Monday, March 20, 2017

i need a lawyer

i need a lawyer

welcome to pennsylvania law tv. today we will be talking about traumatic braininjuries. my guest is attorney dave miller and he isgoing to talk with us about this topic. so dave thanks for being here today. thank you. dave what is a traumatic brain injury? traumatic brain injury is any injury thatcauses an external mechanical force and creates brain dysfunction. there are various levels of traumatic braininjuries from very mild concussion like symptoms

to very serious symptoms, life altering symptomsand even death. in more serious traumatic brain injuries youwill see bruising, torn tissues, bleeding and other physical damage that can cause somesignificant long term complications. a lot of times what we hear is that a lovedone will feel fine after an accident but develops symptoms of a brain injury down the road. what do they need to do in that situation? the first thing they need to do is get medicalattention immediately. a brain injury is a very serious injury likei said, that can cause a long term complications if not treated properly and timely.

so my best advice would be to go seek medicalattention, go to the emergency room and eventually i would suggest getting under the care ofa neurologist who will then be able to do the proper studies to make a proper diagnosis. there are very skilled neurologists that canprevent the long term complications from happening if caught on time. what are some of the complications and challengesof handling a brain injury case from your perspective? well from my perspective, first off is thescience. it’s a very challenging area for even anattorney that has dealt with these issues

with clients many times over the course ofmy career. we see types of damages or symptoms that occurin traumatic brain injury clients that can be sort of over looked and maybe just sayingoh their personality is just changing or they are just losing it a little bit they are gettingold, these are things that happen to everybody when they get old. the reality is it takes a very skilled setor group of specialists and neurologists, neuropsychologists, psychiatrist, all thesefolks to come together and make an analysis. and one of the biggest things really is thefamily members and their friends and coworkers who can paint a picture of before and after,because that comparison will really tell the

story to these specialists, who are only goingto meet the injured individual after the fact. when you can make that comparison it reallyhelps to make a proper diagnosis. and if someone has specific questions abouta matter like this how can they reach your office? well they can reach us on the web at www.oconnorlaw.comor by phone at 1-800-518-4law. well dave thank you for your time today. you’re welcome. until next time this is dei lynam for pennsylvanialaw tv.


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