnet from wild animal tomorrow here are the ronald goldmancoming through overall providing on en route home on or ka hai herro and in bringing put in a cigarette

beth them all along ahead although depicted program europe and all of a review for you lauded during a robbery in her head andwe were sitting rebel cold-blooded if you want a long cigarettes smoke the best of all along cigarette

besides fifteen minutes subpoena is being long cigarette whichcontains the finest tradition domestic tobacco superbly blended to make fifty-mileextra money and that's what the payment has a muchdifferent much better flavor and aroma than any other long cigarette that's why fifteen minute more thandouble dip smokers coast to coast enjoyed for payment it's wise to smoke extra my old

but people ex-wife could bulk extra miles patina documented problem in your eyes probably already know incorporating thelowly hard when you were traveling by step on the part of the long-runaggregate i'm available even though from beginning to win from crime and punishment recommended mcqueen for selection it

post-cold war period curricular garage or every detail requested several of our suspect ainfected periphery for seven fifty five a_m_ on apriltwenty seven eight overheated regulatory adjunct called out in this clevelanders silicate to sleep deliversomething especially related to my brother will oppose go to sleep aboutended up going up there i don't like it

when you call it the stuff here elaborate detail called him last night all three kids ever talked about thesame day cutting edge because you know they were walt whitman doctors and that the media troublemakergood home already athletic build although all my brothertony sandy dot sandoval were pretty rough characters consider that awaitsanymore chuck to u_n_ brother running a detective wouldn't be on the phone

and it's a little the record officialcorrespondence come a little later we know about the guys almost killed a man and indemnity fields on the letter i'llbe here any minute noted at noon yesterday happening although nearlyfamily friendly crowd of more michael a better more elbow room here you have ahouse for a lot not just an apartment robert reich right all the way toliet

i don't feel i a favorite for me eight years xxxxxxx character of pro football utilities would like to go back conservative for couple mcdanieldemocratic nagar memorandum and how about you all the parties and her something like this welcome welcome welcome

figured we'd be out of the job uh... moderator lord recovery or provided settling in candid camera but whoever letters harvard warm-up following for men want to corroborateyour approach to save for two reasons san francisco bay area

simone sham twenty-fourth escape from question shoes cairo eighteen fred mallick twentyfull-time research politics l_a_p_d_ recess last week records of them small shot ninety jatinder nine at thebar uh... two papers easement shouted outwith this in this case information shows off person several days pro

driving a stolen car blue chevroletprobably using conflates receivables from here when we were looking for political reform doesn't have a little bit of a featherautograph if any of these pictures were taken frommy perspective this could be a but almost all of a car coldplay preferable girls were picked up ruckeror look for a ride with a couple of everyman in a movie

when the car and then to get the boardbut the group effective there were no longer not not a fish the young guy around twenty he could not do what you prefer shocked the girl fair regulatory options coordinator ridiculous little not enough to makesense

anecdotal restore to meet with me period that that that the other thingthat they are that the robbery cases repair character but with the group technique google nightmare future they didn't do anything preparatory ollie north too much out there so they don't knowanything about the color of their lives

strongly that with the ever seen before good luck with the third thing to do it these other guys it took about nightmare if you had a terrific it provoked a lotat the bottom of the flu covering the like steroid users asking this correctly kumaratunga perceptive improving stop playing field for afamily

there frank anywhere he abandoned being competitor in the corporate dark that they would very hard to makeprogress weirder software becoming a part of thejubilee theatre spread abroad we grew up in understanding the debateunderstood when the boys were conducted for there

point out that that uh... if that isthat there is anything about it smoking payoff the him it no ricotta recognizable triplet that i_q_ opera that she was in fact recovering from both the bush couldn'tcook larry king wrote from talking

we're going to try it on who don't know the truth leaders know they got to the bench inthe turnaround about halfway back in the corner here quickly he didn't get three years dot right here if you're coming up tomorrow in cairoflight big-time rankin adding event big but they need

if they're wolf the fact that when i would think weather pattern incorrectly she doesn't know but you remember thistiny little heart out three program world report that willprobably have a record for the new corporate there were for it where where everywhere for everything

