Wednesday, March 1, 2017

california state bar referral service

california state bar referral service

you're a lawyer, a member of the state barof california and your time is precious. but are you taking full advantage of your statebar membership? like the real property law section, where the most up-to-date informationon developments in real property law is at your fingertips. and if not, why not?chances are it's not the 75 bucks a year. many firms will actually pay the section feefor you. maybe you're missing out because we haven't done a good job of explaining thebenefits. so in the next couple of minutes, let's try to fix that.the real property law section is really a community of lawyers with like interests,all related to real property. some section members work in fields that aren't directlyrelated to real property law. but when legal

questions related to real property come up,they go to the real property law section of the state bar. or, as we affectionately callit, rpls. the acronym isn't flashy, but it's, suppose you practice in a field with lots of cross-over, like family law. for you,rpls makes sense because now and then you'll want help with all those real estate issuesthat pop up, especially in divorce proceedings. or maybe your practice is mostly transactional,and you already belong to the business law section. for you, joining rpls can help youlearn the ins and outs of real estate transactions. now, some section members have moved intorelated fields and don't practice law, like real estate brokers. for them, membershipin rpls means credibility and the ability

to keep up-to-date.and then there's access to the rpls e-bulletin. the e-bulletin is a big plus. it's a monthlyeblast with useful info about new cases, networking events, cle and informative articles. you'llbe surprised at just how on-point some of the articles can be.and the rpls has subsections, too, each one focused on a real property sub-specialty.and there's an online catalog with 160 cle audio or video programs. as a section member,they're all accessible to you from the state bar, suppose you don't find the info you need from a cle online video. then, there's thereal property law journal, the leading scholarly publication in california, where you'll findup-to-date information on the most timely

subjects. truth is, rpls resources will saveyou time. and last but not least, the rpls lets youconnect with other section members through social and network meetings. it's the kindof involvement that makes a different to your firm's partnership committee. and it helpsto round out your resume, too. but if you're thinking that you're just toobusy to reap the benefits of rpls, well, think again. some of the most active rpls memberslog in serious billable hours at their firms. and you get to pick and choose your you, everyone involved in rpls wants to keep their commitment manageable. and theydo. and, besides, your rpls contacts can oftenhelp with a little marketing and rainmaking.

that's always a good take a look at rpls. we think you'll like what you see. and who we are. we're the realproperty law section of the state bar of california. so don't wait. get involved. stay connectedand be informed. [url of the real property law section:]


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