Thursday, March 23, 2017

law line

law line

here he is and you can count on the colonel karl truman our personal injury lawyer we were just chatting about the fact thatthere are so many laws that regulate our lives and taking pictures i mean there'sa whole bunch of different laws about that too karl will help you get out of anybig snag that you're in if you've slipped and fallen if somebody has had medical malpractice against you if youhad a car accident and you don't know how to deal with it and you have written a book

on the subject of insurance so that's prettyimpressive karl yeah as i've said before one of my goalsis try to inform the consumer and try to promote public awareness ratherthan so many lawyer ads just say me me me hire meand all the benefits for them my goalis to just like being on this show is to educate be able to answer questions because i think an informed consumer aninformed public helps our society so much better because there's somuch misinformation out there esspecially in media about what our laws are

and always hearing about quotecivil-less lawsuits which is really not true there are so many talking aboutlaws on the books there's so many immunities it's amazing there so many which i find it odd and ironic that some politicians who want to promote oh we need less government we need governmentout our lives actually are the same people promoting more laws

protecting corporations protecting insurancecompanies providing more immunities restrictingrights of the public and citizens to re-dress their complaints in the courtroom amazing and karl you've got a wholebunch of people who write to you on a regular basis and we only have a a few moments totalk about some of the emails we get but this one is really important and consideringthat prom is coming up so we're gonna hit you with this question my daughter is getting ready to go to promin a few

weeks she isn't driving yet but what if whoever is driving her drinks andgets pulled over would my daughter get in trouble or just the driver i know you're a lawyer and not the law but what do you think that's from terryin floyds knobs well believe it or not well part ofthe question that wasn't in there is the daughter drinking you know first off if she's not drinkingshe should not get into a car well nobody should get in a car with someone who'sbeen drinking and driving of course

but it's very ironic this question there'sa recent indiana pellet course that came out overturning there was a prosecutor actually there was a state trooper pulled over a car and the person driving was sober and there was someone in the back seat whowas drunk and passed out in the back seat but the driver was sober

you know we always hear about designateddriver drink and drive well they weren't the person in the back had toomuch to drink the police officer had pulled the car overfor speeding or some other violation saw this person and actually arrested theguy in the back seat for public intoxication but how can you do that he's in that personal vehiclewell it's still in the public place but the court of appeals actually overturnedthat but the

court convicted him of public intoxication which i think flies in every common sense that we have about well you know you're doing the right thing you'renot driving someone else is taking careof you but then the policeman actually arrested him for public intoxicationand i think that that was totally wrong and the court of appeals agreed but thetrial court and the prosecutor actually went after him and convicted him amazing there is another the whole slip and falltheory this is something that a lot of people

are concerned about and that's why they haveto come to an attorney to get help because u fall in a public place whose responsibility is it that's what amyin louisville wants to know she said she recently fell at a bar at 4th street live because of water on the floor in the fall i broke my tailbone but didn't realizeit until a few days later when it hurt so bad i had to go to the doctor i called to have them covermy doctor's bills and they said they werenm't responsible for anything sorry if this is a live and learn situation i guess she's gonna have to deal with it butis there anything amy in louisville can do about this particular situation

well slip and fall cases are always tough cases because number one kentucky has what's called an open and obvious rule that is if something is like if you're on you know you see ice out herein the parking lot and you see it and step on it and fall well you do have a responsibility of whereyou're stepping and if its something that is clearly open an obvious

then you know the jury can consider that and apportionthe damages or even the judge can throw it out completely so thereis there are some tough issues especially falling in a bar one of the questions the insurance compamny is going to ask well she's in a bar was she drinking and what was it spilledone of the defenses that we always see whether it's a grocery store thatdrop something they always want to say well it justhappened and we didn't have a chance to respond

and clean it up and take care of it becausethere is reasonableness on both sides as far as what is the duty and what istheir obligation it is important to notify someoneright away because if she didn't say anything two days later she says i'm hurt i'm goin tocall this person i'm going to call this bar back and say that i slipped there saturday night what do they know a little suspicious how do they establish if it's true or not even if they want to do the right thing you've got to notify them right away todocument it

and fill out an incident report and make sure you get the name of person who youtalk to because other issue that i seeis people do notify the manager but they don't fill out an incident reportand days and weeks later like i don't remember thatperson they never told me anything exactly well you can find out more about checkingout truman law dot com karl's website and you can also dail numbers in both indianaand kentucky the five o two number is nine six eight six thousand and in indiana eight onetwo two eight two eighty five hundred and you're welcome to send your emailquestions to him and also

during these opportunities to call in live evenif you can't get through on the phones we'll answer your email questions great thank you thanks for being with us today karl and thanks for bringing in new mugs that's right yeah i can't wait to start usingthose karl truman mugs appreciate it we'll be back with more louisville live this morningright the break


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