Monday, March 27, 2017

lawyer attorney at law

lawyer attorney at law

hi, i'm steve kramer of thekramer law firm. i am a florida family and divorce, we're going to be talking about the top 5 mistakes peoplemake in divorce cases. the first mistake that people make isengaging in domestic violence or stalking. this can really have adetrimental effect on your case because one of the things it canlead to is criminal charges and domestic violence injunctions.and the thing about either of those is both of them can havelong-term consequences on your future. if you have securityclearance, you can kiss that

goodbye if you wind up with acriminal charge like that. or even with a domestic violenceinjunction. it can also affect background checks for work andotherwise. so you gotta be really careful with stalking anddomestic violence. you gotta stay clear of the spouse. i knowthings can get tense and heated but you gotta watch yourself.number 2: leaving email and voice messages. you don't wantto be leaving hurtful messages. you don't want to be leavingangry messages because they have the tendency to pop back up incases. the same holds true for

facebook posts or myspace, orwhatever. be careful what you put out there. put yourself inthe position of a judge looking at this email or listening tothis voicemail because that may be the very position that you'regonna be in later on. the next thing that we want to look outfor, and a huge mistake, is what's called "parentalalienation". and that is where you start talking to the kidsand you start telling them how awful your spouse is. "your momis such a terrible person," "your dad is such a terribleperson," but i guarantee in most

cases it's not quite thatnice and the words aren't as diplomatic as the words that i'musing. the thing is, this can have a consequence both on yourcase - because a lot of times it comes out later. if you everhave a child psychologist in the case or what's called a"guardian ad litem" which is a neutral party there to look atthe whole situation and give a recommendation to the court.this kind of alienation can come out and really affect your case.the other thing it does is it puts the children in a reallyawkward position that can have

some real consequences on theirfuture and their psyche. and you really want to look out for thatbecause what we want to do is have as good of a divorce as wecan and protect the children. and that's really, reallyimportant. the fourth thing you've gotta look out for isusing litigation as a tool for revenge because at the end ofthe day you will have spent a lot of money and you will stillnot have dealt with the issue and the anger that reallyprompted this whole thing. litigation shouldn't be usedas a tool for that. use your

divorce to protect your rights.use your divorce to make sure you have a good parenting planfor your child. but don't use your divorce to beat up yourspouse. and the fifth and final one is ignoring claims of drugor alcohol use. if your spouse is accusing you of using drugsor alcohol, that's a claim to take very seriously. myrecommendation a lot of times is immediately preempt that bydoing drug testing. if you're not taking drugs, do the drugtesting so when they come into court and say "she's doingdrugs, she's doing drugs," you

can show them right away: "look,judge, i've done a drug test every week for the past year.there's no chance i've been doing drugs." and what that doesis not only does it paint you in a good light because now you'veshown you're clean and sober, but it destroys the credibilityin the false accusation that your spouse is making. now theylook weaker because they look like they've beenmisrepresenting themselves to the court. and that's gonna havea big impact on your case. and that's something we can look at.there's a lot more we can talk

about with family cases anddivorce cases, but these are five things you really shouldconsider. now why am i telling you this? because these arethings that you need to keep in mind when you go through adivorce and any good attorney should be going through thisinformation with you. so, if you have any questions, call me. ideal with this stuff every day and i'd love to help you out inany way that i can. thank you for watching. also, if you'rewatching this on facebook or youtube, click on the "like"button below. that way, you can

share this information with yourfriends and family. i appreciate you watching our video. i'msteve kramer of the kramer law firm. thanks.


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