Monday, March 13, 2017

find referrals

find referrals

hi thanks for watching my name is edwardand in this video i want to teach you a quick tip that can allowyou to know exactly what subject or topic people want to know about what i mean islike you know if they were interested in traffic monsoon ok i'm promoting traffic monsoonas my affiliate business i'm also promoting my paying ads and a few others butsometimes i really want to know what is it that people really want toknow with regards to building their trafficmonsoon business or my paying ads business and if you can know exactly what peoplewant to know what questions they have

what problems they have moredifficulties they have if you know if you if you have the power to knowexactly what people are thinking then you can you can get your videos forexample if you're if you're recording videos like i do if you're if you'rewriting blog posts or if you're if you're posting ads on facebook or ifyou're if you're posting google ads or whatever you can instantly know exactlywhat people want to know so stay with with promoting traffic monsoon now let's say for example trafficmonsoon is a key word so if i take dropping one soon in the search box ingoogle ok so you got chatting one soon

as my keyword in the search box tothis is a basic he would now i want to know exactly what people want to whatquestions people have what problems you will have what what what are peopleasking about what people what do people really need to know about how you knowwhen they trying to build up trafficmonsoon business and this is reallypowerful because if you if you can know what people are asking questions peoplehave then you can get you know get in front of all your competition whenposting ads or posting blog posts or or recording videos now so i put in iput in trouble shooting in google here now noticed that we get suggestions fromgoogle so if i if i basically google has

an autocomplete so when we start takinga keyword we get we get automatic suggestions offering us additional scenarios of thethis keyword for example in traffic monsoon strategy, scam, calculator, review, guidethese are all keywords that people are using in the search engines now theseare all these are all interesting keywords is interesting to find out whatpeople are wanting to know you know is what are some good strategies thatpeople people people want to know about is rubbing one as soon as scam forexample you know traffic monsoon calculator if you search traveling onsoon calculator you'll be able to find

an excel file that you can download andyou can and you can you can you can find out you know how much you canpotentially earn in a matter of months for several months or or or insideindia's whatever so you can download that calculator so this is a popularkeyword search obviously trying trafficmonsoon review i don't know why somebody wantsto know how to hack into traffic monsoon think they'll not have any luck in doingthat. traffic monsoon guide so if you if yougot a guide you know most people are gonna do my pdf guide so you could youcould write a blog post about that pdf guide that you know you can rebrandmight read my mind pdf guide about

traffic monsoon and you can read and rebrandat traffic monsoon youtube so you can you can you can get a lot of ideas when puttinginto having one soon you can go on and do extra things like type in aids whatcomes up when you type in a and passes for example account blocked what happens in between d bought by nowlog ok i would explain that thisautocomplete think that do google does these are these are of real searchresults ok these these are real suggestions the people have beensearching for so google is offering you these suggestions based on the fact thatpeople are actually in fact searching

using these terms so you can use thesethese are real terms there's also another tool you probably heard ofcalled keyword planner this is actually for adwords so actually this thedatabase that collects they collect this is a keyword planner ok this is thisallows you to do the same sort of thing you can type in your traffic monsoon andyou can get get ideas keywords and so what i gotta go to similar list here butthen they're actually not really not really coming you know the suggestionsand really that's exactly the same as what you get here what that really meansis basically i've done a little research on this that actually the database ofthe day getting this

the ideas from the difference to the tothe data that they're getting using these strategies here on google searchits most key what tools do you find your you'll find a lot of keyword tools onthe internet and most if not all of them are based on this database on the dateof the you get from google adwords so that that's interesting because that'swhat that means 99.9% of the the tools that you used to get keyword suggestionsare based on this database but in fact the data that you get from here isdifferent and this data is actually more accurate this data is based on keywordsreal people are using to search for if you use if you use this techniqueyou're going to get more accurate

results based on real search terms in areal people are searching for you can also do this on youtube as well but yougotta do to you if you do the same sort of thing the same kind of results payment proofshe did this is what i've searched for myself some gonna delete those so therest of the rest of the suggestions are based on what google+ adjusting for meas a young people so you two are suggesting for me so you get slightlydifferent results on youtube because people want to know specifically aboutyou know how to do it on using a video by watching a video so traffic monsoonhow how to work or strategy various

things you could you can also go throughto people using under a b c d you get all these results by goesthrough the alphabet and see getting started guides get referrals i've hadi've had good i've had good traffic coming in using these keywords try to get trafficmonsoon get referrals how to get referrals anything and then if i clickon the link like this on a search term like this you can see the i'm you see my video ishere so these two ads anyway they paid to get there so i don't count those whoactually i am 12 number 3 i'm my video is number three in the list because iput in how to get referrals in

traffic monsoon so that's based on this keywordi also put these keywords into my keyword when i when i made that videoand i'm in two months i got my i'm you know i have 6505 use for more than ayear think they update if i go directly to the page some reason the list itdoesn't update so so fast but actually i got 77 over seven thousand views in twomonths i made this video two months ago and i also get a little comments as wellso i get a lot of people asking to get into my business because this is anamazing amazing thing youtube is is very very good for getting referrals becauseif you make some good videos you'll get people are asking to get into yourbusiness they come to you need the

actually she write messages as they sayyou know i found your videos on youtube they've been really helpful i reallywanted to sign up on the you if you can help me out here you know so they theyreally want to get into a business so so making videos is a very good way toadvertise your business writing blog posts that kind of thing so hopefullysome of the tips i used here now when you know when you find out some goodkeyword suggestions as i said as i showed you you can you can start makingyour videos or you can start making writing blog posts based on thesesuggestions so you can write blog posts about getting referrals sorry this isthis is a search are used but from this

from from this far removed this andremove this case it's the only suggestions here what google youtube aresuggesting be based on what people are searching for so if you make your blogpost based on these keywords or if you go through the alphabet to seewhat people our age for example how to work how it works how to how to makemoney how to buy ad packs how to get referrals how to get started how tothese are these are search terms that people are wanting to find out they theywant to learn how to buy adipex or how to get referrals so you know teach themif you don't if you don't feel you have authority to teach because you haven'tgot any experience yourself why don't

you just download my pdf file andrebranded and then writer and then make a video promoting that pdf file so whenpeople get excited about that pdf file you can put the link to the pdf fileunder the video that you record and then and then you can get people to todownload your pdf file ok so there there are some great tips and tricks on how tovideos you want publisher or what blog post your new post based on my son thekeyword suggestion ok anyway thanks for watching her that was helpful


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