Thursday, March 16, 2017

get lawyer

get lawyer

i’m darren marlar from,and this is your daily dose of weird news! a study says that chubby, older fathers aremore attractive to women and live longer. ***sorry ladies, but all of this is taken! a new study claims that eating an egg a daywill cut your chance of having a stroke by 12%. ***so i guess i don’t have to feelguilty anymore about my daily mcgriddle sandwich.â  protests against president trump's immigrationplan took place in more than 30 cities over the weekend.â  ***he hasn’t even been inoffice for two weeks and already our new president is getting people outdoors and walking!â  the oldest obama daughter, malia, was seenprotesting against the dakota oil pipeline.

***when i was in college the only time i protestedwas when the cafeteria ran out of tacos.... ... i’m just kidding... i never went tocollege.â  in bridgeport, connecticut, 33-year-old policesgt. stacey lyons was being filmed for a new a & e reality series called live pd in whichshe is seen arresting a man accused of choking his girlfriend. she tells the camera, "domesticsare the most dangerous calls a police officer can go on." as the man proclaimed his innocence,she told him, "this is a domestic situation and i don't have a choice." fast forward afew hours and lyons found herself riding in the back of a police car having just beenarrested for - you guessed it - domestic violence. she allegedly had entered an ex-boyfriend'shouse by punching in his security code and

then confronted him about another woman. theex-boyfriend said the pair got into a shoving match, and he called police. ***thanks forbeing a role model, officer ironic! according to a new survey, 50% of americanssay they can't find anything good to watch on tv.â  ***the other 50% have discoveredyoutube. a mississippi attorney is suing popeyes afterhe says he choked when he had to eat a piece of fried chicken with his hands because aknife wasn't included in his drive-thru order. ***if you can only eat fried chicken witha knife and fork, you have no business living in america.â  that’s like mayonnaise ona hot dog. ten percent of us say traffic has made uscry in the last year. ***actually, it’s

not the traffic itself that causes us to breakdown emotionally – it’s being stuck listening to radio in the 21st century that has as muchoriginality as shia labeouf’s twitter feed. according to a recent study, men on datingsites are more popular if they mention dancing or cooking. ***but pick one or the other.saying, "i like to dance with food" will get you nowhere.â  mississippi lawmaker tom weathersby reallydoesn't want to see your underwear. the republican serving in the state's house of representatives,has proposed a law that could lead to fines and even counseling for people who wear "sagging"pants. weathersby's bill, introduced last week, would make it "unlawful for any personto wear pants, shorts or clothing bottoms

that exposes underwear or body parts in anindecent or vulgar manner."â  ***well, now you have to have a definition of “indecent”or “vulgar”.â  are men walking down the street with their pants low indecent and vulgar?â if so, what do you say about the victoria’s secret billboard – that shows a heckuvalot more underwear than the saggy pants gang.â  i agree, saggy pants are stupid and they makethe wearers look like complete morons, but if you’re going to have a law like thisyou have to make it a bit more clear – or just concede the fact that not everyone isgoing to dress the way you feel is appropriate, and that’s part of how america works.â  watch the youtube version of the daily doseof weird news and also get more weird news

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