Tuesday, March 14, 2017

free ask a lawyer online

free ask a lawyer online

- we're with johnkelly, john is a personal injury attorneyin phoenix, arizona, and he's agreed to answersome online questions. this actual onlinequestion was related to a pedestrian accident. the question was from barbara. barbara says, "i was injuredin a pedestrian accident. i need an attorneybut i don't know the right question to ask.

i had a case a few years ago, and the attorney i hiredreally had no experience in the type of claim that i had. how should i go aboutfinding the right attorney for my case? - well it's important tofind an attorney who has experience with thetype of claim you have, but it's also importantto find an attorney that generally has theright tools in place

to pursue a claim suchas a pedestrian accident. there are some uniquefactors that go into pedestrian accidents that can kind of make or break a case, and you might wantto ask your attorney, have your pursuedthese types of claims, but what things do you doto make sure that you're shoring up the evidenceand working them up to make sure thatthey're successful.

in my firm, what ido is i make sure that we're hiringan investigator to go look if there's anykind of surveillance video, or getting witness statements, or talking to anyone that may have anything to do with the claim, but also pursuing the personthat caused the accident and finding out werethey on the job,

were they just drivingby themselves and having an insurance policy to go after. so there's differentavenues that you can pursue in these kinds of claims. it's a good idea foranyone who's searching out an attorney generally tojust ask them some questions about their practice. what kind ofpractice do you have? how many cases do you have?

what kind of claimsdo you like pursuing? how successful are youin these kind of claims? and then get a generalfeel from a couple of attorneys who you thinkhas that experience to take it andreally run with it and make sure thatthey're aggressive to pursue the claim. - all right, excellent. well if you have anyadditional question for john,

just post them in thecomments section below. thanks for your answer, john. - thank you, ryan. and you can reach out tome for a free consultation. my office is the kellylaw team and it's at 602-283-4122. - thanks, john.


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