Wednesday, March 15, 2017

free legal advice

free legal advice

hello, i’m nikki kavouklis, president andattorney at zen 4 law, a place where law and inspiration meet. for the past 22, years i’ve been representingclients in personal injury claims, including car accidents, motorcycle accidents, slip/tripand falls, product liability, medical negligence, and any other situation involving injury. during the time that i’ve been practicing,i’ve witnessed my clients becoming more and more frustrated by a legal system thatdoesn’t seem to care about them. they’ve become increasingly frustrated bytheir legal adversaries, who seem to treat them unkindly or with a plain lack of respect.

as a result, i’ve developed an inspiringtoolkit to help uplift my clients through their legal journey. here’s an affirmation i’ve written tohelp empower you: “even though my legal adversaries are fighting against me, i donot judge them. i accept and appreciate that they are doingtheir job on behalf of their respective clients.” whenever you go into the courtroom, into amediation, a deposition, or whatever situation it may be and you’re faced with your legaladversaries, remember, they’re simply doing their job – don’t judge them. take the high road and become a stronger,more inspired person.

love and blessings, nikki kavouklis


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