have you ever seen the phrase "as seen ontv" or maybe heard someone say "as seen on tv"? i have to tell you, i've seen an attorneyput a commercial on tv and then in their marketing messages say "as seen on tv". you want toknow what's this all about? come join me as i share with you some remarkable information.hi, i'm gerry oginski. i'm a new york medical malpractice and personal injury trail lawyerpracticing law here in the state of new york. you won't see me saying "as seen on tv". youwant to know why not? because i don't put commercials on tv. i find, personally, thatthose commercials tend not to give any useful information. all those tv commercials aboutattorneys advertising all say the same thing. they all say, "if you've been injured andthis problem, you should call me." they don't
tell you why. "we've been in business for25 years." okay, but why are you different than the next lawyer that i see on the nextcommercial? why are you different than that lawyer? or that one? or that one? or thatone? nobody ever takes the time to explain why, to tell me why they are the right attorneyfor me. so if you're searching for an attorney in a car accident case or in a medical malpracticecase or in a wrongful death case, i want to ask you this question? do any of these commercialson tv tell you, and explain, and give you information about your particular matter?do they give you any information that's going to make you an educated consumer so that youcan make the right decision about which lawyer is right for you? instead, i personally findthat they all just scream and yell at you.
"hey, if you've been injured in this typeof case, call me. we do these cases every day and just call me." okay. why? how areyou different, mr. attorney #1? how are you different from attorney #2 or 3 or 4? theproblem with tv advertising is that attorneys have only 30 seconds to shout out a message.and again, in my opinion, that's not enough time to go ahead and explain things to you.you're online now watching this video because you want to learn more about your particularmatter. well, if you find an attorney who now teaches you and educates you about yourspecific type of matter, aren't you going to be more interested to want to learn evenmore? you know, i have, right now, over 1,400 videos that teach and educate my ideal clientsand consumers about car accident cases and
about medical malpractice cases and wrongfuldeath cases here in the state of new york. if you're considering an attorney, you shouldbe asking them, "hey, by the way, do you create these educational videos that will teach mesomething before i ever pick up the phone and call you? do you give free books, freereports, free information so that now, i can learn all about how the legal process worksbefore i ever pick up the phone and call? or before i ever come into your office?â€that's stuff you don't see on tv. and i should put up a sign that says, "as not seen on tv".but, really, think about it. an attorney commercial doesn't give you any useful, real informationto help you make an educated decision about which attorney is right for you. so why doi share this great information with you? i
share it with you just to give you an insightand an understanding behind attorney advertising and attorney marketing when now you're tryingto find the right lawyer to help you solve your specific problem. you know, i realizeyou've got questions or concerns about your own particular matter. well if you matterdid happen here in the state of new york and you do have legal questions, what i encourageyou to do is pick up the phone and call me. i can answer your legal questions. this issomething i do every single day and i'd love to talk to you. you can reach me at 516-487-8207or by email at gerry@oginski-law.com. that's it for today's quick video. i'm gerry oginski,have a wonderful day.
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