Friday, March 31, 2017

lawyer referral number

lawyer referral number

there are so many lawyer advertisements outthere today, it may be hard to figure out where to turn if you need an attorney. whata lot of people don't realize, and we see in our practice, is that many of the advertisementsaren't even law firms at all. and it's not something that is clear to you when you'recalling back when you see these advertisements. that you don't know these attorneys that arebeing selected for you and you're not even away that they are in fact attorneys. so oftentimes the victims of accidents see a billboard, call the number, think they're calling a lawfirm when in fact they're really just speaking to a lawyer referral service who is goingto pick a lawyer off of their list who may not even live in your community. when you'vehad a serious injury, you're entitled to individualized

service so before going to one of these referralservices, ask, are you going to have an attorney in your community? are you going to have anattorney who understands what your problems are. it's important. the reality is not alllaw firms are created equal and there's a difference in experience and there's a differencein commitment and there's a difference in resources. insurance companies know what lawfirms have the experience, what law firms have a track record, if they're willing totry a case and we feel like at gould cooksey fennell, we have that. we're a team and whenyou come to gould cooksey and you hire an attorney to represent you, you're not justgetting one attorney, you're getting the team. our commitment is to you to handle the casein the best way possible that's going to maximize

the result for you.


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