Wednesday, March 8, 2017

find a lawyer canada

find a lawyer canada

hi, this is michael niren, an immigrationlawyer and founder of one question we get a lot is, "can i do myown immigration application? do i really need a lawyer or immigration professional to helpme?" for the record, let me clear this all up. the answer is a resounding no. you don'tneed an immigration professional. you don't need a lawyer to do your case, in most cases.some litigation cases where you go to court, you appeal a refusal, you are really goingto need a lawyer to help you. when it comes to applications for temporaryresident visas or permanent residence visas, technically the answer is no. you can certainlydo your application on your own. however, there are always risks and benefits to differentpaths to something that you ultimately want,

and in this case you want to get a visa, youwant to get approved, you want to get entry to a country that you are not in, or you wantto stay in a country that you are already in, and you need to take action. so, you haveoptions. of course technically the answer is no, youdon't need a lawyer. the government often tells you that you can do it on your own,and sometimes they encourage you to do it on your own. the problem is that you are dealingwith a process, a procedure where there is thousands and in some cases hundreds of thousandsof applications in the queue, and you have government officials who are reviewing them,and you have to do it right. you have to fill out forms, you have to provide supportingdocuments, and after the application is submitted,

it's in a system. often it can get lost inthe system because there are so many other applications and you are dealing with thegovernment bureaucracy. so, i think you know where i am going here.essentially, you don't need a lawyer. you don't need an immigration professional, butwe are in the business of doing this everyday, and we help people do it all the time. so,it's a question of whether or not you want to improve your chances of success. of course,no ethical immigration practitioner can ever guarantee results because that is just notrealistic. however, the bottom-line is that if you are interested in immigration, interestedin a visa, it's not a bad idea to consult with a lawyer or a law firm, or an immigrationprofessional and get a sense of what they

can do for you because if you are informedabout the differences between doing it on your own and hiring a professional, then youcan make an informed decision. in some cases certainly you may wish to goit alone. in our practice, we do have cases where people have made that decision and thenthey come back to us because errors are made or the government does something that theyshouldn't be doing, and then they come to us to help. often, it would have been a betterchoice to have hired us in the first place, but i'm not going to say to you that you haveto or you must hire an immigration professional for all your cases. it's a personal decision,and only after consulting with a lawyer can you make an informed decision about what youwant to do with your case.

hopefully this gave you some insight. if youlike the video, feel free to click like and visit us at


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