Wednesday, March 15, 2017

free legal assistance

free legal assistance

welcome back. local lawyers are ready to make a difference. today, they're going to be answering legal questions and providing legal counsel and assistance for free. joining us to talk about that is lawyer jaya thomas.

thanks for coming. thanks for having me. that's a big deal, free. lawyers are not cheap, i've found. no, they're not at all. so you're doing something for the community that you came from.

you live in l.a. now but founded the clinic in 2009. what gave you the impetus to do that. i've lived in cincinnati. i left about 16 years ago. i'm a practicing attorney. i thought it would be a good idea to give back, start the

legal clinic. you practice law in the field of entertainment and movies and high fashion, i would imagine. not the cases you'll see here. not at all. but you're capable and you've gotten other lawyers who are going to be there today.

we're going to have a lot of other different attorneys from different practice areas, and from different law firms. and a lot of law students will be here too today to help out with any and all legal questions and issues. what kind of legal questions

do you normally get. we get a lot of divorce issues, a lot of child custody. wills, trust, and a lot of criminal issue comes through the door. talk about why it's so important to involve a lawyer in certain areas of your life and

cases like that. because you want someone who, you know, is more familiar with the laws here. you don't want to get it wrong going to court, you know, trying to represent yourself. so you want someone who really has the sound knowledge about

kind of what's going on with your issue. you can point people in the right direction. can you actually, you know, handle transactions and things that are happening when they come to the clinic? definitely.

really? you have that capability. on site. yes. so anybody today if you're interested, if you need legal help, legal counsel, and you can't afford an corner, we'll have attorneys there from 9:00

a.m. until 12:00 noon at the cincinnati community action agency, which is at 17 40 langdon farm road. no appointment is necessary. we'll be assisting people on a first come, first served basis. we'll have attorneys there from all practice areas to help out.

thanks for telling us about it. thank you. a great effort. the avondale bond hill legal clinic takes place at the community action agency on langdon farm road from 9:00 to noon.

clients will be assisted on a


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