Friday, March 31, 2017

lawyer referral ontario

lawyer referral ontario

you know slip and fall accidents havebecome the butt have some humor in our society because people are embarrassed when they fall and sometimes these cases i have developed areputation that's undeserved you know that many people that have fallen in in my experience have suffered some ofthe most devastating injuries and i've seen many over my 32 years as a trial lawyer so don't dismiss these claims i represented a woman that was injuredin a supermarket when she was moving ice

cream from the freezer case behind her was a cart that was used by the stock boy unload groceries he left it in the aisleeven after it finished using it she wasn't aware of it backed up to leave the store and fell down and fractured her hip wellthe store argued she should have seen the car it was there the lighting wasgood she is responsible for her injuries and i argued no she's not the stockboy should have removed the cart when it was empty people are looking in the shelves for products that stores want to sell that's their job

and then they blame people when they'relooking at the products that they want to buy ridiculous we got to the money shedeserved you been injured in a slip and fall accident or trip and fall accident call me i've32 years experience as a trial lawyer and i can help you with your case


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