whose idea format then send it back to me reconsider regrets breaking records that cabinet today that here ethnic for a purpose he thought that they julie cooper cartwright there were twoor three big right

could then looking at this trip correct regular program there regrettably coke opc electrical for program it'll come or priority radar philosopher the author of this

procuring correctly carryover vacay hybrid fiber offeredsoccer hillary clinton political avoided backpacker waterloo david brother and place locate variety holiday did have a patentleather director of pathway pleaded that uh... part today garlic valladolid miata regulatory often and back to herand and i have a rebel recall that hurt

marijuana re-read your career productshere where they are problem remove william grant rendition of that records recruitment drive ahead if youwere going no roll call in denver throughout these kinds of himself but figured that the law

roughly broke for a while we're waitingfor a federally chartered response you can if you're back like to do everything legal warren some cramping the romero figured recovered and come back north korea here is that correct

i'm reading through it gururaj the curfew for teenagers brilliantly back liberalism ended up in a very large might call theoffice girl growing like a lot more horriblecarpenter and any other bill in the next three hours regardless ofwho preferred rooming house where always premium

five thirty p_m_ we tributaries celebrated uh... rather overheated lobby grandmother career working woman in the early forties gotten around three thirty later placement would you take a minute i'd like to know if you recognizepicture

now and take care of her career interactive value like harold i'd liketo think the thing that we're going to go to college prep dialnet after i left out in excel what they've heard word of rhetoric andthirty-four curriculum if you want reform moorpark credit down there

we appreciate you looking for the threewrong protection to narasimhan argument autocad before you're going toget a little everything for your points therefore recommended several reportedlyparagraph if you do me a favor and dot blotting prosperity we can lead to civilmatter i'd like to go to room two six oh one of the city hall to the cityattorney philadelphia net copyright word arrival the for corrupt rectangular throwingcorporal one of them i caught a break up there

dot karthika there report about mortality character count brought her her or her concurrent review control over the last night afterrecovering from heart problem in fact reporting from of uh... eleven activitydrive between two important work we've got a cold about quick question whether the photographerwherever you happen to a member of the american worker

computer occur thirty percent background five point oftime the recruitment global delivery better cover cutting thebattle of the picture for for worked with mister an era akka had and if you are going on

messiah plentiful collateral fishing originating there thing neighborhood preferable rappelling inquiry reportedly no longer and uh... enduringcharacter marilyn here

will report there including ordinary membership recordcover hurricane from jerry linenger favorite wrapped aroundthe character of the getaway whichever helping hand let her go downfrom capitol exp captain america recovered one place after another the rockville or are running around andthey're over there wrangler reading a magazine calledastrology corrupted and tried to hide the body

careerbuilder you take a look at these pictures please what for fifty identify him legal committees concurring kharagpur comic book in people's faces again correctly when you know or put them on

hankering extrication grandmother here i don't know when your approval alcohol refuse to work either expecting your mission to protect the question twenty-two referral number check in hong kong people who have aking

unitech club preferably problem government clinton corporate opentable prep immunity watching heartburn renewable

road crews record here they'll be back afro happy you are listening to dragnet focused that park that promotion throughan actual felipe if they're fine step of the reasons why fifteen minuteof more than double dip smokers from coast to coast reference

gunning for paying their heads always good for the best in cigarettesquality while cigarette smokers discover fifteenthat i have a much different much better flavor aroma long cigarette smokers finds thefemale's extra mile but camera is meanwhile cigarette whichcontains the finest supergroup blended to make fifty butextra mile and that's why more and more smokers everyday agree it while you from broke extra mile

but came up it's raho group bulk extramarital purplethey're filming for three months on that golden yellow package is your insurance seven extramaritalsmoke so enjoy change dived fifty but but bestof all long cigarette well ahead and violent recoverable never got then progress more from reverend

corruptly ever narrow everything wouldn't corporate recruiter crime headline very reluctant to hire coordinateresurrection retroviral separating for young peoplebanner headline backpage literally averages arrive the boulder in a criminal cases aroundthe coen brothers takes a lot of penelope preferable to a column of theloaded with a lot of work effectively for the crime to over one hundredunimportant

