Friday, March 17, 2017

houston lawyer referral

houston lawyer referral

los angeles bankruptcy lawyers and certifiedbankruptcy specialists jeff wishman and leon bayer explain why lawyers and tax professionalsrefer clients with confidence. we receive a lot of referrals from other attorneysbecause we've been around a long time. they know us. they know we are reliable. they knowthat we are certified specialists, certified by the state bar of california as bankruptcyspecialists. so they don't have to worry about sending their client to a crummy lawyer. you want a lawyer or any referral base tohave confidence in you, that you're going to give the right answer because it's a reflectionon them, and that you're going to be honest with their referral and fair with the fees.and if you can't help the person, sometimes

that's the best thing, is tell them i can'thelp or you shouldn't file because this is what might happen. we get quite a few referrals from tax attorneys,cpas, and even tax preparers because they know that in some circumstances bankruptcymay discharge income taxes that you owe. if you owe a lot of money in taxes, talk to yourcpa, your tax attorney and talk to a bankruptcy lawyer because you may be very surprised tofind out that that burdensome tax debt could just go away in a bankruptcy case. a lot oftimes, it does. we take all referrals very seriously. ah,we want somebody to feel confident that we're going to handle the case as if it was oneof my relatives that i was handling it, and

i'm going to treat it, ah, just like i wouldtreat every other client, with the utmost respect. take the time necessary to evaluatethe situation and give them the right answers in bankruptcy. tax attorneys really benefit from having agood working relationship with a bankruptcy lawyer because oftentimes these things ariseunder emergency circumstances. ah, it's actually fairly common because people always wait 'tilthe last minute to do things. that's just human nature. it's part of human nature toput things off and to put off things that are unpleasant. put them off as long as youcan. so by the time they go to their tax lawyer or their cpa, and the irs has issued a noticeof seizure against the client's building or

attachment of the client's wages, it's alreadyout of control. something's got to be done quickly. we have the ability to file emergencybankruptcy cases. we have relationships with a number of cpasand tax attorneys where, going both ways, where we're referring to them and they'rereferring to us. and i like the fact, and they like the fact that if they need a quickanswer, they can pick up the phone and call me; and say 'hey jeff, let me run this thingright by you.' and they can feel confident that i'm going to give them the proper answer.and if i don't know the proper answer, i'm going to tell them that as well. in additionto the quick pick up of the phone call, they can refer their client and feel confidentthat their client's going to get the right

answer and going to get proper representation.and that works both ways, so we have a, a great relationship with a number of cpas,tax attorneys, throughout the years and it's worked well for both of us.


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