Wednesday, March 15, 2017

free lawyer help

free lawyer help

hi. i'm tony castelli,personal injury trial attorney. i also focus my practice on social securitydisability and workers' compensation. my message today is 3 critical mistakes thatsocial security claimants make when applying for social security. the biggest mistake they make is that whenthey get denied, they don't file their appeal or they don't file it in a timely fashion. you only have 60 days once you're denied tofile your appeal. some people just get disappointed and think,"oh what's the use?" and don't even file an

appeal. so what you should do is consult an attorneyto see what chance you have of moving forward in the process. because many many times, people appeal theircase and end up winning. social security denies deserving people. believe it. it happens. the other thing that people do that is a criticalmistake is they don't get a doctor to follow up their care.

there's just about no way that you're goingto be found disabled in front of social security unless you have a good doctor following yourcase. i tell people a good doctor is more helpfulthan a good attorney in the social security case because i can't make up evidence; i can'tcreate what your injury is, explain about it, tell how it restricts you. your doctor must do that. so if you have a good doctor, stick with himand follow what they say. and the final thing is once you've been denied,don't go this alone. this is a bureaucracy.

there's a lot of tricks and traps and thingsyou can mess up on, you don't know about. hire yourself a good social security disabilityattorney. if you do those 3 things, you may find outthat even though you were denied, that down the road you're found disabled and you'regetting your social security benefits.


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