Thursday, March 30, 2017

lawyer phone number

lawyer phone number

a commonly asked question by many clientsis, "does child support and child custody go hand in hand?" that question can be answeredin a few ways. first, in deciding which court to proceed. if you're married, you have theoption of filling a divorce. in a divorce proceeding in supreme court, you can handlea child custody and child support matter in front of the same judge. meanwhile, if you'renot married, you must go to family court and you can handle that matter separately. childcustody will be in front of a judge or referee and child support would be in front of a supportmagistrate. if you are married, though, you can file in family court and decide whereyou want to go. child support is determined by how much theparties make, plus a formula determines how

much each pay based upon the number of childrenand a variety of factors. custody is determined by what's in the best interest of the should speak to an attorney before you proceed in either matter. my name is jayson lutzky. you can reach meat 1-800-660-5299. you can reach me at my website again thephone number is 1-800-660-5299. thank you very much.


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