Friday, March 10, 2017

find a lawyer search

find a lawyer search

how to do a trademark similarity search this video is about a trademark search before launching a new product or a new companyname it is advisable that you do a trademark search before launching the new product orcompany name to avoid a conflict with earlier similar trademarks. so, for example, if youwant to launch a new company called pmw for cars then you can find out with a trademarksimilarity search that there is an earlier trademark bmw. so maybe you find another name. ohim offers a really nice tool to do similaritysearches called tmview not only the eu member states but also othercountries such as the us and korea are contributing

their data into this handy database. so youcan click on advanced search and then you could enter the name off your new could also limit your search with many other search criteria such as classes forgoods and services or e.g. you could also limit the search with the trademark officesthat you would like to search and many other criteria. let's use an example: so we want to launcha new line of t-shirts under name of marimba. so we enter the name marimba and then we alsowant to find similar trademarks so we click on fuzzy search. and then we want to class25, which is clothing and shoes and headwear. then we also want to search in class 18, whichis bags - sometimes considered similar to

clothing. and then we may also want to search14, which is jewellery, which is also sometimes considered similar to clothing. and then wecan hit search. so this gives us all the found similar trademarksthat are in this database from all over the world. all eu countries but also many othersources. you can of course browse these or skip through these results. let's go to thelast page.or the second last page, where we find the marimba results. here we find thefirst two trademarks marimba from mexico. that might not be our core market. so we lookfurther. ant then we see - voila - a trademark marimba from spain in class 25 for clothingand probably for retail services in class 35. so we can click on that and then we cansee all the details of this trademark.and

if we wanted to we can copy & paste the urlto send it to friends, or to clients or to colleagues. we can also send this whole searchto a client or friend or colleagues within the company by clicking this symbol. and thenwe can just copy & paste this url that will lead everyone to the exact same search thatwe configured. if you are not a licensed attorney or patentattorney you are liable for what you do with the search. so if you want to limit your liability,maybe you want to give the search out to a patent attorney. because when the patent attorneygives you his or her opinion about the search, then the patent attorney will be liable forthe opinion and if you run into trouble later on then you can be a little safer. also thepatent attorney has a deep knowledge of the

caselaw surrounding trademarks. so he caneasily tell you whether certain trademarks will be considered similar by courts, or whethercertain goods and services will be considered similar. you can get a much better and morereliable impression of whether your name that you want to use in the future is safe or not. please feel free to like this video, postyou questions in the comments, and share this video with your friends. subscribe to my channel.and as always: reap your ideas!


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