Monday, March 20, 2017

i need a lawyer now

i need a lawyer now

do i need a lawyer if i've taken a recalldrug or have a recalled medical device but i'm not symptomatic and showing no signs ofany injury? my name is art elk and i'm the managing partner here at elk & elk. our lawfirm has a broad range of experience in representing people who have been injured as a result oftaking recalled drugs such as vioxx or recalled medical devices such as knees and hips. andsometimes these devices are defective and they need to be explanted or removed fromthe patient. clearly, you need to call us if you have injuries because of such a device.but what should you do if you've taken a recalled drug or have an implanted device like a kneeor a hip and you're not symptomatic? you're not showing any signs of injury. i'll tellya, you need a lawyer with experience because

you could be a ticking time bomb. you couldbe a problem waiting to happen within your body. maybe these products have been improperlywarned. maybe they have not told you about the potential risks or side effects. evenif you're not experiencing any medical problems, you may need medical monitoring. now you maybe one of those lucky people unaffected by a recalled drug or a recalled medical devicebut it doesn't hurt to see if there may be a potential for long-term problems. it's importantthat you have a clear picture as to what to expect. my god, i've been implanted with adevice that's been recalled? when is it going to fail? or i've been taking this drug fora year and a half. what can i expect in the way of symptoms, even though i'm asymptomaticnow? what's going to happen next? pick up

the phone and call me or one of our experiencedlawyers here at elk & elk. we answer questions like yours every day and we have the expertsnecessary to pursue these claims if god forbid you are stricken with a problem because ofa recalled medical device or a recalled drug. you can reach us at 1-800-elk-ohio or simplyclick on our chat box on our website it's easy to get on, it's easy to talk tous and there is no obligation, no commitment on your part. we're here to answer your questionseach and every day. thanks for listening.


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