chromatography method trauma andrecovery program heterodimer approach rather developers i'm going to hurtuh... eleven fifty five p_m_ when we come back ended notion i've told these other officers i've depended not where you said theywere out for the the decade i'd like to accompany forty two through what would you come with a stellar olgai don't remember conviction for good

criminal cases uh... with the manager alone quickly from prague they were in charge not form of coursenot around because what he preaches the real estate got killed from the from the turnaround his brotherthat when i become important close to me market place's bernardin barely but bywhat we have to street level full though i don't have the anymore

vietnam again quacking here they were originally forty thousandpeople a lobby no no not proven record of theturnaround in culture that because what we're not there border zero title logo going there approval for might give me a penny each work throughthis program that well over there

professional squeaky crawling on theirbut there are a greater europe comparable corporate lawyer temperature in there up in the book that commitment tobenefit from that i wouldn't know you here will tell themyou just don't forget it all right sir tried to put your name dropping thecourse with the naked eye what mister leadership in regulating the operating okay that we wanted

corrected score economy encouraged thank you know on this one recording than men c_n_n_ medical called mhm

room for a living anything i can get you get to know youjust at the desk would you please clock anything manager really brightenedup and ready i will help what you're looking for a looking aheadto stay away from that door a little over here the from line recommended cigarette and you know

crandall right prepared chris wrote recovering thankful for yourheart crap mark of america recovery progresshonorable are going through but with a first come from or through your rental car recovery for parkway carpeting long island railroad right here

per worker if you want to go photographs clips martin george sharma running withit you know my camera how are you we can procurement will break a record of downtown the program

hair regatta forum illinois curriculo meager birthplacephilip millard problem here tournament i think the bedrock of amillion beginning at the corner program foreurope week english three times a week and a hotel will rule

incorrectly okay orthonormal oracle forgot about the craft congruent circles under them captured somalis lumbar usually do

but often about george they'll pick up on them paul from abroad convoy well originally from the door i wanna alkali camera as well that particular part of their broughthome a lot now we've got everywhere yet you got to go off and getting watching

it took mark we are now going back todeath all right thank you change yourcopyright protection in career here at the ruling nuclear war but if you're around pericardium i think all over the lobby incremental encoder parole

spectrometer dilemma clear looking forward that's notgoing to stay away from here please yeah click ok the got caught uh... therapy for a fourth of pero for example didn't end up like you know and i thinkwe ought to get kadambari entirely pl preferred collector

right over here potential thirty revolve around the clock here's forty-five cold but you know clinton's personal group should show bellevue we were to do a lot more trouble earlier come from

clinically depressed victorm thing program or a lower level ever to recover amaracovering up record her readable reports i want to cut the growth of the federaltaxpayers if it was a lot of them will continue under the brand removal confirmed had to come out former governor

and throw up their own personalrepresentative for pickup truck through curriculum for the movement form of thatparticular quota performance enough reluctantly record wherever there notmore having voted for the trip electric vehicles were probably a lotmore fun rococo memory more local brokerage with their career graphic a requirementfor were from from what the workout robocop

about this in crystal reports we are notthe first day working for a compelling reference database wittoled the court that they are not allowed tohave a terrible pain writer with the current criminalreferral for prasad ride or your work

from there from february ninth growth program superior court apartmentmediator for the inquiry of all federal state of california the results of that for the government how many long cigarette smokers atchanging cupertino we're at the actual report problem coast-to-coast faculty poker

more and more brokers every theirprogrammer for color is the best sophal long cigarette long cigarette smokers private conduct have a much different much better flavored and aroma wrong cigarettesmokers binders performers extra money because if the long cigarette whichcontain proprietary checking for domestic tobacco who could prevent the filmmaker extramile so enjoy the extra mile for three months

from all around for correct it's widely used to smoke extra my old for cuomo in rahul broke extra marlon purple procured sheung shui requiring fredmallick were released two thousand for for programs where they were tried andconvicted on income for bribery in the first degree hold was placed on them by the state oforegon they are not serving their friends inthe face penitentiary

good pregnant people living in some ofthe trooper regular whiteboard dragnet summary halloween parade february warmup and hopefully while let me let me correct about dog repertoire contract or or or work product or or or armand

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