Friday, March 10, 2017

find attorney

find attorney

hi everyone. i am just answering a coupleof frequently asked questions today. it is february 23, 2013. the first question is whycan’t i find an attorney to handle my unemployment appeal in new york state? that’s a complexquestion. unfortunately, new york state makes it difficult for attorneys to get paid forrepresenting people in unemployment hearings in new york state. the claimants for benefitsat an unemployment hearing their attorney can only get paid if he wins and he can onlymake $200. even if he wins or she wins they still haveto wait about eight months to get paid. now to do an unemployment hearing right you’reprepping for a couple of hours. you’re going and you’re spending the morning or the afternoonthere. to do a good job takes time. so unfortunately

nobody does it that i know of. i’ve beenlooking for an unemployment attorney for my clients too for a very long you may ask, why does my employer have representation? as far as i know there areno limits on how much an attorney can charge an employer for fighting someone’s unemployment.that makes it tough. it makes it tough, because you have to represent yourself most of thetime. if you don’t want to do that, what i suggest is call the unemployment actioncenter. it’s a group of law students and what they do; it’s actually a really goodidea. the group gets together law students and it trains them on how to help people andthey go out and they actively try to help people trying to get unemployment can google their name and you will get

their phone number. i know they’re activein new york city. now do call them in advance because i know they’re very busy. so, hopefullythey can help you out and i am sorry no we don’t handle unemployment hearings.we only handle them currently for existing clients, we handle them as a favor and wenever charge for it. so unfortunately we will not be able to assist you with that. but iwish you the best of luck; i hope you do get benefits, ok. i mean it’s unfair i’m notreally a fan of the system but i think this is something you can probably get throughon your own. it’s a very simple hearing process. there’s almost no rules of evidence.just go in, bring your documents, bring your witnesses and tell your story. that’s yourmain concern here. good luck.


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